9.1 Tyrande cinematic

Your post was contextless and made no sense, so if anyone has problems with “what you were implying” I assure you, it isn’t their fault.

So what kind of videos do you count? BfA or Shadowlands?

Remember that when you wrestle a pig in mud, the pig likes it.

No it wasn’t. I quoted exactly what was being addressed.

I even said this.
Stop lying.

This cinematic gives bluer balls than a Draenei can sport. What a waste of a cutscene. Might as well have had some rando NPC give Sylvanas the info about Nathanos.

SO glad I switched mains.


Yeah sure. Weren’t you the one that said that worgen,forsaken, darkspear and gnome had more leader and city than night elf not long ago???

Oh and i also remember that time when you called Tyrande high end cinematic as ‘‘just cutscene’’ and left out the night warrior cutscene and the fight against Nathanos and the 2 val’kyr cutscene.

And how many race have as much alone? Or maybe are you including all other race together and you are comparing night elf versus every other race as if the night elf should count as 50% of the game.


I mean I really doubt Horde fans had any particular investment with it sans Sylvanas’ fanatics. I personally like it, especially when Tyrande managed to give Sylvanas a verbal slap with the knowledge the Jailer isnt telling her everything.

Heck, I found that particular line a nice rebuke considering we had to suffer though months of certain fans claiming killing Nathanos meant nothing/was part of her grand design!

You quoted me talking about a BfA ingame cutscene with a Legion cinematic.


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I love the sound of ad hominem. It’s got this ring of desperation and defeat.

I play almost exclusively in the horde but I can understand that the alliance players mainly the night elves players are angry! I hope that the night elves get their deserved retribution for teldrasil and that sylvanas dies


So what are you weighing, videos from “BfA-Sl” time period or from “Vanilla”?

I also said this.

Please work on your reading comprehension.

Then you are blind, that’s all I’ve to say.

Tyrande couldn’t choke out Sylvanas because undead have a racial that lets them hold their breath for 10 minutes and the raid fight timed out.


But you’re the one who didn’t see what I was addressing when I gently held your hand and pointed it out for you??


Tyrande should have just clapped.


Aren’t you that alliance poster using a blood elf alt that was trying to lock blood elf player of more customisation by trying to say that what blood elf receive was on the level of night elf???


#/!( me that was intense, not knowing what happens at the end of the raid I think I would’ve liked this fight as a closing act for it, but I’m still happy I got the mud wrestling I wanted.

What?! What is this ability? Don’t breathe underwater for ten minutes?