9.2 = A Sylvanas Dream Come True

Damn, sounds like these Dwarves really know what’s up, people should listen to them


Welcome back Ainhin. Did you sniff this post from a mile away? :rofl:

If you summon him… he’ll come.

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Why? If I want barely thought out premises and some weird fetishization of a video game faction, I can just re-read Erevien posts.

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I have a character of every class and only 2 are Dwarves (this guy and my Shaman.) Most are humans, with a couple of Worgen and Void Elves

In terms of Dwarves being aggro I don’t think that they’re so much aggro so much as the Dwarven archetype in fantasy is usually jovial but practical. Sometimes relentlessly practical.

Humans are more likely to be worried about ideology and being heroic whereas Dwarves are more likely to point out that being heroic doesn’t matter if you’re dead and the most heroic thing that you can do is make the call and solve the problem even if it means getting your hands dirty.

Dwarves are essentially the Dads of the Alliance.

There were no Dwarves in the throne room cutscene in the Siege of Lordaeron because if a Dwarf was there they would have just shot Sylvanas immediately instead of giving her an opportunity to surrender because lol why the hell wouldn’t you get rid of the problem, she’s sitting right there

Unrelated but I feel like the forums have been way less hostile ever since blizz announced cross faction play. It’s nice. Nature is healing.

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