9.2 = A Sylvanas Dream Come True

I literally have no idea who the hell Cytriss is. How does that make me fake? They clearly are confused about who they think I am, given the unhinged responses

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I expect someone to maybe put in three seconds of preparation. Your argument style reminds me of my friends in middle school. Can’t remember what happened a year ago? Search engine!

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If that were the case, you should hold yourself to those same expectations. Misrepresenting a post 14 posts later? All to paint yourself the misunderstood victim? Those three seconds might have given you pause on such a shoddy argument.

Did your friends in middle school also call you out with easily backed up reminders of what they said? Because that was my argument; to quote and remind you of what I literally said, which could not be construed in any way as a dismissal of your alleged past interactions with others.

The easily spotted flaw in your reasoning here; if I don’t remember it happening, what am I searching for?

You immediately replying to my post is a serious red flag. But post away. You, Micah, Ren can like each other’s posts all day and night. I’m done.

Nah, they ended up getting jobs. Something most people on these forums are lacking.

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That’s a bold and baseless claim.

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You literally posted a reply to me less than a minute after mine.

Hypocricy is like an addicition to you.

That’s what you came up with?


Small wonder you were foiled by middle schoolers using such advanced tactics as “scroll wheel”.

Look at who it’s coming from. Apparently me, you and alysna liking posts when we think we bring up a good point isn’t normal. Of course they conveniently ignore the numerous posts that don’t get any likes. But those that do? Oh Lordy, what a threat to their fragile ego :wolf: :stuck_out_tongue:

They brought up an angry response I made 10 months ago, ignoring the fact that my two friends in this forum play on RP servers.

Not just RP servers. We’re both Alliance on MG.


Well, apparently having friends, sticking up for them and liking their posts when you know…like what they said is a no no around here.

I don’t know about you, but I noticed like 98% of the unhinged and disturbed posters on this forums…are all alliance mains. Weird isn’t? :wolf: :stuck_out_tongue:

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I do think Alliance mains are generally mean, more so if they main a male dwarf. I think there’s a stereotype about male human paladins, but there should be a stereotype about male main dwarves.

I have noticed a resurgence in Alliance male dwarves posting lately, and I’m sure it’s not a coincidence that they all came back at the same time.


“Beer, haggis, and guns… beer, haggis, and guns… beer, haggis, and guns…ARGH! I really need to go out and dig up some Titan artifacts, RIGHT NOW, even if I have to exterminate an entire Tauren tribe to do it!”

I keep wanting to play a dwarf, but find myself floundering about and deleting them after not-all-that-long. They’re a classic fantasy race, with some great story stuff and a fun aesthetic. Maybe it’s me, preferring taller leggier races, or maybe it’s just that the game I’d be playing them in appeals to me so much less than it used to.


The aspect of aggressive male dwarves is partly why I made my thread about how what people play represents them.

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I hope you know when I said “Alliance posters are the meanest” I 100% meant it to you as a compliment.

Calling someone mean isn’t a compliment

You forgot “Lordaeron belongs to the Alliance!”

You did call Micah a predator tho…

That’s pretty mean.

I said Micah has posted like a predator, not is one. And it wasn’t a compliment.

I’m going to ask to kindly drop this. Whatever evlysaas problem is with me, it’s exactly that, it’s their problem. I’m here to talk about the lore and joke around with friends. :wolf:


I’ll drop it.

I thought I was making a fun depreciating joke with a friend. It escalated too far from there. You are right Micah. I’m sorry for pushing it too far.

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