i admit, english isnt´my native language. But i don´t think that my last sentence was so unintelligible
harsh, but fair. I will try to improve myself.
i admit, english isnt´my native language. But i don´t think that my last sentence was so unintelligible
harsh, but fair. I will try to improve myself.
Just a joke post to explain the animation
And that’s how the telephone game makes everyone look bad!
I’ll try and be less rough on you than. Didn’t know that.
IIRC He’s a German speaker, which is a more “blunt” language (think that’s the best way to say it). Coming from German to english can cause things to come across sharper; and also feel like run-on statements because of how German forms ideas.
Having said that, you and he will disagree on a lot, like you already do.
I just figured I’ll try not to assume he’s being insulting when he’s just making a statement. Explains why things get lost in translation sometimes though
i have no problem to disagree with people on a term of facts, my problem is if the try to bring their emotions into matter of facts to dismiss them.
Thats not ok for me, it will be impossible to get a solution out of such a argument. You can not simply argue …emotions.
That is and was my problem the last months here. If you try to bring facts into the discussion, people will in part response with accusations like “you’re just saying that because you’re a misogynist, or even a racist when it comes to certain races in wow”
This is just very damaging and annoying to the whole culture of argumentation. AND i like argumentations, i like arguing about topics of facts, of the lore. i´ll not argue here about emotions, but its very very difficulty to argue something …because everyone react so highly emotional…and its difficulty for me to react to them, personal reasons.
As someone who lives near Detroit Michigan. i can think of no worse punishment.
I am excited to see Tyrande’s judgment because I think we’ve been selling Tyrande short. Tyrande is going to give her either an ultimatum or a threat.
I disagree.
Arguments should stand on their own.
Screw the notion of a culture of argumentation. There are facts to consider. And I would consider people having various opinions as a fact. There is hardly ever universal agreement.
I can respect the Germanic ethos and looking down on English as unworthy of learning… but, if you wish to discuss in the parlance, that is how it goes.
I try to look at the meat of the point. The argument. I don’t consider some culture of argumentation. I consider the facts, and I consider opinions and emotions, because they can be based on facts.
After BFA and it’s hyper-emotional style the players are mostly reacting out of emotion. That’s just the mistake of the developers. You also, when you talk about the idea of justice, are getting into what an english speaker thinks is emotionally based discussion.
With so many pieces of the story being re-worked to fit what they’re doing now I don’t know that there are a lot of real facts to argue, yet.
I’d say we need the end of the story in SL before we can actually assert facts, just because they keep changing things on everyone.
It’s because they have a history with you, specifically, to say these things. And other people as well.
if you debate a certain topic, they stand on their own, but if the discussion move away and change entirely because people start to bring emotions into facts, than this discussion will be escalate, very quickly…because you CAN`T debatt emotions, so i would like to see a change on this behave.
i don´t even talk about real life problems in this forum, and i´m certainly not a racist by thinking about a fantasy setting, and not an misogynist by thinking that sylvanas deserved to be punished.
i don´t join the “you can´t criticism certain races because they are build on the poc block”, because its only a fantasy race, i respect the poc in reallife and their cultures, but in a game? In a game such things don´t exist, in a fantasy game its exist only that stuff that is written down, nothing more, nothing less. I have no problem to kill humans in wow, with my horde toons, should i cry too everytime a human is killed because they are build on my own culture?
You complained about the Amazon show having dark-skinned elves because of Tokenism, and aversion to retcons. Same stuff people said about dark-skinned Blood Elves in WoW. It’s racist. Representation is more important than sticking to minor lore.
I can imagine then that I could appear to be very provocative, because I do not see it emotionally but rather factually and accordingly try to stay on this term, although the emotional debate has long since begun.
A aggresiv Galadriel? A “newcommer Elrond in the background as diplomate architect”? A Beartless black Dwarf woman and a black elf…so many things are simply…wrong, lorewise, wrong!
Galadriel was the architect, but not a fighter.
Elrond was a general and fought in many wars, his ring even emporewed this possibility
The woman miss a beard and and and …
And this is where I still disagree. The respect of a work is the legacy and the heritage of its creator. Tolkien created this world for the Anglo-Saxon legends because the Germanic roots did not write it down and this culture was lost.
If you want respect for your own culture, then DEFINITELY should you also respect the works that serve a specific purpose for another culture.
LOTR isn´t only a fantasy-story, and its disrespectfull to ignore everything tolkien wanted to archieve with it.
And to defend the lore and tolkiens work is certainly NOT Racism, wtf! This is such an insulting statement to dismiss this entire valid criticism with “its racism to think otherwise”…
He wanted to bring back a lost writing form of Anglo- Saxon literature. Not the racist garbage you just mentioned
Racist Garbage? Show me, where it is Racism?
Here you go
Where is that racism? Its a valid criticism regarding the Middleearth lore. If you want an different fantasyuniverse…then, please, no one stoping you from writing one.
Tell me, have you ever read Lotr? Are you familiar with tolkiens writing practise? He was one guy to take its time to even descripe on 2 sides how a hobbit-foot look like, two sides description for such a minor Detail. He take this time for almost every charakter and race, in my eyes, its disrespectfull to his work to ignore his ideas how middleearth look like and how the races work there.
You’re upset because they’re black. That’s racist