9.2 = A Sylvanas Dream Come True

You kinda should be.


No offense, I kinda see you as neutral(Nice Hair!). But your peers are lacking tact.

This is a strange accusation you’re making, given your posts in this thread.


But I guess I’m happy someone’s enjoying this story at least.


I played nice. Do you want me to pull the posts of Ren calling me slooout because I’m Moon Guard?

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Gonna be honest, it won’t change much of anything. It will still be hypocritical to say others are lacking tact while showing none yourself. Castigating others for actions you’re going to indulge in isn’t the look for 2022.

At least own your hypocrisy like I do!!


I’m not gonna get baited into ban a week and a half before the Sylvanas book drops. You are barking up the wrong tree Lemon.


Totally agree OP. I love it. I’ve been simping for Sylvanas since WC3 The Frozen Throne.

It’s a shame that so many people refuse to understand the story or the many meanings infused within it. But given that our box offices are dominated by jock magic films (superheroes) I’m not surprised. The story is a lot more subtle and nuanced than the forums/Reddit give credit.

I love how Sylvanas implies that she will now shoulder the burden of responsibility that Arthas had carried for the acts that led to all of this. She has shown humility at the end of this in a measure never seen before in WoW. It is inspiring.

Victory for Sylvanas!


Well, at this point, the whole situation is just laughable. I can’t even take what they say serious :wolf:

Anyway, I’m actually excited about the sylvanas book. I hope it fills in a lot of the blanks. Especially whatever deal was struck between Zooval and Sylvanas. :wolf:

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Same here.


At least you’re truthful. Having an open mind seems toxic these days, right?

No one cares.

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Hmm. I’m not sure where you’re trying to go with this.

I don’t know if I’d call walking into a thread to attack people “open minded”.

I also wouldn’t call not taking some contextless forum post as an excuse to attack people in a forum thread as “close minded”. Certainly, no past behavior is going to make attack-posting tactful.

I’m pretty open-minded. I have no problem admitting when I’m wrong, owning my mistakes, or trying my damnedest to see both sides of a situation. But when one side instigates the issue, makes claims that they can provide proof of past wrongs without just showing said proof, and worst of all, misuse the word “tact”?? They aren’t giving me much to be open minded about.

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I originally was going to stay out of this, but I find it weird and creepy that I don’t even know Cytriss, never interacted with them, yet they apparently think about me constantly and seem obessed with everything I say on here.

I’d laugh if it wasn’t so sad :wolf:


Clearly you do.

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You literally said that me showing you evidence of our toxic interaction wouldn’t change anything. “Hey, facts won’t change my opinion.”

You’re such a fake.

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I really don’t. You’re boring.

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You clearly got me confused for someone else. Who do you think I am? :wolf:

Okay Lemon :rofl:

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Actually, what I said was very clear:

If you’re going to be outright dishonest, do it much later when it’s harder to scroll up and find my exact quote.

Are… Are you honestly expecting anyone to remember you from an interaction nearly a year ago?

No offense, but if we’ve ever interacted six months or longer ago? I probably forgot. Hell, if it was a brief interaction last week, I might not remember you.