9.2 = A Sylvanas Dream Come True

I think the other characters’ doomsday clocks were rolled back one hour when they decided to reduce Faction barriers.

Ho Hum, Blizzard being contrarian now, they want it to be “Fall back in the Spring”.

Except that I did. You asked for the source and I gave you it. Not my fault your own personal biases blind you to the truth.

The only one pretending is you.

You should tbh.

You are one to talk.

The point is that Garrosh could’ve or every much would’ve if he had more time with Anduin. It is clear that Anduin was getting to him over the course of their interactions. However Kairoz proposed a get out of jail free card.

You realize you’re not going to win debating him right? That’s a lost cause :wolf: :stuck_out_tongue:

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Ikaar’s not in the Discord. He was made fun of there as well. Apparently he made an awful thread that got deleted.


I’m shocked. He’s generally pretty unhinged when he responds. Figured he fit right in with the discord. They must be hella toxic if even he doesn’t fit in :wolf:


I dunno, just seems like a good fix it fic.

Oh. Okay than. I thought you had something written down or something :wolf: :stuck_out_tongue:

I had some ideas back when i thought the Jailer and Sylvanas’s plan was the break the Timeway but that didn’t pan out.

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What if the Timeway wasn’t meant to last?

I pray that the First Ones anticipated such an eventuality. That they would leave measures in place to preserve their grand design.


Unless their design was never meant to endure.

And that… is the possibility that haunts me.

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So we are going to face the Once-ler!

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While I would like seeing Sylvanas actually get punished, even I think that’s harsh.

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It better be the Once-ler from Biggering and not How bad can I be.


Breaking time to undo your crimes does not absolve you of your crimes, it just makes you a time criminal in addition to all your other misdeeds.


Actually the fact that she’s done terrible things and yet realizes and admits she did wrong makes her more of a candidate for therapy in Revendreth, since the whole purpose of it is to put souls who deserve a chance at redemption onto the path for a better afterlife. You get tortured/tossed into a crpyt for a few centuries only if you absolutely refuse to admit that you deserved to be sent there and/or didn’t do anything wrong. Sylvanas has admitted she’s done terrible things and deserves to face the consequences, so she’d just be further along in her therapy, like Kael’thas.

However…a key point IS whether she’s going to be alive (undead) by the epilogue. If so, Pelagos can’t judge her because the Arbiter only judges souls, not people who still have their mortal bodies intact.

I will miss this dinghy dame.


Morozond tried to change Artha’s fate first.

Fate is the real enemy here. Not Sylvanas. If she was always fated to be the next Arthas, and there was no way to escape her fate…is thier truely free will in this universe?

The important choices any character makes, is the choice to reject fate and try to make thier own fate. Like Illidan destroying Xera, or Sylvanas shooting an arrow at the jailer.

Exactly. People who hate sylvanas for the actions that a single man wrote for her (a man who didn’t like the character) have the most holier than thou attitudes when it comes to people being happy with parts of the story that made them enjoy the game.

Genn and Jaina have serious plot armor problems, and Genn is a really bad person, but I don’t grief his fans.


As a Genn/Worgen fan, I can’t resist not responding. Is Greymane a terrible person? From a certain point of view sure, but he always had his peoples best interest, or what he thought were their best interests at heart. Say what you want about him, but the man does love his people :wolf:

(Totally biased response by the way :stuck_out_tongue:)

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I think he means well but he’s just deeply, infathomly incompetent, and I way prefer crowley. I just want there to be more recognition of his mistakes in the narrative. Or at least some on screen self-reflection.


That’s fair. But I love that he’s a flawed human being :wolf: