9.2 = A Sylvanas Dream Come True

I love you all. I am going to be blunt.

I don’t think Evelysaa (I’m’a just call you Eve from now on if that’s okay) was trying to offend. She’s very blunt in tone at times and that can come across as offensive, but the intent isn’t there. It’s how Eve types sometimes, nothing more. Eve is not a fan of the SF discord, and given what they have said about her there, I think it’s unfair to attribute that to her.

Eve, I love you, but this does come across as a personal attack against Micah. Micah is Micah, and there’s nothing wrong with that at all. How he types is how he types. He’s not simping, just being affectionate. The way you’ve worded things (and again, I know this isn’t your intent) comes across as an intended provocation.

Let’s all take a few breaths and remember we’re friends.


But are ya “fragile” like me? :joy:

Handle me gently, I’m easily damaged!

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This is why I took a step back. I can also be brutally honest or not directly clear with my words that clearly shows my intent.

It’s easier if I just quit Alysna. It’s clear thats you and Ren, I’m clearly hated here and no one actually wants me around.

I’m done. Y’all won. You broke me. Congratulations. I give up

No, they don’t accuse me of being fragile. I’m too vitriolic for that!!

I get the B word instead. Oh, and frigid!!

It could be male/male dynamics at play here. Both you and Micah are male and you see him getting along with women, so your knee-jerk reaction is “he’s a nice guy” but it’s actually because Micah is one of the girls. He’s been pretty up front and honest about his identity.

No Micah, I’m’a force you to laugh.

You cannot quit me!! I refuse to allow it, Micah!! Get back over here right now and you will take my headpats and tennis balls!!!

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I didn’t know me being affectionate, sticking up for my friends and actually giving a damn about others was such a threat to others.

I really hate this community

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I don’t see Micah that way. Never have and never will. Well except that one time but that was out misplaced anger and I have owned up to that.

Masculinity is fragile Micah, not you. You don’t have to leave. You just have to keep being your wonderful self. Everyone else can adapt.


I don’t have the energy to fight back anymore alysna. If the purpose was to break my spirit, well they won. They got what they wanted

I know how you act and post, I know your behaviors. I know what impressions people can get. You come off like a predator that’s trying really hard to get close to women. Like Vic Mignogna or something.


They really don’t. I don’t see how you can come to that conclusion.

Honestly at this point this comes out off as projection. You had your chance to come clean with your intent instead of expecting someone else (like myself) to say it for you. And instead of saying sorry, you simply doubled down and now triple downed on that belief. I gave you the benefit of the doubt since I too can be brutally honest from time to time. Now I am regretting going so since you have now shown your true face.

It’s appreciated. Both you, Alysna, doness are the only reason I stick around truthfully.


That’s pretty uncalled for. Micâh behaves similarly with me, a self-admitted guy. What’s your impression of me, I wonder?


You don’t post like Micah does.

Evelysa you’re crossing a huge line. Micah is absolutely not a predator. I think at this point you should step away from your computer and chill out.


I’m glad you finally revealed your true face. You clearly got me confused for one of your SF discord buddies

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And it’s okay. You don’t have to fight back. There’s other options than leave and fight. You can ignore people. I know that’s something you don’t want to do, but if you find the SF to be a better place if certain people just don’t talk, then that works.

Ok Evelysaa. I think you really should consider stopping. You’re crossing some real lines here. Just. Stop.


You weren’t lying when you said you’re paranoid.