9.2 = A Sylvanas Dream Come True

Both fanboy and fangirl have negative connotations but “fanboy” especially has been used against Sylvanas fans, like her critics don’t think she’s hot too >.>

Fanboy, “simp”… these words when used in a derogatory manner are being anti-feminist, as if liking a female character is unmanly. I don’t like that.


I wear my worgen fanboy title proudly. It’s not a insult if you own it :smiley:

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I call myself a fangirl and I happily simp for most of these characters regardless of gender.


Ahhhh worgen Micah!!!

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In all honestly, I still feel that if we had to keep everything with BFA and Shadowlands, the only changes I would make is when Sylvanas joined Zovaal and Zovaal’s “motives” were made for clearer. I have stated this in previous threads but I still reckon they should’ve had her join The Jailer after Stormheim. Her gambit to get more Val’kyr failed and here comes Zovaal to save the day. However Zovaal, given his condition needs a show of trust, of loyalty. He had Denathrius steal anima from the other realms including his [Denathrius] own to give to himself. That way the Burning was a test of loyalty. Note that Zovaal would just ask for a large number of souls. It was still Sylvanas’ choice to pick the Night elves for this. Then when Sylvanas returns to the maw at the start of Shadowlands and throughout, have Zovaal gaslight her more clearly. Saying that enslaving souls is a necessary evil. That way Sylvanas defending Zovaals methods when Anduin keeps calling them out for what they truly are makes a bit more sense. Also have her doubts about Zovaals loyalty to her come into question with Zovaal leaving Denathrius to rot. Although I have a feeling that part is being retconned since the Dreadlords still serve Zovaal.

You can also have Sylvanas learning about Nathanos’ death be a moment to cast doubt as well. Maybe even have a cinematic or an interaction between Sylvanas and Zovaal about Nathanos. To which Zovaal will say, “if things go to plan, you will be reunited with him soon” or something. Basically Zovaal keeps Nathanos as insurance. Still keep Mueh’zala, on behalf of the Jailer to trick Vol’jin into making Sylvanas Warchief. That way her plans are more open to the public, matching her internal monologue from Before the Storm. And use that as a reason as to why Genn learned about her plans in Stormheim. Basically Zovaal intentionally sabotaged her plans to trick her to join him.

Finally it would make her betrayal moment in SoD make a bit more sense in the meta narrative. While making her path to redemption feel more earned when she helps us free Anduin, defeat Zovaal and finally ready to face Tyrandes judgement. I just feel having her being in Zovaals pocket since Edge of Night ruins the whole thing. Like she was fine with Zovaals methods for many years but then a blonde human male makes her see the light after she has done horrible things throughout the years. I just feel that ruins the whole point of her arc throughout BFA and Shadowlands.

Side note: I knew you would go back to being a worgen Micah. You can’t escape your inner furry :stuck_out_tongue:


I hope Sylvanas fans realize that any “win” for this toxic, horribly written, butchered character is just another crater in actual Warcraft fans enjoyment of the series. Like I know a great many individuals and indeed entire guilds that list Sylvanas direction and actions as directly responsible for killing or killing in-part their enjoyment of World of Warcraft, driving them away.

That’s why this character and her fans are toxic. Their enjoyment of this single character comes at the expense of the integrity of the entire IP and its other characters, lore, and fantasy. It’s why it’s easy to draw comparisons to these people with toxic fans in other franchises, like the die-hard Imperium fanboys in 40k who are borderline (or even overt) nationalists. You people are part in parcel, along with the likes of Afrasiabi, part of the problem toxifying this decaying fandom. Your obsessive compulsion to lap-up badly written, mean spirited, sexist, mass-murder apologist garbage.


Honestly Dornhiem, real talk, I think you are toxic and it’s people like you who are destroying the intergrity of this forum, and this franchise.

Most Sylvanas fans don’t want to be the pariah’s of this fanbase due to Alex Afrasabi. Fans are not responsible for his actions, he is. Sylvanas fans just want to be a valid and included part of this franchise, and people like you make that impossible.


As I mentioned in the post directly above yours, it could’ve been easily salvaged if the writers took the time and make things a bit more clearer. I wouldn’t say Sylvanas herself is toxic. She clearly regrets doing what she did after she found out (although in a stupid way with the current state of the story) that Zovaal was gaslighting her since the beginning of their alliance. Sylvanas is even going to Tyrande to accept what punishment the Night Warrior will give.

I wouldn’t also say that her fans are toxic. Some are fanatical in their beliefs but I wouldn’t go so far as to say they are toxic.

I find myself in the middle tbh. I don’t like the meta story and I would rather see her character disappear for a long time (I’ve stated that I want her to spend the rest of her days trying to find Nathanos in Torghast. Assuming that his soul still exists). But I am willing to keep an open mind (most of the time). It just makes me upset to see something like this be done a lot better in other media.

Personally I find the Garrosh fans to match this more so than the Sylvanas ones. Mainly because Garrosh had #noregrets in the end. So anyone who actually believes he did nothing wrong are insane in my book. Sylvanas clearly believed what she was doing was the right thing in the end and it turned out it was a lie. Very few people can admit fault and are willing to accept punishment from those they have wronged.


Then they shouldn’t stan for a character that represents mass murder and unprovoked invasion (topical, eh?) in the narrative and the abuse of coworkers and women from corporate sex pests in the real world. It’s that simple. Any other waffling about in my mind delves into the pits of moral relativity.


I miss the good old days when players were just jerks for supporting the wrong things.

Well, a poster mentioned she was female because you said :

There are females who enjoyed it. So maybe instead of fanboy, fangirl? Or how about just a fan.

I flat out disagree.

You also seem to create an “other” out of people who are also fans. You feel you and the people who agree with you are real fans. And those who disagree are not? Balderdash and poppycock!

Perhaps we are fans of different aspects of the franchise.

To associate those who enjoy the cinematic, or are fans of Sylvanas, with white nationalism and Afrasiabi and what ever else is as laughable as it is petulant.

Well they say birds of a feather flock together. Your flock must be perched over a toxic waste dump, with how toxic you are.

I can’t imagine the demented psyche that would let one character drive them in to such spasms. I was mad about Genn and Stormheim - but I quested with him in Nazjatar, and moved on. He personally suffers nothing - he even has his child die as his human shield to deflect any consequences for Genn.

But I still enjoy the game. I definitely don’t blame Genn fans. If I have a… bone to pick… with the story, I know Genn fans didn’t make the story. Blizzard did.

But you seem and others seem to go at the fans for being fans.


Fans of Garrosh exist: EDIT: Real talk about even this character we are seeing right now is a mockery of what slyvanas is and was. She was always a jerk she was like this in vanilla and warcraft 3. I don’t understand why these same people clamoring slyvanas deserves a redemption but arthas doesn’t. Why is it because he is a man?


Lol, you are saying that to someone who has attended multiple LGBTQ+ events, is friends with multiple people who are gay, bi or trans, knows a great deal of Progressive and Humanist ideals, has studied Sociology primarily in regards to Gender and Race Equality and has maintained a positive relationship with all the people in my server who I have interacted with.

I’m the toxic one, eh? Not the salivating Sylvanas fans wanting Alex Afrasiabi’s sexist undead elf waifu and war criminal poster girl to return to the Faction and Playable Race she and her writers thoroughly damaged beyond repair. Sit down, troll.

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Lore forums are way too drama filled tbh.


You think having gay friends makes all your actions nontoxic? Do you see them as some sort of superstitious talisman?

Regardless of who your friends are, you are still being toxic to fans of a franchise because they enjoy it.

Hm. Let us let you answer it.

Yes. You are the toxic one.

I don’t know where you hear this dripping sound when you fantasize about her fans salivating… it may be you.


Yeah, now I know why it is recommended to avoid these forums.

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I’m back!! Rawr!

I’m on the naughty list today. I can’t give likes :frowning:

On one hand, I can appreciate that Dornhiem is anti-nationalist…his anger is misplaced.

I will say it can be a bit obnoxious when Sylvanas fans repeatedly rub her arc into peoples faces.

You can be excited, but saying that you can’t wait for some people to have a mental breakdown (say Grandblade) or repeatedly say they are high on copium is not a good look tbf.


Still not nationalist tho.