9.1 Tyrande cinematic

On topic, my thoughts on this cutscene are mostly positive, it had some decent moments and Sylvanas didn’t seem overly overpowered, and actually didn’t keep the upper hand even when it came to verbal sparring.

My only issue, which isn’t really this cutscene’s fault, its that the Night Warrior’s power failing at the last moment would have been far more impactful if we’d actually seen it… doing stuff in a successful and overt way without the drawbacks prior to this. So again we’re kind of going back to BfA and all those issues there. We’ve never actually seen the Night Warrior power at full strength and not constantly failing, so it fading out becomes more of a ‘oh yeah, of course’ moment than a big scary moment.

If Illidan’s power suddenly got snuffed out, it would be a big deal. Same as if Jaina were slapped with an anti-magic weapon or if Thrall had lost his elemental powers right in the middle of his fight with Garrosh. In this case, we’ve never seen that power manifest in a dramatic way, until now, and it only lasts for a minute before it’s gone.


Vengeance is going so recklessly that you will lose your life like Ahab did in his Novel against the Whale.

Justice is making sure Judgement is brought down upon the Sinner. Justice should not be reckless…

Sylvanas must be brought to Justice without getting ourselves killed by our desire for Vengeance!

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And what are the definitions that allow to distinguish?

They have candidates.

It would address the story for which the devs took money when advertised the thing.

Since he’ll likely succeed in the raid events - nothing would be different.

  1. you still did not give the definition for vengeance
  2. sometimes self-sacrifice is the way to do what is right.

gl hf


Didn’t she legit say “My life for hers”… seems Tyrande was more than willing to make that sacrifice.

Thiernax did, and Elune didn’t object…


manipulation is kinda whole plot line though isn’t it? justice being relative seems to be a trend to

Yup. The devs hype things up, and then do things like the N’Zoth cinematic when it’s time for resolution.

Justice is whatever convenient for the plot to call so. Expected. Disappoining. Annoying.

gl hf


To be fair, Thiernax was slaying an Old God to save his entire planet. Tyrande committing suicide to kill Sylvanas at this point in the narrative only serves as an act of retribution, not salvation.


Sylvanas is a tool for Zovaal to continue doing the stuff he was doing, placing in danger all there is. Maybe not as problematic as an Old God on a single planet, who knows.

(but emotional connection would still make events / things on Azeroth more important feel-wise for the players).

gl hf


Well we can finally put the idea Sylvanas doesn’t care about Nathanos to bed.

And I just can’t stop laughing. All that Elune super saiyan goddess nonsense and she’s barely on Sylvanas’s level and of course it times out. LMAO


Obviously it’s to keep Slyvanas around, but that feels kindof counter productive to giving her the power in the first place?

Why would Elune give her the power to do all this to begin with… shouldn’t she have known this was her end goal.

To rob that just feels like poor story telling.

(Here’s the power to literally blast off into space, hah jk now its gone- why even allow that to begin with even?)


She’s a master tactician that lied to us in her inner monologues of Before the Storm. So, there is still a chance for 101D chess.

gl hf


Don’t you feel sorry for poor rittle slyvany now? :worried:

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Because the end goal can be achieved without murder-suicide.


But in the cinematic, she literally says, Give me the power to kill her, my life for hers…

Elune then grants her this power to Starfire her way up to Slyvanas, then instantly removes it… Why? Why give her the ability to even Starship her butt up there? Why not just be like, nahhh… you good…


The end goal of taking money from the players after promoting one story indeed does not require follow up the hype / build-up and fulfilling expectations.

gl hf

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I think it’s a matter of weighed interests. Would killing Sylvanas right then and there have really altered the Jailer’s plans in any significant fashion, enough to warrant Tyrande’s death, when her continued existence could arguably have (at least, from Elune’s perspective) a greater net positive impact on the situation? It’s possible.

For Thiernax, going supernova was the only solution available to counter the threat he faced. For Tyrande, it may not be the case. The Night Warrior bargain may have been struck to find a means to Sylvanas’ end, but Elune seems to believe it shouldn’t come at the cost of Tyrande’s own life. Unlike Thiernax, it’s not a die or die scenario.


Elune is really Blizzard… stringing along everybody for nothing.


LOL funy how sum guys in here say dey were going to let their sub expire in a couple days THREE WEEKS AGO and come in here saying they wont be strung along any further

ok bud cya next week


RE: Themes

(Content warning: language)

To this I would add - the theme may also not be what the audience wants or, as Chronorabbit has indicated, was sold.


Some people have longer subs than you expect… or play WoW Classic.