9.1.5 Character Customizations: New and Improved You

Not really sure what you’re talking about since that seems to be all void elves got. They got the normal skin colors added in later, and now they’re getting natural hair colors. I don’t think they’re getting any new customizations beyond that, which allow players to play fair haired and fair skinned elves on Alliance like players wanted without the void stuff attached.


I wish the nightborne faces were better.


Sethrak for the players!!

Saurok and Ogres too!

Maybe Vrykul, Ethereal, and more too!


To clarify you’re describing the long request to steal a Horde race correct?

Void Elves should have got void options not Blood Elves losing visual uniqueness with no second visual theme in return to give VEs the situation you described

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More to add in a faction of elves that already existed for the Alliance. The Alliance has long had the Silver Covenant allied with them, since WOTLK. It was even a plot point in MOP that the Silver Covenant took pleasure in torturing Sunreavers and persecuting them because of Thaelin Songweaver. The funny thing is that these are High elves that never left the Alliance. When they added in Void elves, which nobody wanted, they actually took a sect of Blood elves who left the Alliance, joined the Horde, then left the Horde to join the Alliance again.

I don’t think Alliance players would’ve cared overmuch if they gave them a different model or something. Some might for sure because a lot of people like that model. But a lot of people just want to play a fair skinned fair haired elven paladin on Alliance.

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The Alliance High Elves are a rare site far and few between as per the devs.

The silver covenant is a neutral branch of the neutral kingdom of Dalaran. Are the SC a rare site? No the SC isn’t alliance thats why their population isn’t counted among it.


Void elves should be even rarer considering it was just a singular coven of elves though. They’re literally a fraction of a fraction of people.

You could make the same argument for Darkspear Trolls. Literally a singular tribe. The weakest and smallest tribe at that. Now there’s customizations for different troll types, but for a long time that wasn’t the case. That’s just an excuse Blizzard gives. Because if it were true, void elves shouldn’t have been added.

And if you want to say void elves shouldn’t have been added at all, I agree! Alliance should’ve gotten Sethrak or Arrakoa instead.

Silver Covenant have always been Alliance tagged and were notably against the inclusion of the Sunreavers. They’re probably so against neutrality that, in-lore, you could say that’s why they’re no longer in the neutral Dalaran that we see in Legion.


The Alliance banners that they are always seen flying tend to disagree with that assertion.


The dev quotes that put the Alliance High Elf population as few and far between a rare site, and in 2018 following that up with comments on High Elves saying we’ve seen Alleria but they aren’t out their the way VEs are, place the High Elf population on the Alliance to few and far between ergo the SC is a neutral part of neutral Dalaran.

The Horde are also allowed back in the city with representation on the Kirin Tor. Khadgar held a vote, which ended 4-2 in favour of the Horde being let back in. Jaina then quit in anger over the results, and Khadgar became the leader of the Kirin Tor. I don’t know if it’s ever stated that “Dalaran is now neutral”, but I don’t know that it really has to be. Both the Alliance and Horde have a presence within the city, and it’s main leader specifically is neutral, and wants the Kirin Tor to abandon factions entirely to focus on the defense of Azeroth. They sat out the fourth war in the interest of remaining neutral. Doesn’t seem like something a city that “Anduin commands” would do.


I recommend not engaging.


thats not true lan. the SC participated in the fourth war they were just invisible

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To follow up doesn’t the description of the Alliance Vanguard outright call the SC apart of the Kirin Tor

It’s says they teamed up with them, if their already members of the Alliance why does it have that description (not that its relevant anymore anyways mind you but even in the expansion people like to say “even back in WOTLK” that wasn’t accurate and it’s even less so now)

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I’m so thankful that there’s never any negativity in these threads! So many positive attitudes all around. So much inclusion. More customization!


i mean, the first time as alliance you even meet the kirin tor in northrend, its a SC member who identifies as a representative of the kirin tor and invites you to their city

he gives you a kirin tor signet, not a SC signet. when you see the SC out in the world who are they always with if you are alliance? the kirin tor. isle of thunder, guess what that reputation was called. the kirin tor offensive. and currently the kirin tor is neutral, khadgar has made that clear and wants dalaran to serve as an example that the factions can and should work together

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Now only if both Horde and Alliance could get playable Dark Rangers. These options are already in the game with little else needed to be done besides flip the switch. With that in mind could you please checkout my thread for suggestions?


I’d like a second visual theme for Blood Elves to make up for the loss of visual uniqueness that occurred when Void Elves were gifted a second visual theme at the expense of any sense of uniqueness for Blood Elves. Void Elf players are already asking for unique options for their main theme and Blood Elves neither got those themselves (like Farstrider tattoos) nor the second visual theme VEs got. But I think both need exclusive additions to their main theme as well like Farstrider tattoos for BEs, void scarring for VEs etc

As well as no infringements on the Nightbornes Highborne theme I wouldn’t want to see another Horde races visual uniqueness lost.



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Thank you for making my highmountain boys look so good. :pleading_face:

It’s all I’ve ever wanted.


Shhh! You’re going to get me in trouble. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m leaning toward this. Couldn’t care less about highborne but dark Rangers are a Horde thing. The San’layn wanted to join the Horde and were hunted by the alliance. Regardless of them failing or not, it was the alliance who killed them.

I’m tired of a small section of trolls pushing things that don’t make sense just to be petty.

While I can’t stand the faction barrier, if it has to remain intact, San’layn and Dark Rangers really should be a Horde thing given void elves have an entire separate void theme blood elves won’t every get and nor should they.

Controversial opinion but the alliance doesn’t have to get everything the Horde has while the barrier is intact. Get rid of the barrier or give neutral options, then I’ll be more open minded.