9.2 = A Sylvanas Dream Come True

Still not a real life threat tho!


depends on the clock. If it is a 24 hour digital clock then it is only right once a day :stuck_out_tongue:

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My take was that he had hoped Zovaal should’ve listened to him and take a more subtle approach in their schemes (aka the Dreadlords).


Yeah, I got that feeling as well 100%.

Both to the players, and kind of towards the old writers too “That was their time, it’s our time now.” {Queue the evil villain music}

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If they did to my favorite character what they did to Sylvanas I would be besides myself. Its relived shes been a pawn since the entirety of us knowing her. In such she was used to commit cosmic scale oblitration of countless souls. All this for her to scold a literal other pawn of the Jailer (who caused FAR less devistation) in front two people she previously waged war on. Those same two people being allied with another two people whos nations were litterally plagued or burned to the ground from her.

Now don’t get me wrong, the ending of the old Sylvanas is something I like but if that was the same character I became a fan of I would not really call this transition a dream come true…especially in the way they did it with the soul split, this Sylvanas is quiet litterally a new character.


So, unfortunately, I have a pretty good memory. My first experience with Micah was them defending Luxio. Who is Luxio? Well, let’s get to that. When called out on posting multiple characters, then shown proof, and trying to dismiss it, Luxio denied everything, so did Ren(who was sloot-labeling? at time? ). And who came to their rescue for no reason. “Hey, just cause they have the same pets, with the same nicknames, that’s no proof.” That showed a lot of their character.


This was dumb

Still unhinged about me huh? Well, I suppose I should be honored that I been living rent free in your head this entire time. I really need to start charging some y’all :wolf: :stuck_out_tongue:


Oh yes, thank you Citrus for showing that even when we were on the different sides of the argument, Micah was still a friend. A++

Micah is constistent and that says a lot about his character.


I do not feel this is enough to make me forgive blizz for the character assassination of Sylvanas in bfa, but this does put a smile on my face.

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I would also like thank Citrus.

I am a huuge lemon fan. Lemonade, lemon sorbet, lemon cookies, lemon juice in drinks, Lemonheads… the smell of lemon.

I almost want to say I love “anything lemon!” but I think there is a vulgar term involving lemons that I might not partake in…

Lime and grapefruit are great too.

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Despite how sexual of a person I am, I still don’t know what a lemon party is

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Glad someone liked this “ending”.

But to me, this is all ridiculous.

Arthas disappearing like a fart?

How the hell do we beat the jailer with just the power of a set and covenant? that was really weird…

Sylvanas didn’t know anything?
I understand the separation of the soul (I do but I think it’s really bad for the story), but can’t she finally TALK to everyone and explain that something big is coming? Or did she really follow the jailer without knowing anything?

In fact, there’s not much to do anymore: the ending of bfa in terms of lore was bad, the whole shadowlands arc was bad, none of the lore was good. The entire wow story is ruined.

I remember at the time of Legion, the youtuber Pyromancer spent hours and hours making lore theories, theories about the old gods, about n’zoth…when BFA arrived he celebrated and a few months later he saw the size of the idiocy they were creating .

There is a magic behind lovecraft stories… which is the mystery, the grandeur of beings from another dimension and the way they terrorize the living (or this side of reality).
Pre-BFA almost did it… in an excellent way. But they dropped the ball and will never recover that lovecraft “magic”.

…to this day, I can’t forgive the way we beat n’zoth with a kame hame ha (and I love Goku huh)…

Sylvanas’ phrases for the arthas’ “soul” were strong, but it’s no use now. It’s like a strawberry… on top of a shi**y cake.


I think that is the best thing that could have happened. Cdev is allegedly trying to clean up story beats that were already established. I would much rather see him disappear as a fart than return as a turd. I’m glad Sylvanas got this; I actually stopped waiting for it and simply moved on. I was very content with her ripping the Helm of Domination as a symbol of closure. I am pleasantly surprised.

I know a few people wanted Uther and Jaina to chime in with their reflection, but this was Sylvanas time to shine. The way things are going if Jaina and Uther speak about Arthas it will be to take turns crapping on his legacy and spitting on his grave. There is still time for that, but at the end of the day I’m glad this scene was given to Sylvanas.

I’m under the impression that she knows the entire plan, and was all for it until she figured out that she would serve death which she has been talking about serving death for at the very least 2 expansion now. Its a bit of a mess, but it seems logical to conclude that this was yet another instance of mustache twirl Saturday morning cartoon stupid guy.

We have 2 weeks until the Sylvanas novel, we may get an in-depth reason why she chose to side with Zovaal. I’m not holding my breath, and I’m fine chalking it up to mustache twirl seeing as we’re likely done with that chapter of Sylvanas. Thank goodness.

I thought her character was complexed before, at this point she even more complexed due to the soul split.

I’ve always speculated that Sylvanas soul wasn’t 100% so this character development isn’t a big deal for me. I knew the day would that we would see RG again, but I wasn’t anticipating that she would become a mix of RG Sylvanas and BQ Sylvanas.

All I see is a lot of potential for Sylvanas; I view this mix of RG and BQ Sylvanas as a positive in regards to her future and story telling in general.


Nope not the best thing already people have come up with something better. 1/10 trolling for effort

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Well in that case going to have to agree to disagree, glad there are a few people enjoying this I suppose.


I don’t think you should compare an elf murdered and turned into a meat puppet by magic to the events of a real war.


It’s 100% projection on thier part. Which is why I no longer take it personally. A lot of them are using Sylvanas as a standin for thier personal gripes against women in general, disobedient women especially.

Those same people show thiet double standards when they don’t see Arthas or Garrosh or thier fans as equally problematic… just Sylvanas fans… because Sylvanas threatens them in a way no other character does.

And I’m okay with that as her fan. She’s clearly ruffling the right feathers, so to speak. She threatens the status quo.



I’m honestly embarrassed. Trying to fit in, you claimed Ireland’s coast as your culture, saying it was acquired. Seriously? My grandparents were Irish, Norwegian, that aint us.

Can’t even get my name right. How much of a joke are you?

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