It’s absolutely stupid to keep content away from the players.
We want all dungeons back in the LFG tool.
We want all dungeons available per expansions’ time walking event.
We need more PvE content that’s not necessarily a grind so that we have something to do before the next patch/raid hits.
We had things like the Argent Tournament in the past. It may have not been perfect–but it was a silly & fun semi-catch up mechanic that players could participate in.
Instead, we get stuff like Torghast and Korithia–which is a Diablo-clone but with WoW’s name on it.
I don’t want zones full of world rares that are up for 30 seconds, anymore. RNG is not content.
I want Operation Gnomeregan and the MoP cloak quest line back in the game. At least–that’s more meaningful content than the crap we have now.
I want zones full of stories, full of side activities, full of hidden secrets. Not this buy a map to reveal all treasure chest crap. It’s crap.
The content we have now is not “rewarding,” as it was in the past.
Argent Tournament–pets, mount, catch up gear.
Miscellaneous rep grinds with fun quests-enchants, gear, etc.
I want to explore new areas and be rewarded for my discovery.
Not be spoon fed all these treasure chests on a map and spend 15 minutes trying to find the single branch I need to climb to get it.
That’s not content. That’s tedium.