9.2 = A Sylvanas Dream Come True

A broken clock is right twice a day. If I quote Napoleon Bonaparte, it doesn’t mean I agree with everything he did.


I’m assuming he means the Far Right. Or any side that opposes anyone he considers to be a Leftist. It’s the only thing that I can think of :wolf:

He makes an ‘other’ out of everyone so it’s hard to know what his stance is on anything. Racism is a far right thing tho. If i’m opposite of that I think that’s a good place to be.

I hardly think Smallz is an advicate for the left, but he could just be confused.

He’s anti-me and that’s the only thing about him that is consistent and I’m okay with that tbh, the ignore list exists for a reason.

As I said the guy says something obvious and the follows it up with something crazy.

He lures in the gullible with the “good” advice that anyone can offer and then unloads the rightwing talking points.

View his stance on women, climate change, social equality, selfcare and etc.
So whatever side I stand on is the opposite side where JP finishes his secondary point that he wanted to get to all along.
When you have a professor who says the curiculm at an ivy league school is worse than Noth Korea and cries about it you know this guy doesn’t think about much at all.
He is a grifter. And its a good thing he finally got fired. The man is unhinged.


Given that calling Sylvanas ‘capable of cruelty’ is an egregiously massive understatement, this feels like a simultaneous straw manning of both her and Anti-Sylvanas types.

“Oh, you just don’t like Jack the Ripper because he’s not feminist.”

Please note that I personally dislike Anduin too, for essentially the reverse reasoning- he’s completely incapable of cruelty, hatred, pride, envy… hell, the only time we’ve seen him angry was when an Old God was mind####ing him, and the only times we’ve seen him doubt was when he was sad thinking about how everyone in the world was seemingly not inherently decent at heart.



He resigned to become an honorary professor, aka he retired. last year actually.

I think you missed the point. Skarm, it’s not about the cruelty. It’s about the fact the someone can be and choose not to be.

JP, for context, is a huge fan of Jung, which he also illudes to in the quote. The integration of the Shadow can ve seen alkegorically through Sylvsnas’s split arc. RG sylvanas was a victim because she was someone who was not cruel, and that lead to her death. She has this line Arthas-Rise of the Lich King where she says she won’t resort to back handed tactics, not even to save her own people. The Banshee Queen on the other hand us the most dangerous aspect of herself because she’s the person who would use underhanded tactics to save her people.

I think this is a meta, that anti-Sylvanas people are not in the right headspace to approach objectively. Hence why this is posted in a pro-Sylvanas thread.

It’s about the integration of the Shadow, psychologically and spiritually. In hindsight we had to see the worst part of Sylvanas’ Shadow for her to grow as a character, that’s what BFA was, her at her absolute worst. Her future story is about how she’s going to integrate the Shadow and become whole.

It’s Jungian pyschology.

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Haven’t seen something this surprising in awhile. Wasn’t expecting to see Ren defend JP and Small oppose him.


Sylvanas is a feminist icon!
Then proceeds to defend someone who agrees a women’s worth is based on marriage.

We are in uncharted territory.

I thought he lost his tenure and then quit as a protest but if you say so then my mistake.


I’m full of surpises :wink:

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Sylvanas didn’t fail against Arthas because she wasn’t ruthless enough. He was just an order of magnitude more powerful, and had a traitor (Darkhan) open the gates for him.

Choosing not to be cruel is nothing special. Virtually the entire human race does it all day, every day of their lives. Sylvanas doesn’t deserve a pat on the back for spending a day refraining from doing something most non-psychopaths would never seriously consider doing in the first place.


Its like back in BFA. A lot of people were celebrating that Saurfang would not kill defenseless civilians in Darkshore. Like how low is this bar???


Are you sure you don’t like him Smallz?

Are you really, really positive?

Stop calling out people.

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Same to you.

Okay hypocrite.

this is a weak defense, but it’s possibly because orc culture doesn’t have civilians as we think about them, or at least hasn’t until recently. They were originally a hunter-gatherer civilization on a very violent world where everyone had to be able and willing to fight, or the entire group might be killed. If you didn’t fight, weren’t a warrior, you were weak, unworthy, garbage. Even in Vanilla, ‘civilian work’ was preformed by peons who were treated like crap. Even tauren and the smaller tribal troll civilizations work under similar principles.

It’s still a weak defense because the Horde races have still spend decades interacting with cultures with different social values and understand them even if they don’t follow them themselves.


You call out actual scummy people. Evelysaa just makes false and unfounded claims against people.

You did nothing wrong.


You know nothing about me. You have nothing but baseless accusations. JP does this thing where he completely perverts what the message is and links it to completely different concepts that bare no relation to it and then he proceeds to make an easy take down of a point that was never made.

Instead of you and Micah trying to make up crap actually address what I say if you are going to bother to reply. Or leave me on ignore, maybe take a page out of my book. When I put people on ignore. They stay on ignore.

And if they show themselves. What are you going to do?


Point out anywhere I’ve made false claims against people.