9.1.5 Character Customizations: New and Improved You

More customization is great and all but the excitement for the new patch has been sucked out of me by you guys removing jokes and flirts from all my favorite races. I’m sorry but… I don’t think removing them was a good idea…it’s going to cost you a fair bit of your remaining subs more than likely. I mean I know you all got your reasons and I respect that but… I’m still not exactly happy with that part of the patch. Oh and there’s an entire thread here with a good few thousand posts begging you guys to give worgen a tail option. It would be a wonderful things to see happen.

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Relax, pretty sure she’s talking about Night Elf Dark Rangers.
Which is fine.
Unlike, you know, the kind that will not be mentioned.

EDIT: Pronoun correction!


not sure what that changes. still forsaken

I’d prefer them as a second visual theme for blood elves but even I’d rather see them go to forsaken then gifting the theme back to the alliance when the entire point of me wanting a second visual theme for blood elves is to offset the visual uniqueness lost to begin with.


I’m a fan of the faction barrier but I agree with the sentiment that it should be fair but not the exact same.

I don’t want NB getting NEs nature themes anymore than I want the Highborne theme NB represent to be gifted to NEs because some handful of Shendralar that lived in squalor got accepted back into their Kaldorei society doesn’t remake Kaldorei society into Highborne adjacent.


Yup! Night Elven dark rangers. Also I’m a she.


Personally, I feel the nelf dark rangers are traitors.


So … Night Elf Dark Rangers as a model toggle for the Forsaken?

I’d prefer the nelf ones to just not be playable honestly.

i mean they do exist. still would have a forsaken theme so night elves would still be unique unlike what they did with void elves

That’s very understandable considering what they did. But I believe they were being mind controlled. I sure as fel wouldn’t join the side that slaughtered me and my loved ones. Otherwise, any other reason is kind of dumb.


And what do you propose as a second visual theme for Blood Elves?

I am curious ever so actually.

Because something should be done to offset the loss of visual uniqueness. And both VEs and BEs deserve additions to their main visual theme exclusive to themselves like void scarring for VEs or Farstrider tattoos for BEs.


I think they’ve been forgotten. I’d be okay with them on alliance if they got good story, and were able to rebel and break free. Bringing sylvanas’ head to darkshore and punting it at the remains of Teldrassil would be good also.


Ven’thyr/San’layn options? Would tie in well during/post SL…

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I’ve seen light options that are popular with BE fans as well, but then it crosses an issue of infringing on LFD which is a lot like the sentiment I feel with not wanting NB uniqueness infringed on in favor of NEs so I get it.

But what you said is def my fav besides the Velonara route with the DR dialogue said to view Sin’dorei and forsaken as kin.


No one is going to confuse a Night Elf Dark Ranger for Blood Elf one. It would give both a second visual theme. But to be honest … it really makes more sense as a horde only thing. My point was only that if any Alliance race is ever going to get a Dark Ranger option, it should be Night Elves. And not the other kind of Elves That Shall Not be Named.

And agreed that each race should get more completely unique options.


tats for everybody!
red eyes, undead skin color, farstrider tats for blood elfs
handglow outline for nightborne
new hairstyles for void elves
beards for trolls
upright for forsaken
skinny kul’tiran
african hairstyles for kul’tiran
mechagnome full mogging
worgen tails hehe

:sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


they seem to have free will. just still adjusting to being forsaken. calia is supposed to ease this transition but i dont see them trying to rejoin night elves or being accepted

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I only speak on elves mostly because it’s what I play but all races should have accessories unlocked too

And all races that are human skin toned that got diversity options should see those options expanded, Blood Elves for example have 4 new skin tones 2 in the medium range of olive/tan and 2 on the dark range but our other 10 are shades of white. And I’ve seen threads for humans etc asking for more textured hair and faces etc


Pretty much all of this.