9.1.5 - Isnt even an update. This is sad

For all they did it takes 2 days or a week max not 9 month

For sure, don’t be confused, I’m being tongue in cheek here. In my post history I’ve got a lot of remarks mocking how long patches are taking Blizzard.


This still kills me.


My freind own a multi billion company and he saen the patch and stated if they work for me fired

They put a raid 3 times a year for 2 weeks teansmogs and covnet swap thats it and control with autenticators

Patch 8.1.5 and 8.2.5 would beg to differ but aight

It’s really not an excuse anymore tbh. It’s been almost 2 years now. Every other major company has somehow sorted it out.


You cant blam the pandemic for every thing its a scape goat


well, velves, lf draenei, nightborne and highmountain tauren got new customization options that were’nt there baseline
 that’s kinda an update.

i agree, it needed more content but
 an update is an update i guess?

That update took some 1 2day max

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If you can go to home depot or movies or gym no exuses

Oh you should tell him too that Nighthold was part of 7.1.5. And that in Legion most raids launched closer to the .5 patch than the actual content patch itself. 7.2 dropped in late March, but TOS took until late June to open. 7.3 dropped in late August but Antorus was dropped in the middle of November.

yes, i agree. not really a lot of work (could’ve probably been done in photoshop with the recolour brush) but
 it’s still something. a tiny, tiny something, but still. like
 better than absolutely nothing atleast
 i DO wish it was more though.

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Im a gammer i been playing games for 46 years

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I play in ffx14 to have low level and high 1 people there are diffrent . Devs there treat the players like family here devs dont listen . Been there now 5 years

A variety of players are going to interpret this patch differently based on their style of play.

It doesn’t seem to do much for a player who plays high end instanced content and has no alts. The removal of conduit energy and ability to freely switch covenants is about it for them.

For someone like me that plays world content with lots of alts, this patch was a godsend. Research in Korthia has been vastly improved. I can also target types of Korthian gear for my alts. Once I reach 233 and farmed Torghast to upgrade my legendary, I can turn my attention of solo Island Expeditions and the nerfed Legion raids.

My theory is the changes made for 9.1.5 says a lot on the type of player Blizzard wants to lure back and prevent further bleeding of subscriptions. If your upset about this patch, then this patch wasn’t targeting your playstyle.

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Do not listen to his guy. That is 100% a turd comment. No game in the history of gaming do you pay to access on a monthly basis. We 100% pay them for content AND to keep up with the game and to keep patches going ie
we run out of things to do, this cycle has been going on for a long time

This patch is nice, but ultimately sad. They canceled the last patch of BFA to focus on Shadowlands (pre-covid) and then delayed Shadowlands by a month, then have dragged out what little content they had planned for a year.

Korthia should have came with another zone
ie BFA when we got Mechagon (Korthias sister) but we also got Nazjatar at that time.

I mean I can not stand Korthia anymore. Absolutely hate it. Shadowlands does have it’s pros and things I like and people like; but as a whole, can the same 8 dungeons, 1 raid and broken PvP keep people hooked and/or playing on a consistent basis?

The numbers/amount of people you see playing, seem to say no



12 month old QoL changes + revamped old content.

This isn’t going to bring back old players, most people that have spent a good amount of time on Shadowlands are “finished” with the content and won’t be coming back till at least 9.2

A small amount of QoL implemented that should have been released on launch isn’t going to make people want to redo M+ or raid again since you know
they’ve done it already

The craziest thing is that Blizzard is probably expecting a huge pat on the back and a fanfare to celebrate how great they are by bringing out 9.1.5

The exact same thing happened in Legion/BFA they create a broken system which the beta testers gave feedback on and was completely ignored.

Game is released broken and it takes them 12 months to implement QoL changes that should of been on launch and then they are expecting some sort of positive feedback from the community. OOF


“censorship” is the dumbest complaint. It’s their game, they are free to change words however they want to.

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You mean mechagon? Lol

I do! Thank you for the correction.

A gnome is a gnome. :laughing: :vulcan_salute:

It is pretty remarkable how long 9.1.5 took for how little it actually contains.

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