9.1.5 Content Update Preview

Nothing about the PVP mess, unless this new scale for low itens.

So, RBGs still a crap, with bizarre MMR and gain/loss.
Conquest itens ratings still needed, Honor and Conquest still useless at some point.

Then, we have also the Korthia problem. 3000 resources for an upgrade of a randon (and mostly useless) conduit iten, when all the Korthian quests are all about Anima.

Wow have trying to force people to play more time, try different game modes, but it’s just making them leave, frustraded.

Still the same.
My wife stopped playing and i’m playing less and less until the inevitable log out for good. Seems that wow is no more made by professionals who plays wow. It’s a mess and a joke.


I just know this is a minipatch -can´t expect world changing gameplay features on those-.

I just wonder if the NB got the same curse as the other elf races with female only aesthetics…

She is a tough old bird but they are trying their best

Devs could you make all classes starting gear be transmogrifyable


Isn’t low ranking gear going to scale to a higher item level now, though?

There’s no catch up on renown for new or returning players without a main who has maxed it out already, right? So first that player would have to earn enough honor to buy honor gear while being one shot because the players they are playing against have twice their ilvl.

The gap between the highest and the lowest will be much greater. And even with that slight boost, 30 ilvls difference means that even the best honor gear with that slight boost will be useless against geared enemy players.

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That’s not what this says: https:// ptr.wowhead. com/news/pvp-changes-in-patch-9-1-5-gear-changes-titles-and-group-finder-324410#conquest-gear

(remove spaces forums are dumb)

Not sure how the gap would be much greater, unless you’re talking about someone who is a fresh 60 and has nothing, which has been a problem this game has had for 15 years, but you DO need less honor after the changes to get that gear, and once you actually get the gear, you stand a much better chance after the changes.

It’s not perfect, but it’s progress in a game where pvp has been all about getting one shot until you get enough currency for over a decade.

That’s exactly what I mean.

So make it worse than it’s ever been?

I don’t recall it being a problem getting honor gear in wod, which took like a day in ashran.

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Did you read my whole post?

It’s getting better. I just said that. Honor costs are getting lower, and the gap is being reduced with low gear getting a higher item level and high gear not changing at all. It’s definitely not even close to the worst it’s ever been. That’s legitimately impossible since it’s improving and speeding up what we have right now. :laughing:

Do you mean 9.0.15 contents that were long over due?

So renown is no longer going to be an issue for new players?

This all is a step in the right direction. It’s a 9.1.5 mini patch not a major content update. I do believe people really want that 9.2 patch mostly as many have now capped their mains and done Korthia etc.

That’s not what he’s asking… He’s asking for a “mount” which effectively just adds giant angel wings which allow us to fly, just like the Ascended…


A variety of improvements will be introduced in support of a smoother experience leveling alternate characters through Shadowlands, such as an additional rank of Heirloom upgrades, and improvements to Threads of Fate such as the addition of Torghast as an option and Renown gains for completing bonus objectives.

So… Blizz is admitting they really messed up when they made heirlooms nonviable in Shadowlands; or that repeating the same. friggin. storyline. for. every. darn. alt. is boring. boring. and did I say boring?

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I gave up on Korthia on week 2 of 9.1.0 as soon as I realized by the time I got anywhere grinding Korthia I would already be fully geared from M+ and Korthia rep would be meaningless.

How much do you think they would need to pay Yoshi P to replace Ion.

But when are we getting all race/class unlocks like every other AAA successful MMO out there, and stop listening to the, “lore care bears”…

Even if you give YoshiP all the money in the world, he wouldn’t want to work with this team. It’s not only Ion who has a rockstar attitude problem, it’s most of the system designers too and how they attack people on social media.


“Low ranking gear”. You mean conquest gear. Tell me about the path the new player has to reach the point where he isn’t being 2 shot in his fully upgraded honor gear. No new player is going to get conquest gear without buying tokens for carries. The gap will be larger than ever, even for players in fully upgraded honor gear, given that there are now more ranks of conquest gear.

Token improvements for casuals and big improvements for those with actual ranking. Nothing to bring back players to the game. It will make it better for the 5% at the top and worse for casuals, who will still be 2 shot by their opponents. Nobody’s honor gear gets bumped up until after they’ve got honor gear. And until they get their renown, their honor gear will still be too low.


Thanks Blizzard! This is very exciting :slight_smile: As a casual solo player, I can’t wait to do the Island Expeditions! Woot!