9.1.5 Character Customizations: New and Improved You

My launcher said they were having a known problem with authenticating or something today? Maybe it’s that? Idk I didn’t try to log in though idk who it effected

New and improved ?? does this mean I get biggers busts :smiley:

I forget who said it when customizations were first said to be lacking but someone was defending the lack of customization and someone else said “maybe you’re happy if we were all just square boxes with number outputs above our heads but you’d be in small company” something to that effect but I’ll always remember that lol


Please give more piratey customization to Kul Tirans.


I’m just here to say that female Pandaren still have a hideous seam on their necks pls fix ty.


Thank you for the new customization options! I’m looking forward to using them for my characters of the allied races that got attention this patch!

Please remember how much positive feedback customization options beget and keep adding more to every race!

If possible with the next round of customization… do you think Blood Elves could have those Dark Ranger/San’layn NPC skin and eye options made available to players? The assets already exist and it’s a popular request. Don’t miss an easy opportunity for positive player feedback!


All of this.


Dark Iron and Mag’har have the most robust customization currently.

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Also, more allied races.

Giv sethrak



They will paddle back. Happened so often by now, it’s just a matter of time.

Only on stuff that’s pretty much unanimous, like flying in WoD or hard covenant locks (that they already said they could walk back if needed before the expansion even launched).

I think this thread has sufficiently demonstrated that the “bring back MT artifacts” opinion is not unanimous at all.

They will come back if people don’t stop pushing their requests. Worked well for the Alliance High Elf group as well, why shouldn’t it for the MT?

I don’t want Sethrak to be added because I know they’ll give Sethrak to Horde and Alliance will get Void Gnomes or something.


Maybe, but they’ll allow cross-faction grouping soon and then it won’t matter.


Sethrak for the players! :snake:


Something like this, yes. You are a second class citizen in this game if you’re not rolling for Horde. It’s sad but true.

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:partying_face: grateful for the new changes. Crossing my fingers that more customization will be a continual process for everyone.


Blood Elves losing visual uniqueness to give void elves a second visual theme during the time they said was to focus on core races, meanwhile they didn’t match that same energy back is such a disappointment as it was already a point of contention to give Void Elves then second visual theme that resulted in blood elves losing visual uniqueness.

Very disappointing.

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Blood elves already have visual uniqueness from void elves. Different hair styles and jewelry, golden eyes, and the ability to be paladins and demon hunters.

Void elves retain their own visual theme why don’t blood elves? If blood elves lost visual uniqueness to give void elves options that previously on the thalassian model were fulfilled visually by choosing a blood elf why weren’t options for a second visual theme added for blood elves as well.

If an eye color is a visual theme why didn’t they just leave it at that for void elves. Give back the non void skin tones and natural hair colors and be happy they got an eye color addition

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