9.2 = A Sylvanas Dream Come True

The only issue I have is that “personal talk” might derail a thread. Depending on how the OP of the thread feels. I try to respect the OP of a thread, as far as where the conversation is going. I presume Deathisfinal would like to discuss Sylvanas, and not each other. Or, she might just be on Cloud 9 and not fussed.

Anyway, I don’t see anything wrong with people being close, as long as they don’t derail a thread too much.

People who have been reading these forums for a while might recall a pair of posters (their names escape me) :

A loud mouth Troll who posted alot of stuff. And his Orc friend who always agreed 100% and seemed to be his cheerleader. I think their names were Spaz and Thug? They liked to talk about “Big Baller Baine”.

Anyway, they had conversations, and always agreed. They might have been IRL friends. It was a little goofy but harmless. I figure people have relationships.

I think it was something like Spud, and Trivelfrank.

Yeah that was them.

Oh I completely agree and those derailments lead nowhere fun or constructive.

In the spirit of Death’s thread… now that Sylvanas has had her high moment here how do we feel about Sylvanas finally being brought low.
The giant hammer of consequences for all her actions.
Is it coming? Maybe.
And is it going to hit her on the head or just the toes?

I have been waiting for the pay off of Teldrassil for several years now.

I think, this is based purely on my own experience, that I have been an outlier here for quite a long time. It seemed like for a long time Alliance posters had niche friendships and when I wanted to talk about lore I was outright dismissed, gaslighted and called names.

Now the forum is smaller, I found a group of friends who actually respect me when I talk about lore, and suddenly the tables have turned and other people are now feeling left out.

I just don’t know what to make of it. Most of the time I offer my friendship but the people who criticize me don’t take me up on my offer, so I end up asking myself how people can refuse my offer of friendship and then criticize me for having a friend group? it makes no sense.

Ya’ll want to be my friend or not? I think you do, and that’s part of your frustration because you don’t want to talk positively about Sylvanas, or endure positive talk, but you are all still here… in a Sylvanas positivity thread…complaining about not getting enough attention.

I think the only thing stopping most of you is the fact that I’m a Sylvanas fan and most of you are not, which is fair but also not, because what do you want from me? There’s nothing stopping you all from forming friendships with each other if this was so important.

Alynsa doesn’t like Sylvanas, and she likes me, so there’s poof that it is actually possible to disagree about lore and characters and still have a friendship.

To make it clear; I love the Sylvanas I once knew. I do not like the BfA/Early-SL version of Sylvanas (I think we both agree on that). Our differing views are about what the best ultimate fate for her would be going forward, and neither of us are wrong; it’s a preference issue.

And we are still besties!

(I owe you a like, I’m still too naughty)


I owe you a like. I can’t give anymore likes until tomorrow.

And I do want Sylvanas ro face judgement, and I am open to talking about those options, but that thought is currently buried so far in the back of my mind because I’m enjoying the free Seratonin these next few weeks will provide. Because I need it. Cortosol has been wreaking havoc on my body these last two years.

I just can’t hear the millionth " I thibk we should cut off Sylvanas’ head for Teldrassil" post right now due to the sheer level of Bliss i am feeling right now… but soon.

You don’t gotta worry, you won’t be hearing it from me (and my opinion’s not nearly as… severe as others’). Mostly because the gameplay elements of 9.2 have been actually kinda fun, and I’m trying to focus on the positive until Angry Chest Hole Man goes away. And I’m finally at a place with the mess that has been Shadowlands/BfA overall where I’m tired of being angry and just want to laugh until we see how it all spills out over the floor.

And low key think that Anduin’s kinda cute, whether in his Domination transmog or Little Lion set.

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Were these the guys who started all of those “Zul’X is troll land and everything else” kind of threads? Which led to the “Zul’Momma” thread as a joke at those threads expense?

I will always take issue with these labels of “alliance posters” and “horde posters”. I mainly play Alliance but don’t consider myself an “Alliance poster”.

It is why I find it when people dismiss someones opinion simply on the basis of what faction their posting character is on to be extremely stupid and pathetic. If I was to repeat the same thing on one of my horde characters would I get the same reaction? Maybe, maybe not.

Same here. Which is why I will be completely fine if Sylvanas just goes into the maw and spends time trying to find Nathanos. Not knowing if his soul is still there or the Jailer destroyed it at some point. It will be a torture of her own making as it was her siding with Zovaal that led both of them to this point.

Sadly there are some who think this is too soft because to them it is death or nothing.

That being said, if it ends up being a “goes into maw, turns corner and bam there he is” then that is just sad and I will not like that. I want it to take a long time if not a very long time. But knowing Blizz it will most likely be a case of “oh there he is”.

I believe those were different people. Including an orc whose name was Amani and loved the Amani trolls. He was actually very amusing and I’m 50% certain it was someone doing some light-hearted trolling.

I think it goes back to a couple years ago when most of the people posting here were pretty much posting along faction lines. Blue posters and red posters were the norm and IDK “purple posters” were the abberation. Like I’m supposed to never even touch my Alliance alts just because I love my Hordie hunter?

But I believe Ren’s refering to people specific from that time, because it did seem like a lot of those Team Blue people back then had some off-forum connections, and would almost coordinate responses.

I’ve been around these forums for a long time. Used to post on my warlock before my warrior from WoD onwards and I don’t recall that, at least to that extreme.

In fact I might be the last one still around from that era. Most of them jumped over to MMO-champion or to that story forum discord. Although I have a feeling some still linger around here. Just posting under different alts etc.

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For a second there I thought this was me. My old main and Bnet tag is Amani but I’m a former Draino turned troll turned Vulpera shaman, never an orc and Amani trolls are the enemy of BE’s so absolutely not.

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Ah yeah true.

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I remember, because I kept trying to think of new ways to get Amani wrong and as a result when someone asked me about the forest trolls, I acidentally called them the Armada tribe because that one was my favorite.

It is always a blast when people from GD come over here then leave. I guess they prefer the big cesspool that is the GD forums instead of our little cesspool.

Maybe that is why Blizzard keeps moving threads from GD to here. They want our cesspool to grow larger.

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No thank you, I prefer being a medium sized fish in my small cesspool pond.

I do not wish to engage in discussions of best farts, or whatever GD does.

I’m pretty sure it’s best farts tho.

What I mean is, I find it funny when people from GD come over here with their hot takes and headcanons only to be “yeah no, that is not the lore” then they run away crying. Sometimes dropping a few flags as they run away.

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I love it when they realize the lore SF swings a bit more left than they would like and the shock and petulance that they can’t be racist or sexist here… priceless.


For my money, the best is when they come in with their hot, witty take and the first dozen responses are “yeah, we’ve got seven active threads already talking about that. Post in one of those. Also, you’re canonically wrong about X as shown in this book, page #452.”


Like I did to those who posted more threads about the Anduin encounter cinematic. Like do these people even read what the current active threads are before coming in or do they just want the attention?

It is considered spam making numerous threads about the same topic. Even if those threads are started by other people.