9.1.5 Changes Happened Because You are Scared NOT Because You Care

Yes. That is not an apology, that is something a narcissist would say just to make their victims shut up.


So? LMAO it shows you haven’t even tried it yet. I have and I can tell you with 100% confidence that after 4-6 months the active player base will drop drastically and then level out to a niche MMO like many of the current MMOs. It is more geared as a pvp mmo and those don’t keep a huge following.

Having said that, my experience trying it, it isn’t horrible and plan on just leveling to max then likely will be done. But like I said, it is more like a crafting/pvp mmo than your typical mmo.

Good for FF’s expansion. WoW releases them as well and as much as people like you who hate the game yet actively still play, seem to keep buying every expansion.

The best is how people kept asking for a lot of these updates and then when Blizzard does these same people still get mad and make up stupid comments/threads like the OP here.

I can assure you, Blizzard has NOTHING to be scared of. You likely should move on though.

That’s a really weird way to read “we should have done this a year ago” but okay.

lmao you people are actually unstable

And neither does complaining, no matter what they do. If people are just going to cry foul even when they do things that we want, why even try? Creators like being rewarded just as much as consumers, and if their positive moves are met with derision and scorn it only helps to foster an attitude that players don’t know what they want because literally nothing will make them happy or stop the complaints.

Feels like this is a set up for 9.2 being the last patch to me more then its them listening to the player base…

I take it from this part mostly:

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Again, you’re mischaracterizing the situation and completely ignoring the conditions that led to this point as this could have been completely resolved in the beginning.

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People must love you at gatherings.

Instead of making doomsayer or anti-M+ threads about how much you dislike this game, you could…I don’t know…devote your energy into other games?

And if you already do that, then I just have to ask, why do you feel the need to come back here to complain?


Like most trolls, he lives off of negative attention.


Are you going to tell us what Earth Quakes and Hurricanes are going to happen in 4-6 months too? Sorry but you have zero idea what New World will be like in 4-6 months because no one does.

I can tell you that they have a far far better gaming philosophy then Blizz does though.

"Our attitude is launch is just the starting line, these games need to be co-created with the players and studio."

That is what every good gaming company is doing, Blizz needs to follow suite and be better at it then the competition. Something they used to do but forgotten. As of now other gaming companies are not only saying the right thing but also doing it.

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All of the OP is both conjecture and irrelevant. That changes happened is what matters, not their impetus.


His mind is made up. This amounts to nothing more than a blog post.


Ion (many times in the past): “We recognize that players are disappointed with [issue of contention]. We will take that into consideration in future development.”
Players: “They listened to our feedback! They apologized! They will fix [that thing] in the next patch! I’ll resub for 6 months now!”
Also players, but much later: “What the heck? The restrictions on this change make it worse. I’m sorry I resubbed.”

“We’re sorry you’re disappointed” is called a “nopology”.


Don’t care.

So no matter what happens in the future, you’re going to keep complaining about the past because you didn’t get what you want, when you wanted?

That’s not the problem. The real problem is he thinks his opinion somehow has merit and value beyond an opinion. And that, somehow, it validates his need to stand on a forum soapbox and annoy everyone else.

A discussion I can handle. But getting preached at is infinitely worse.


Blizzard’s stated philosophy is this:

How much are philosophies worth to you?


If they cared they would have done this stuff a year ago.

Well, thy do care - but not about the players - they care about their profits.


I feel like you would have made this thread no matter what they did.

I doubt they’re scared personally. They’ve always been incredibly freaking slow to add QoL changes, but they always come eventually. This is more the status quo then anything.

Though mythic+ legion was an interesting surprise.

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Let’s put it this way. I don’t trust the devs: that has been the rule since WOD. Every time they do something “right,” they monkey paw it to make you wonder why you even bother.

Bring back sets? Oh, sets are boring, here’s domination gems and domination sockets, you just need to pray you get them via RNG, then run this boring content to level them up. Also, one of those slots is probably going to be where your BIS legendary is, so you’ll have to go back to Chore-ghast to make a new one.

Bring back flying? Oh, sure, but now all the content is over in this place where you can’t fly at all, and just to make sure you stay in Chore-thia, we’re going to make sure the rewards in flying areas are total crap. Also, GFL on building rep over there.

Need to make the story interesting? Oh, we know how to write a story! (They do not know how to write a story.)

Trusting the devs now is like Charlie Brown running for the football Lucy’s holding down for the third time and expecting her to not yank it this time around.

If they think one nice patch is going to win me back over, just so I can relive the disappointment that followed Legion and BFA, then…no. I’ve seen what happens after Blizzard releases their QOL patches, and I know I’m gonna see it again.

Not unstable, I just recognize a pattern.


Who is asking you to trust them? Not a single person.

What is being said, however, is don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. Why we are getting the changes matters not one whit. What matters is we are getting them. Could they have been sooner? Of course. Still doesn’t change the fact that I am happy we are getting them now.