9.2 = A Sylvanas Dream Come True

I know it’s a flashback. Denathrius was supposed to be the Jailer’s ally from the beginning. It’s possible he was just going along with the Jailer’s imprisonment.

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The words have double meaning, so yeah.

TBH they could even indicate Denathrius being the actual big bad (yuck, not again).

Oh I knew there was a connection between the Jailer/Revendreth and the Forge of Souls.

Yo, this means they cut a LOT out of Shadowlands that explains this connection.

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I have my moments :wolf: :stuck_out_tongue:


Yes. Too much.

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Ion claims no patch was cut, remember.


/pained smile

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If the epilogue is Yogg-saron related I will poop my pants in excitement.

They should have just delayed the whole expansion. Lore like this is so important. Now its up to us to fill in the blanks and I started. But it’s a BIG task…

It’s pretty clear we’re missing a lot information regarding Zooval and his intentions. Seems like Dansauer and co were so desperate to end the stories that Afrosiaba started, they didn’t care how it affected the playerbase

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Did they really just fix the freaking sky? All Sylvanas’ damage erased in one expansion? (The sky was so pretty broken)

This is not going to go over well…

“That’s it?” That was my reaction. Well, at this this dumpster fire is almost over and it will be time to make a new fire in a new expansion.


Not picking on anyone’s story views; but that is such a mistake for a writer to make.

TBH I still think they were out of their depth and experience.

“You can’t just snap your fingers and…”



Shadowlands was just a sidequest to bring back Ranger General Sylvanas and that’s it.

She didn’t even get to set us all free…


Well that garbage cinematic has turned me off. Edit: funny I was leaving for eu forums but I wanted my final post to retcon this expansion. I don’t have any words blizzard keeps spitting on WoW players that love the lore and there will be people defending this garbage


Thanos: I just wanna stop the overpopulation crisis
Vader: I just wanna bring order
Morgoth: I’m jealous my master created everything, and just wanna to create my own things
Zovaal: I just wanna unify a divided cosmos against an unknown threat to all of them
Hitler (butting in): I just wanna protect the world from International Communism, and the conspiracy of wealthy Jews that’s backing it.
Thanos: Wait, hold up-
Vader: Communism opposes people getting wealthy
Morgoth: How does promoting it benefit these ‘rich Jews’ you speak of?
Zovaal: Also, racist much?
Hitler: …shut up! You fictional villains and your ‘having motives and problems that actually make sense, and just go about solving them the wrong way’, I’m so frickin jealous!



With the apparent direction for the Epilogue, salt won’t be worth much when it comes out!

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…okay, Shadowlands was better than Rise of Skywalker, but not as good as The Phantom Menace.


Now THAT’S podracing


How is this a real life threat?

Call-out posts are against the ToS Doness.