9.2 = A Sylvanas Dream Come True

I don’t give a damn what you do. You’re bi-polar towards me. Just make up your damned mind. It’s all I ask

Why do you view relationships in black and white?


I have a feeling that Evelysaa may have just being pointing out why some people might consider you a simp.

Although I could be wrong.

But as I said, people will twist and even change definitions of words or phrases to suit their own agenda.


Exactly what I did.

Than she obviously knows nothing about me after all this time.

And if me sticking up for Ren, from the obvious cancers that plague this forum and community is simping, than y’all really need help

Keep in mind that I have said (twice now) that certain people will change or twist the definitions of words / phrases to suit their agenda.

This is one such example.

Evelysaa was not calling you one, just pointing out how your actions can lead someone to assume that based on their own definition of the word. You did ask what the phrase means and Evelysaa responded with how your actions can make someone believe that is the case.


What actions though? Why is me talking to people I considered friends such a damn threat to people?

God forbid if I have a female friend I’m close to

I debated liking this because I didn’t want you to think i was agreeing with you that you say stupid things I just empathize with saying stupid things even when not mad because I do that all the time.

also, wth did I miss? hold up i need to get caught up

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Idk. Idk what is going on through their heads. But it seems like they hate people like Ren and are projecting that hatred onto people who support them. Finding ways to justify that hatred.

These kinds of people will twist definitions of words to the point that they end up contradicting themselves at some point.

Like how conspiracy theorists believe that COVID doesn’t exist while also believing that it does and it was made by the Chinese to bring about a new world order.

It’s the tone of your posts, they’re needlessly cutesie.

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It’s okay, you can like it. We’re both forum girls, we’re allowed to simp for each other and expected to like each others’ posts.


So me not being a Manly Man is threatening also?

I’m a affectionate person by nature. Better start learning to deal with it.


To them yes. These are the kinds of people who believe that toxic masculinity is the ONLY way to be a man. These are people like Alex and those other frat boys in the Cospy suite. The only way to prove that you are a true man is to objectify others, mainly women and party hard like a playboy.

Pay no attention to them is my advice. They don’t know you and it is clear they have no desire to.

I’m just waiting for them to call me a simp if they ever come back after the post I made to them.


we used to disagree a lot. Then we started talking and we realized we have a lot in common and became friends. The first time we chatted off the Forum we chatted for hours about the lore. We formed a legitimate friendship. I have the same kind of friendship with Doness and Alysna. I invited anyone here to add me on Battlenet and they were the only people who took up my offer and we’ve had great talks.

This probably contributes to how others see how close we’ve become because we do talk about WoW outside of the SF. It’s nice to be able to talk to people without mods breathing down our necks. We can joke, we can be ourselves. I’ll share my battle.net again if people want to add me.

I feel like “simp” has been thrown around a lot unfairly. Is being friendly simping now? Just because I’m a woman and i have male friends doesn’t mean they only talk to me to gain romantic leverage and that devalues me and my contribution to this forum. The people who respect me, respect that I have a lot to offer. There’s no transactional relationship here, not every social interaction is transactional.

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You should learn to deal with taking criticism.


If your intent was to provide evidence as to why they would consider Micah to be a simp, I would’ve started with that. Instead of making it seem that you were flat out attacking them.

I had to step back and think for a while to conclude that you were attacking them or simply pointing out why some might consider them to be a simp. Hence why I said that I might be wrong on my conclusion.

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It’s not criticism when you literally know nothing about me as a person. It’s just you being petty and jealous.

It came off as a attack. It’s why I asked what the problem was

There’s a huge difference between criticism and constructive criticism. Non-constructive criticism isn’t helpful, or kind.


yeah I had to take a step back and think over it instead of going in head first.

Which is why I said I might’ve been wrong on their intent. I have done that in experience. I tend to be brutally honest.

But given how they are defending their stance, I feel like they are lying about their intent.

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