9.2 = A Sylvanas Dream Come True

Before I head off to work, I just want to say is that I readily admitted that what I did back than was dumb and I regretted it. I’m not proud of it.

It’s why, now, I stick to responding to basically the same 5 people every thread. You, alysna, doness, curse and Deathisfinal.

I’m trying to better, but I still got called a predator for it. It’s exhausting having to deal with two faced people on here constantly. I honestly don’t know what to.


You’re not a predator. You’re strange, change every 5 minuts your oppinion on the people around you, in my eyes, you have not really your own opinion regardless certain topics, expect gilneas, you are more like a coward and prefer to hide beyond others.

Back then as many nightelf fans were there, you joined their “side” overall, but the moment they left a topic or an threat you joined the next “group”, even if they talk the entire opposite as 5 minuts before

Your only objective isn’t to stand alone, nothing less, nothing more.

Thats my exp over the last 3-4 year regarding your persona. Sounds harsh but this is how i feel regarding you.

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Zahir, take your sad attempts to insult me elsewhere. I don’t care what you think or what you say. You’re sad, you’re pathetic and I’m done with you.

Welcome to ignore

Micah…this isn’t an insult but the observation of your own behave in the last years.

But fine ignore me, it’ll not change what you do and what you did.

And sad? Pathetic?^^ what??

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I’m being serious right now, I have repeatedly said I regret what I said two yrs ago. And you are still struggling to understand what regret means. Do you know what the word means?

You’re acting like I’m always attacking you. I have said that you are not a predator, and I stand by that, a predator acts differently, but you have been a coward. I’ll see what the future brings and how honest you are about your regrets.

I been pretty honest the last two yrs, I want you to understand one thing crystal clear. I’m not here to please you or anyone else who has a low opinion of me. I will post what I like and what I find fun.

So y’all better start learning to deal with that

Considering that most of these people refuse to acknowledge that even Sylvanas has regret for her actions. I would say no, they don’t understand regret.

Most of your critics 1) wont apologize when they have done something wrong. 2) don’t understand basic empathy.

And they have the audacity to treat you like you are the one in the wrong?

I don’t have a lot of respect for regular posters who offer nothing to any conversation other than extreeme negativity, and you are not one of those people.

There’s nothing disrespectful about setting boundries with people hell bent on trolling you. None of other posters kniw how to give criticism, they are all just being rude. Which explains a lot about why they have no friends.

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Don’t even dare to pretend you as a victim. You even try to sillence regular critisism and very very hot takes from you by insult people to hate woman.

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I learned a valuable lesson yesterday. I really to be better at picking and choosing who I respond to. I’m not even upset about yesterday. It was a sobering wake up call that some people on here are simply not worth my time

Why to completely not comprehend what I just said

I said to you what i want to say, if you say you regret, fine for me.

My last post was about ren. This ‘i did nothing wrong’ behave from her and all others are simply mean persons and hate womans is such a terrible lie, its disgusting

Maybe I’m the only one who saw that cinematic differently, but I didn’t see it as a redemption for Sylvanas. I saw it as closure, for her (and for that chapter of WoW on an out of game perspective).

I’ve been of the belief that Sylvanas won’t be returning with us to Azeroth (since the beginning of this expansion). Whether of her own free will or some other mechanism I don’t know. I think the game will be duller for losing an interesting character, but the story will continue.

Metaphorically this cinematic showed her watching the last aspects of her abuser disappear, not with anger or rage, but saying goodbye to the power he held over her, and the power his actions had over her. It felt freeing and empowering all at once, and didn’t diminish for a moment my feelings of her as a strong female character.

I loved it.

Redemption (and I’m not saying forgiveness) is subjective, but if they intend to show her as redeemed, there’s a very different path to show. Redemption involves others (normally). This was personalized.


The one thing I did get a chuckle out of yesterday though, was being accused of posting stuff for likes. I can’t help it if people like the posts I put up. :wolf:


Okay, the whole “Ren thinks everyone hates women” comment just proves you are a reactionary troll Zahir, that doesn’t read to comprehend anything I say.

In that very same comment I doubted that was the reason. But as a woman that is just my first assumption because I’m experienced in passive aggressive sexism, especially in video game forums with toxic communities.



From a lore perspective why the Hell should I read lore discussion replies from other posters, who have made is absolutely clear that they lack even the most basic reading comprehension when it comes to reading my replies?

How can I assume Zahir, that you actually understand lore passages when you can’t even grasp the point of a basic forum reply?

Please enlighten me, why should I take you seriously when you talk about lore?

You want respect? Give it to others first.

I just wanna say though, I adore that me being a furry, definitely on the gay spectrum somewhere, and acting lighthearted and cutsie is threatening to some people.

It’s oddly comforting l, don’t know why :wolf:

I think the best thing the writers could do with Sylvanas is end her story in this expansion. She doesn’t have to die or be erased from existence, but this is the best chance to end the character without changing what’s popular about her or making her go stale (or staler, depending who you ask).

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I am a bit torn on this issue. I’m conflicted on how best to handle it if, hypothetically, she isn’t killed.

I’ve seen a few people mention that if Sylvanas is to follow some sort of “redemption” arc, then they’d want to see it more than just have her disappear into the background and tell players she’s off doing good deeds. I understand that sentiment, perhaps a quest ends up visiting her for some reason or another and we see her trying to do whatever it is she is doing for that. It’s somewhat more reasonable than expecting folks to see her say she’s going off to atone (or whatever) and disappear for a few expansions, fully forgiven by everyone for actions no one sees.

On the other hand, story fatigue is real. The one thing I desperately hope they avoid is to copy the Illidan ending, especially after that cinematic. If she were to be the Jailer’s Jailer, I would find it to be a poorly thought out ending. The cinematic before showed her being empowered, moving onward with herself, freed from the specter of her abuser. Spending eternity jailing the person who empowered her abuser superficially seems okay because now she’s empowered over him, but it’s also tying her back to the same narrative, leaving her chained to the same part of her life. And then there’s the whole possibility of her somehow being in charge of the Maw which is awkward since she’s not a First One and not immortal and doesn’t really possess the means to control the Maw or it’s denizens. I’ve also seen folks suggest she goes off to hunt for Nathanos in the Maw and maybe that’s alright, but it seems like a cop out ending. The folks who want her to pay somehow (such as standing guard in Hell for eternity, or rescuing souls, or whatever) aren’t satisfied and her story doesn’t really have much of a conclusion other than her chasing after someone she lost.

I really don’t know how this all should end. I know it won’t be satisfying to everyone no matter what happens (it never is) but even without that aspect, I agree taking her out of the spotlight for a bit is a good idea (and will very likely happen) but I’m not sure which way to do it.

There’s the obvious caveat that if they execute any path poorly it will be awful, and even a poor path, executed well could be okay. I’m a bit anxious to find out. I want to know. Which is pretty surprising given how very unengaged I was with BFAs storyline.


To this I answer with a simple one:Because I have often enough you already corrected and you know that I can read, it is for you only an attempt to not have to deal with it because it is inconvenient for you, not very productive and to be honest even toxic of you that you so try to make someone silent because factually you can not

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