9.1.5 Content Update Preview

Still nothing about heritage armors…


This is the Tom Brady of MMO’s. Tom Brady wins Super bowls and doesn’t like to lose.


These look like some real good changes. Things that shouldn’t have had to be changes, and should have been in the game to start with. I hope they go over well with people still playing retail.

Personally for me? To late. I’m enjoying tbcc for now, I’ll check back on the next expansion to see if blizzard has actually learned anything.


My friends want to come back but they are put off by the korthia rep farm. Uve gates sockets and conduits upgrades behind it. Please half the rep required for this

You dont need that stuff.

It’s not about need, u don’t technically need to play the game. But you do because you want to.

Similarly people want 5 gem sockets and 252 conduits.
Especially since conduits can get empowered.

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A Legion Timewalking Mage Tower would be super nice for those who missed the expac or want the special skins for classes they weren’t playing back in Legion.

Also a legacy crafting material vendor would be super great. There’s a bunch of crafting material that have been removed from the game, but many players still have those patterns and many others who want to craft those items for transmog.


Revert the senseless undocumented sneaky nerf to Bloody Gold Purses …

Its changes like this that really make players frustrated and annoyed.
Such a small change, that from a devs perspective isn’t a big deal BUT shows how out of touch with a player base you really are.

Let people farm junk from previous expansions if they want, and let them be rewarded with some measly gold for gods sake.

Sometimes you devs make decisions that just come off as strange, this is one of them.
Revert it back and stop being such control freaks.

And whilst I’m having a whinge about undocumented annoying changes, how about the Lightning-Forged Augment Rune …

Many posts have been made on WoWhead about this item being nerfed so that only players below level 59 can use it.

However, why then can players still use the identical consumable version of this at level 60?
How come we can still use the fel focuser AND whispering crystal from previous expansions!

The Lightning-Forged Augment Rune cost 50,000 gold and exalted rep grind to be able to purchase …

After multiple GM tickets and discussions, the GM’s have advised I raise this issue here as it may be a non-intended Shadowlands change or a bug.

Revert it back and stop being such control freaks.


Hmmmm so nothing new got it since next patch or xpac, this patch was a complete waste i want more content not more filler’s of old rehashed xpacs…legion mage tower really wow, legion mythics wow, more stuff for your elitists raiders and hight end mythic dungeon key people not a single useful update for a casual player or anything to entice anybody to resub at all. This is going to lead to even more unsubs but hey you fixed all the useless NPC in kara and got rid of horrible (lol) emotes WTG blizzard


I agree :star_struck: I don’t see why most people on these forums are quick to judge Blizzard and are critical…I’ve been a WOW since it’s conception in 2004. Ty Blizzard…look forward to the patch and future content updates.

It’s hard not to be critical to a company that views woman as bowls of fruit


i find this sad.
Shadowland could have given so much if it would have been done right… this expansion is going to feel just like how WoD ended and i hate it.

i only hope on the Next patch if they are going to end it they end it properly and darn well and not with dumb rush ending like in WoD.

i want wow next expansion to be a actual good one for a change i don’t mind sticking around in one expansion for a long time as long as it brings a lot of content and juicy lore.

In 9.1.5 will they fix having to grind until tier 6 of the Codex in Korthia to upgrade gear to tier 5?

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But only for 2 weeks then 1 week every 4 months or so. Genius of them /s

They’re doubling down on the power gap in PvP, so I guess they figure the problem is that too many casuals are still playing.


That´s cool, but why are things that should have been a thing since the launch almost the entirety of a patch? (its not like they weren´t pointed out since the alpha).
I don´t believe that many of these changes have to wait for a patch and can and should be implemented as hotfix updates.
It´s a buy to play + monthly sub game, year+ long reaction time on absolutely essential and wanted changes is too much to match the cost of the product in value. Raids and dungeons are pretty much all that can be considered good or solid.
But it´s cool if the pointless references and jokes are removed in such a short amount of time based on outcry of a minority of (mostly not even) players instead of making real time improvements to the gameplay though.
But at least there are some alright changes…good luck, i´m out.

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Great, now for 9.2/10.0 can we start reverting the Legion-BFA changes that made the game go downhill since WoD? Here’s a list: transmog restrictions that make no sense (hunters wearing mail instead of leather, among others) the pre-WoD cross armor type mog made much more sense, bring back glyphs as optional class customization with the pre-Legion glyphs and a few others (and maybe just revert some talents to their pre-Legion incarnations as well), update some old assets like the pet tames and what not like was done with the Stormheim ox, etc… just some stuff to consider for 10.0.

100% this.

Shouldn’t there be a law against the use of the term “content” when there isn’t any?

9.1.5 is what 9.1 should have been. We should be getting actual 9.2 content at this point.

I think Blizz has finally killed their own golden goose.

Making a law about that seems both silly and kinda stark.