9.1.5 Changes Happened Because You are Scared NOT Because You Care

I generally don’t like Asmongold and get quite annoyed by him but this video sums up how a lot of players, including myself feel.

It’s not like Blizzard are unaware of how much people dread trying to unlock systems on alts after the BFA essence grind.
Then they go ahead and and make SL insane for alts; KSM in season 2 of SL now has been moved to character specific so you cant use your VP much at all unless you want to grind high keys on an alt as well now.

They purposely do this to keep /timeplayed #'s artificially high and I think people are Bed, Bath & Beyond done with it all.
If they focus on making QoL changes early on instead of deceptive methods they might actually retain subs.


These guys don’t have accurate numbers, they’re estimating and they don’t even explain ‘how’ they get their estimates. The fact that they’re claiming that ‘right now’ the estimated number of concurrent players is just over 27,000 worldwide tells me they’re full of crap.

This website is a hobby project and also doesn’t have reliable numbers, although they at least explain how they get theirs, unlike the first link. Their method is tracking ‘online sentiment’ which is a BS marketing term that means absolutely nothing and can be skewed extremely heavily if the news cycle for games changes. This is why FFXIV allegedly beat World of Warcraft’s population because the online sentiment was high for FFXIV following FF Fanfest and the announcement of Endwalker while World of Warcraft was in a slump with no new announcements or releases.

By the way, that website also lists Wildstar as an active MMO. You know, the game that shut down in 2018.

Knew it was only a matter of time before someone would post that piece of trash here. (the video, not the person, although he’s not much better)

Not only does Asmongold show he’s completely out of touch with what the developers have been saying, he’s applying current fixes to the past, which isn’t even what players back then were arguing for, just to throw shade at Blizzard. Meanwhile he’s also making the argument that Blizzard has said they ‘don’t have the technology’ to do things (which they’ve never argued) and he’s trying to argue that their justification for their initial stance on covenant’s is invalid because the ‘story shows different’ but then makes it clear that he never paid any attention to the story.

I’ve listened to a few of his videos since the lawsuit broke and some of what he’s said makes sense, but this is a bucket of stupid wrapped up in a bag of moronic takes, stuffed in another bucket of stupid.

I don’t think he’s leaving the game, lol!

He said he was quitting months ago…

He’s still here.

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11 pm here, guess I will log in and forget about life for a while, WoW is good at that, no matter what anyone says.

Lol what metrics do they use to come up with their data? Do they have access to the API? Probably not.

To be honest I don’t want an apology from them now. I want them going forward to stop dismissing the concerns of the players they invite to test for them in the early stages of development .

I don’t expect everything we tell them to be fixed right away but I do expect them to give a reason why they can’t fix it right away and I expect them to do the fixes by the first x.x.5 patch and not a year later.

If they want to show they are listening then they need to get out of this cycle that they have been in since Legion where they wait until midway through the expansion to add what people are asking for.

Maybe if they do the fixes earlier they could have time later to add more dungeons or a new BG .


Hard agree. :+1:

exactly … hehe

I understood the point you made, it’s just asinine. And in no way does any company owe you an apology for mistakes. Apologies are worthless in the world of business. Results and change are what matter. The fact that you folks seem hell bent on making them acknowledge some slight against you is what’s so ridiculous about all this. It’s as if you’re looking for a tally of wins instead of changes and fixes, and I find that to be extremely telling.

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Everyone is out of touch with what the Devs have been saying. Since it’s the Devs who are completely out of touch with it’s players. The Devs decisions are wrong and their incompetence to act swiftly or admit fault is intolerable. This is why most of the player base left because everyone is tired of their antics which have carried on for years. The Devs don’t care about the players because the actions of them in recent years demonstrates that. This might seem harsh but it is the truth.

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Actions speak louder than words. For Blizzard to make inroads with people who have become cynical, they’ll need to show off a better approach over a longer period of time, and not just a year in to an expansion (which was already an established pattern).

However, while actions speak louder than words, words do still matter of course. I don’t think people need an apology (or really “need” anything other than actions), but I will say, as a subtle distinction, that it can help win a bit of extra good will to show an intelligent comprehension of what went wrong before, how those design decisions were motivated, and how those kinds of bad design incentives are now being avoided.

I understand that sounds a bit like an “apology,” but I think it’s a nuanced distinction. It’s more about showing off competent and intelligent recognition of issues, which happens to involve a strong understanding of the past. An interview like that would actually be fun to listen to. It’s not really about getting some public show of contrition, which to me at least, often feels distasteful. (I’m sure there are rare exceptions, but I dislike the general tendency to desire public apologies, which often feels more about ritualized humiliation in our current age).

This is the bait (hype) phase of a WoW patch cycle. Usually followed up by the switch phase after the ptr hits the servers.

It may be different this time but there have been too many bait and switches in the past. The cynicism you see on the forum is the result of that cycle.

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Of course words still do matter and that is part of the problem. Their explanations for the changes shows they have no idea where they went wrong. They just know they have to make changes. So the Devs are literally doomed to make the same terrible mistakes again.

That is also why most of us have no hope because not only will they make the same mistakes again but it will take a long time for them to iterate again because they are just using some unexplainable poor logic and can’t figure out their errors.

As listed above the apology helps build trust with the players because it would mean the Devs admit what they did wrong and then their plans for upcoming actions so it DOESN’T happen again. So the apology is 100% required because it’s pretty obvious to see at least from the Blue post that they are indeed clueless to their errors.

This is not a win when the changes happened because they needed to make them and the Devs still can’t grasp why they needed to happen. These are the people designing the game, they are lost. The Devs clearly don’t understand the players or play the game.

Yeah, they need to keep going with changes, that adds fun to the game.

So? Why does it matter?

Blizzard, please end this thread. It’s rude, short-sighted, and presumptuous, at best.

Why does Blizzard continue using these boring grindy systems that force players to do hundreds of hours of things that are NOT fun in order to allow them to play at the highest level of things that are fun? I mean, it’s supposed to be a GAME. If I want to do a bunch of grindy mindless chores, I may as well log off and do clean my bathroom.

The way I see it is that the mindless, repetitive chores added to the game are merely for the purpose of keeping people occupied and sucking up loads of their time in lieu of adding actual playable and fun content.

Whoever thought of systems like this should have been fired years ago along with anyone else that supposed it. there’s a reason people are voting with their feet and leaving this train wreck of a game. Creativity and fun have been replaced with boring grinds and this has happened increasingly with every expansion since Cata. I’m someone that’s played since the first month of Vanilla release and I’m telling you that the game has changed and not for the better.

I hope you turn things around and soon.

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I’m in panic mode because i haven’t decided what other MMO to fork my money over to. they all look interesting and fun (haven’t said that about WoW since legion when i came back) but thankfully i got tired of the daily grind being a casual and canceled my sub a few months ago. that was before the poo hit the fan with the litigation