Apparently mischaracterizing the situation is the only thing you know how to do in order to downplay the situation. These were major flaws to a system that was central to this expansions core, so yes…those issues needed to be fixed asap.
Having such an immature attitude towards this and keeping your head in the sand doesn’t help the company, the game or its reputation.
Think I’ll just roll my eyes and move on. Seem to do that a lot around here.
If they cared they would have created an expansion for the playerbase they have rather than the imaginary fantasy playerbase they think they deserve or the playerbase they are convinced would never leave because they are too addicted. Except for a few soreheads that the pro-blizz brigade is still trying to chase from the forums. So clearly they aren’t taking this seriously if purging the forums of dissent is still a high priority.
Defining major player demographics to serve and finding out what they were willing to pay for should have been their first priority before any work began. Responsible businesses do marketing research before sinking hundreds of millions of dollars into a vanity project intended to change human nature.
It looks like they got the playerbase they deserve.
Awww you seem disgruntled because I will be right. It’s okay.
LMAO nope. You seriously are delusional. A better gaming philosophy? Hahhahaha. Let’s see here. They made a fps game. Shut it down 1-2 months after launch for good because it was horrible. Yeahhhh AMAZING gaming philosophy. Now they are making an mmo geared mainly as a pvp/crafting mmo. Yeahhhh cause that is going to keep hundreds of thousands playing long term.
Yet another delusional reply. You seriously have no clue about any gaming company if that is what you think.
Funny though how much you hate Blizzard yet here you are still actively playing and needing to play on the forums? Can you seriously not let go and just move on?
Level 14 warlock with 4 posts, all of which are in this thread.
Just move on.
If you look at any patch ever released and don’t see the genuine care for the world expressed in it by those who created it, I truly don’t know what to tell you. People who don’t care aren’t making spaces like Revendreth & Ardenweald nearly two decades into a game.
who is saying that there’s any issues with the appeal of any zones? where’d this even come from fr fr. it’s all about the systems
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Well fair enough on you giving what you want for a genuine apology. I have still have my doubts that you would actually forgive them based on that, because it seems like you will find a way to turn this into a negative somehow. And given the title of your thread, reasons you’ve given on why it’s fake and the general vibe you’re giving off, while also noticing the other commenters are calling you a troll and telling people about your post history and such… it would seem very likely that’s what will you do.
Sometimes you can’t assume malice if it isn’t there at all. And to do exactly that would be on you.
Me personally, i don’t want them to apologize. Not because i won’t accept it, but because they should actually show it though the actions they do and not just words. Just simply work and make good changes to the game.
While that’s good to do and humility can lead to a better change in the future as well learning the lessons along the way, to many of the people who never forgive regardless of what they do, will take that as a sign of weakness like “AHA! See? their so incompetent! they can NEVER do anything right!..”
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If you’re also going to downplay my point that blizzard devs ignored crucial feedback to a core system until the 11th hour when their reputation is in tatters, you’re going to have to do better than use this random toons level as an excuse because that’s completely irrelevant.
I can’t imagine why Blizzard is hesitant to ever talk to its customers.
Even positive changes are met with endless whining and negativity.
Blizzard is a business, not social services. They don’t care about their customers, they care about what’s in their customer’s wallets.
A company is not one entity, it a bunch of people. If you need an apology from one of those people for belittling you, that is what you should be asking for.
Why does it have to be one of these two options?
Personally, I think they are making the changes because they are easier than what was actually planned because that plan was disrupted by the law suite and losing some of their key people.
So what?
Personally, I don’t need a company to ‘care’ about me. I have friends, family, ect for that. What I need is a company to care about creating a quality product and none of these changes address the continuing fail when it comes to that.
I think your priorities are skewed.
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An apology doesn’t matter. They either learn, and fix it in the future.
They don’t learn, the apology means nothing, they forget they made one, and ignore the player base for months as per usual.
I’d rather no apology and they learn, and fix it, than make another apology, and ignore us in the future, if its all the same to you.
Either way, to me an apology is irrelevant, you either make the game good or you don’t.
If a business doesn’t care about it’s customers then it shouldn’t be in business. I stopped reading here. This is just common sense.
No, it it not common sense; it is naivety.
Businesses care about their bottom line, period. If you don’t understand that, you are going to get a rude awakening when you get out into the real world.
“just be happy your captor gave you some breadcrumbs 9 months after holding you hostage”
Blizzard has done a bunch of BS towards their player base for so long now. Everything feels like a bait and switch and void of genuine concern.
Remember the essence system in BFA how horrible it was for alts. Finally, towards the very end of the xpac they said “we’re listening” and made the changes, then SL comes out and it’s rinse and repeat.
You place far too much importance on yourselves.
As customers, we are Blizzard’s bottom line. If we aren’t satisfied with the product they offer us, we have no obligation to continue paying them for it. We owe the companies we buy products from no loyalty and definitely no money, not if we feel the product isn’t worth the money requested. And it is a request, not a demand. Annoy your customers enough, and why do you think you’ll have any once word gets out?
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If that is how you feel, then honestly, and I mean this sincerely and with no malice, you should stop playing.
You (nor anyone) should not be giving a company (ANY company) money that they feel this negatively towards.