9.1 Tyrande cinematic

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He wasn’t saying that the cinematic was a bfa one, he was pointing that the ‘‘cutscene’’ was called ‘‘cinematic’’ as in the title of the video…

hahaha never, I want tattoos and scars obviously more beards too

I can’t read but you have sight problems.

Wasting your time. I even stated when i posted the video and he still didn’t get it.

He wasn’t pointing that out because that’s a literal cinematic, not an INGAME cutscene.
He’s just wasting time trolling.

It’s a pretty obvious rule of the internet that if someone prefaces their hot take with “As an X”, that there’s a great chance they’re lying about being X.

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Oh sorry my bad, i took you for the level 42 blood elf that poster at the beginning of that thread you took part about the blood elf customisation.

There is CGI (Saurfang). There is “animation” (Death of Ysera). There is an in-game scene (Ritual of the Night Warrior).
You’re not going to say that Death of Ysera and Saurfang are equal?


Quality wise Saurfang was better but emotionally I was more invested in Ysera’s death.


Speaking of it, does anyone else remember that dude that used two character ,a troll and a orc and that keep saying how good friend they were and how horde player they were even if they kept trying to put down the horde. God that it was a weird one.

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Nope. I’m saying that Ysera and Sylv V Tearanda are equal.

I said it in my posts in the thread I want tattoos of farstrider and magister. It would also be great to have light tattoos.
I guess it’s easy to confuse we don’t have enough customizations :wink:


The resolution is that the Night Warrior Power is killing Tyrande, it gets dispersed by previous Night Warriors / The Winter Queen. Tyrande then talks to the Night Elf Priestess that burned in Teldrassil and decides that peace is more important than Justice. So basically A Little Patience all over again.

That’s the entire shtick. We’ve known this for months now.


Got to agree with you. If bfa cgi prove anything, is that hd quality doesn’t mean good cinematic.

God that Bfa wasted so much money on Saurfang being sad.


Characters flying around and blasting each other into the dirt is stupid shonen garbage. Filth like this is how we got the stupid “power levels” threads. I wanna play Warcraft, not watch a even more poorly written DBZ.

Teamfourstar could totally write some great dialogue to this cinematic. Probably more lore-friendly than Blizzard’s too.


What’s your power level?


I don’t know how I feel about this fight.

Obviously, we all knew she didn’t kill Sylvanas going in.

The “Elune gave me her strength. The wrath is mine.” is a cool line.

It’s ridiculously anime. Like, I feel like I’m watching a kungfu movie where they’re flying around on wires. The movements are… Weird. Like, gravity is being funky? Or they’re fighting in water?

Anyways… Yeah, the ending was just…


Sylvanas lived because Tyrande’s phone battery died. What a climatic ending!

You know what? I do know how I feel about it. It’s hilarious. We’re solidly in “it’s so bad, it’s good” territory.

I mean, look at this:

Tyrande throws her two glaives. She’s not even aiming for Sylvanas. She’s aiming at the ground 10 feet in front of her. Then, her glaives explode into moon dust because… Who knows? Then suddenly, Elune gives Tyrande the power to Team Rocket off? Why does the Jailer’s power make Sylvanas’s neck unstrangleable? Is her skin super strong? Her muscles? Did humans write this? Were they out of high school?

It’s basically solidifies that no one should take this story seriously.


Considering how everyone was saying this cutscene was about Tyrande failing to defend Ardenweald and Sylvanas destroys her and acted like it was factual, sorry if I don’t take your word for it.


It’s been datamined for months. Spend 5 minutes on WoWhead and educate yourself.

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