If the zero achievement andy tells us Lost Ark has killed WoW… then Lost Ark has killed WoW
You are giving us way too much credit there
Has nothing to do with mind reading. Which I explained. I don’t think you are able to grasp that though. Good luck.
That’s true. Players in Alpha said they wouldn’t work but the Devs said too late it will be fine. That isn’t how Alphas should work.
I’l refer to you to my last comment made on this.
That’s great. I still rather play and log into WoW because these MMO’s just don’t interest me.
And i’m guessing if they acted quickly instead, they will still be dumped on.
And i seriously doubt you can tell the difference between the two things.
I don’t think they would apologize to the players, not (just) because Allen “Do you not have phones, our actions gonna matter much more then these words, you think you do, but you don’t” Brack made any sort of apology to be put though a lens and be taken with a huge grain of salt now and as typical as corperate apologies go, but because players like you don’t seem to be interested in forgiving them even if it’s a genuine apology. Or just straight up try to take advantage of them by getting some sort of reward, or otherwise it’s not a real apology.
Didn’t Blizzard told you guys that content was going to be slowed then and the community got angry because of that, so now their giving content, and you’re getting angry at them still?..
He’s one of those perpetually outraged posters.
Also that green helmet looks so wonky on a night elf.
No I don’t think I will because…
Most people should be able to clearly discern the difference of someone’s actions being fake or genuine.
Then they won’t achieve what they want in winning back the players trust. They need to apologize then start the biggest PR campaign ever with lots of actions, not just talk.
Players just don’t trust Blizz at all anymore. This is the mountain they have to overcome and the way they do that is clear. Panic changes because they had to do them isn’t it.
Ion got a call from the accounting department telling him to cut out whatever they’re doing that cratered the playerbase.
Pretty sure they thought no one would quit because everybody is so addicted.
I’m pretty sure the results they are looking for is people to resub now rather than waiting to see if the hype accurately reflects what players will be getting.
The devil is in the details. Right now, aside from those cosmetic changes, it’s still hype.
And i’m sure 99% of anything good blizzard does you categorized as “fake” in your book, i’m guessing?
Way to just read one part of my message and not see the rest i’ve what i’ve said on why they wouldn’t do that. I mean there was like two reasons in there and you skipped them like it doesn’t even exist. So here they are.
Again, you don’t seem to think that people like you won’t ever forgive blizzard for what they done, even if it’s a genuine apology.
And Blizzard just doesn’t trust players anymore. This goes both ways here.
…You didn’t tell us what makes it a genuine apology to you. All you’re doing is telling people that you won’t forgive them no matter what.
Then you also have the players who mindlessly defend bad systems.
-It’s only the Alpha
-It’s only the Beta
-It’s only the first patch
-It’s only the second patch
-They’ll fix it next expansion
And the cycle continues
Does an apology have to contain the word “sorry” for you to understand it?
Can we just be happy that changes we wanted and asked for are finally happening before adding another layer of moaning about it?
Okay take 2, why are you still subscribed?
Ya what gives? The “goal posts” keep getting moved out into the future
Going by GD’s front page, apparently not.
People will start praising them if they can keep this “quality time” up for at least four years from now on and not when they are caught in a sex scandal and people leaving them due bad game designs.
For a start, the biggest thing that needs to happen is for Blizzard to stop building expansions around artificially stretching out the length of time it takes doing things in order to meet time played metrics.
Shadowlands was built entirely around making every single activity take as long as possible. A long, un-skippable intro questline, a long linear levelling experience with a required lengthy main questline, long Renown grind, long Anima grinds, few flight paths that also take some time to get places, nerfs in gear drops, Torghast, having to basically re-grind EVERYTHING on alts, and the list goes on and on.
Even just doing Callings is tiresome and often feels somewhat unrewarding. Everything takes so long to do, and a lot of Shadowlands content also feels repetitive due to timegating and such.
I have an idea, how about Blizzard does a genuine formal apology. Ion comes on an interview and says they were 100% wrong! That their ideas were bad and they should of listened to the players feedback going back to Alpha. Then outlines how they plan to change now moving forward. Then actually follow through.
If they do that I will forgive them and guess what…most other people would too. It’s called admitting your faults and expressing where you were wrong so you can change. That is how trust is built.
We can only hope, rather he gets a call from Bobby about something else though.
Very true. The problem is there is so much more hype around other games. Blizz loosening the ropes around their chores and convoluted systems isn’t exactly the hype that will win players back.
The point that many are making is that these major flaws in the design were pointed out to them a year ago, and their response to these reports was to downplay and ignore it rather than properly address it.
While it is a good thing that problems are getting fixed, please don’t mischaracterize the situation as this could have been resolved a long long time ago. Pretending otherwise doesn’t help the game or the community.
Eh. I read it. It reads as “yes, you were all right about how bad an idea this was gonna be, but hey, at least you got to rpg with your mEaNiNgFuL cHoIcEs for a while. Plus now it makes lore sense to remove the restrictions anyway. So in a way, we were right all along.”
Kinda a pathetic excuse for an apology if you ask me
I’ve heard so many non-apologies followed by the corporation totally ignoring what they said.
Show me.
I think there are two spheres where ActiBlizz needs to do some work:
- In Game, and this is a good first step. As someone said, a baby step.
- More importantly, in their house.