9.1 Tyrande cinematic

This is sailor moon and cardcaptor sakura erasure

Clearly Tyrande is Sailor Moon.

She even has the magical moon crown tiara, and a pet cat.


There are more spoilers available. It’s pretty much what happens. Worded differenty (focus on renewal instead of former goal) though.

It was indeed. Even in line with a light version of the advertised in the BfA justice theme. Was refreshing, for about a minute.

Power of plot convenience I assume.

That’s a usual way to use rockets in Quake :eyes:

This cinematic by itself - yes, sure, because it plays on the same emotions as BfA and it’s proclaimed justice. Just like BfA it does not follow up. And just like the devs said that the conclusion of the war campaign would be satisfying to both sides (and loyalists too, I suppose /s) we have

Once the update goes live next week, players will be able to see it for themselves. There are really satisfying answers that come to the fore when you play through that quest line and we get to see Tyrande have something of a resolution with that power.

© https://www.pcmag.com/news/world-of-warcraft-devs-talk-the-new-raid-and-mythic-plus-score-coming-to

gl hf

You’re talking about a cutscene that isn’t actually in-game, we don’t know any of the context except your pessimistic take.

Could it be about the scene “Anduin steals a sigil from the Heart of the Forest”?

Yup. To be at shonen level, Tyrande would have beat Sylvanas with the power of friendship.

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He’s talking about the cutscene of Tyrande and Elune talking, which isn’t playable until the campaign gets that far.

and Talk no Jutsu

It’s a cinematic that we’ve already seen parts of, a questline that you can do on the beta or watch on wowhead, and screenshots readily available on WoWhead. The only thing we haven’t seen is the actual creation of the new Tear of Elune. None of this is speculation.

Again. Take 5 minutes on WoWhead and educate yourself.

can people calm the hell down? The cinematic was pretty cool. And given the Ardenweald convenant campaign and Chains of Domination raid, we knew this was going to be just the beginning of the story.

Some yall acting like it’s the last cinematic of the entire expansion, like chill out :wolf:


The creation for the Tear of Elune is speculation.

It’s not speculation. Elune actually creates a brand new one during the Ardenweald Campaign and gifts it to the Winter Queen.

Because the Winter Queen even comments afterwards that her Sister didn’t forget about me. :wolf:

The thing isn’t speculation cause it was visible during the PTR questing experience, everything else Nelfist is saying is speculation and personal interpretation however.

not that it will make you enjoy it anymore but sylvanas sais so.ething about dealing the the bargain of your God as the power of elune fades I took this as more story arc for elune than anything else it made it seem like to me elune can’t kill sylvanas
 not because she’s to powerful but maybe killing her would break some cosmic deal?

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If you’re going to die on a molehill can you at least make coherent points.

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I liked the cinematic. Sylvanas does good for being in her melee spec against a demon hunter.
The best part by far, though, is the look on her face when she sees Ysera coming.

“Oh crap! DRAGON!!!”


Given the probability of 9.2 this year, for quite a few in might be the last batch of cinematics this expansion.

Imagine how pointless and manipulative that would make the entire plotline with justice and all of that. Will the players choose to trust blizz after that? (not that there is not enough other reasons)

gl hf

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Okay, still doesn’t change what I said though :wolf: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Just replayed with subs.

Didn’t notice subtitles on my phone while looking at it on Wowhead, but Tyrande says in Darnassian: “My life for hers.”

It’s entirely possible Elune cut off the power because she wasn’t willing to let Tyrande die for vengeance.


It’s called justice. The whole story is about justice. Even Danuser discomfortably calles it the chase for justice. (not that it helps with anything when it comes to the in-game story, but chat about “vengeance” without stating the used definition of the term is kind of odd IMO)

gl hf

One of the main themes in Shadowlands through 3 of the 4 covenants is the distinction between vengeance and justice/retribution. It’s literally one of the oldest story beats that carries over from Warcraft 3.

Murder-suicide to kill Sylvanas would’ve left the Night Elves without their spiritual and cultural leader and solved nothing as the Jailer would still be rampant and the souls of the dead would still be trapped.