9.1.5 getting closer, Warlocks keep getting ignored

Am I wrong? No… because when Chanimals complains “and he complains a lot… for stream content” hes complaining from the r1 standard I spoke about and directly comparing it against S-tier classes that he still wins against.

I said the class is fine… didn’t say it was great. It is well enough to obtain what you want with time and effort and anything beyond that is complaining to bandwagon complain. A 1500 player saying the class is bad or something is bad has to be looked at because they don’t understand basics and even if they parrot a better player they don’t understand the complaint and use that as the reason they cannot succeed.

“You not getting 2k is not because the class is bad its because you are bad at the class”

The general idea is its not hard with any effort… will it be harder then some classes?? sure… hence why I said fine and not great.

People want to have a reason why they fail outside of themselves.

It really does not tho… This is not even close to your proposed analogy because in this case we all have the same body… the difference is… one guy decided to wear his shoes on his hands and complains that he can’t run. There might be faster runners in the race and he might not get there as easily as them but he can still finish if he desires… any extra issues are his own.

I agree mostly. I sometimes wonder if a middle ground wouldn’t be better. Balancing around the top 10% rather than the 1%.

My main point was that casuals and hardcore people talk past one another.

Casuals says a class is bad and they means it’s bad for players like them and thus the majority of players.

Hardcore people say that same class is good and they mean it’s good if you eek out all the nuances and optimization, which few do.

They are both right and having different conversations with each other.

That’s the misconception… not hardcore not even close in a long time.

I log in… on a season play for the first month… and a half or so… if that get welfare glad and quit till next season or log in 1-2x a week.

How can I even talk about pvp or arena… or any of that with players who haven’t even played a rated game the entire season and have merely parroted misconceptions.

I get called elitist a lot bc I am blunt… but ive never not helped folks I do vod reviews I do free coaching I provide guide videos but the reason I word the things the way I do is because I understand bad players… I get it… I understand how complex things can be in arena but the fact is a lot of the issues players claim to be issues are them not understanding the game.

Being a “Ok” class will put mistakes under a bigger lmicroscope but the fact remains if you want to succeed with the class you can.

No disrespect, but we don’t all have the same body in this analogy.

The demo warlock has one leg and the BM hunter has both legs and great shoes in the foot race. The former can compensate through more effort and determination, but it isn’t an even playing field.

I’m saying good players like you focus on skill ceilings and bad players like me only see the skill floor. We are talking about different things.

At least I think so.

Edit: I don’t mean to come across like I think you are elitist. I think you are merely much better at the game than me.

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Read what I wrote…

I am talking about the Warlock and you went right to class comparisons but if you want to go that route… in 3v3 Jungle (Feral/BM/X) Loses to Splay (Demo/Spriest/X) 8 times out of 10 bc… The class is Fine… not great but fine and we have matchups that allow us to compete.

In 2v2… BM is annoying if played well but I think the entire class base feels that way… and even in 2s… people dislike fighting Demo.

Class is fine… has good matchups has bad ones… its not great but its good enough to accomplish the realistic goals you set for yourself.

To capitalize on that epic said.

One thing lesser skilled players don’t do is play with classes that compliment their class or play with players of said class that knows how to play it.

So meta is xyz is really strong. Players play xyz not knowing or understanding why xyz is so strong and end up failing with it.

Stating that x class is broken because you’re having issues when the main reason you’re having issues is

  • Under geared
  • playing sub optimally

Funny you should say that. I was just about to ask what made lock and spriest pair so well.

Edit: and the Undergeared issue is hard to correct sometimes in PVP. I need to be better to get more gear, yet I need gear to get better. This is real rough if you start later in a PvP season.

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even i thought you came off a bit sarcastic which i think is where the issue comes from. assumed tone vs intended

A lot of people I see don’t take advantage of the 230 jewelry piece that you can literally stack a ton of vers on.

Meh. Idk how much sarcasm can be assumed from two words with a question mark lol.

Thing is most people don’t like being told the truth.

i will admit it never gets old having people quote Kala to me lmao

so proud of my boy’s traction and growth :sob:

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Spriest works with all 3 specs for different reasons.
Aff: UA+MindGames+Maledict Trinkets create insane kill situations bc the enemy healer cannot dispel.
Demo: 45 sec goes with Triple CC Demo Coil/Stun Kill target Spriest Stun/Silence Healer and Healer CC Off Dps etc.
Destro: Double Coil Mindgames Instant CC on heals.

Spriest create that layer of defensive with grip/swap/offheals to make up for lock weaknesses and really allows all 3 specs to shine differently.

We can all agree the gearing system is trash.





Edit yours I corrected mine lol.

Having a Dragonslayer call me a nerd hurts… deeply.

I hope your countdown bugs out and you lose seconds on the pull.

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how DARE you

i dont need a countdown bug to Tank my dps i do that well enough on my own thank you


Just need a boomkin to pull the boss at 2 or 3 seconds left on the timer. It actually triggers tf out of me and I’m not even on my lock anymore. Also… like 9/10 it’s a boomkin.

I feel this though. Back when I first started playing Lock at the very end of ToT, I remember there being a lot of lock related content available, but most of it was formatted poorly and/or so far into the weeds that my noob self didn’t understand.

I value 2 things the most from his content:

  1. Dude has like… endless positivity even when I know deep down he’s prob screeching for buffs/reworks.
  2. The format of his videos, especially with the youtube timestamps, makes it super easy to digest and skip to the parts I actually care about.

My field of work involves a lot of data analytics and taking large, complex systems and workflows and trying to make them easier to understand through graphics and summation. Taking difficult, nuanced concepts and presenting them in an easy to understand form that holds attention is nothing short of an art form.

He’s always been my favorite lock to watch. I wish the rogue I found posted more.

Feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet pics

im banning you from kala’s channel. thats it. youre gettin banned. youre gonna get banned before acertist.

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That ain’t my jam man.

One of this days he will come here, post a reply and someone will quote him to him.

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