9.1 Tyrande cinematic

I thoroughly enjoyed about 2:30 of the cinematic, and was left confused by the last 30 seconds or so, probably due to a lack of context that frames or foreshadows the Night Warrior’s power waning in such a critical moment.

Knowing preemptively that Sylvanas is apart of the upcoming raid, the Night Warrior’s power shutting off unexpectedly felt like much more like a deus ex machina (or should we say an ‘atheus ex machina’ :smirk: ) than a plot point. It seemed like the cinematic could have ended with Sylvanas flying off and Tyrande giving chase, leaving it on a cliff hanger; the fact that it didn’t, however, leads me to believe there will be further context to Elune’s pacifism in the moment. At least, I hope so.

That being said, I otherwise found it to be a spectacular piece of cinematography. I enjoyed the visual parallels to Illidan at the Black Temple in the beginning, and Sylvanas’ tonal change upon learning of Nathanos’ fate was a nice, empathetic touch. Both characters got to shine through moments of sass and displays of their respective power boosts, and it was visually epic, particularly when it came to Tyrande’s enhanced, astral design. I absolutely loved the amount of detail the cinematic team put into their expressions, and even though I was left somewhat befuddled towards the end, I believe they captured Tyrande’s desperation “to end this” in her face and eyes very well.

Overall, this cinematic will rank among the top short productions for me, right next to Terror of Darkshore and Malfurion jobbing an entire caravan.


I’ve been tossing this around in my head as well - and the thing that doesn’t make sense to me is why Elune would grant the power to pin Sylvanas, but not the power to end her. I can’t come up with a good reason, and so I can’t really follow that theory.


She was hoping they’d kiss


::He would gently hold your hand and guide you to the obvious.::
I never claimed this was a BFA cinematic. I posted it because Blizzard named this a cinematic, when you claimed these were “”“cutscenes.”""

Stop lying.


One question. What for?

Dude, stop talking crap. I responded to Lenastus talking about BfA and if you can’t follow that much, don’t quote me and talk absolute bull

Maybe Elune was fine with giving Tyrande her power to end Sylvanas but the power was burning through Tyrande’s life waaaay too fast so Elune was like “Hol’ up! I dont want you to die, dial it back!” when she realized Tyrande was using too much of it?

or the other idea is just the power faded simply due to the tole it was taking on her body physically.

There is a difference between cinematics and Ingame cutscenes.

Cinematics is what you posted, or the wrathgate etc.

Cutscenes are like the maw intro/outro

What did she want them to kiss for?

idk, the benefit seems self-evident.

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For right now, my running theory is this:

Night Warrior OS 4.2 needs to reboot to install important updates!

Okay. Sometimes the goal exists without any consequences.

Except for the pleasure of the moment?

Where until the Orgrimar siege so only what happened before count as ‘‘forsaken’’ story. I don’t recall any cinematic outside of the Undercity one. Only cutscene, which as you said don’t count.

For Talanji i give it to you so we can add Zandalary in it. Baine??? Outside of one cutscene he got nothing so Tauren are out.

Already count them.

??? All i did was using YOUR own criteria.

Never said it was Shadowland. Shadowland itself have way enough night elf content for them being the most present.

I liked it. I really liked how Tyrande’s model looked while radiating Elune’s power (if they ever do more customization updates, I pray that’s included for night elves). As for the actual story, it was fine. I’ve had such horrifically low expectations for this patch that a simple anime fight will get two thumbs up.


Oh he knows that all too well. But he is trolling just to get the last word in.

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no they don’t lol, we’ve literally seen Undead be impaled with spears and feel no discomfort whatsoever. Sylvanas reflected in her short story that falling off Icecrown Citadel wouldn’t kill her if not for the saronite spikes at the bottom. why would breaking their spine kill them?

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Sylvanas also had to burn through a Valkyr after Godfrey shot her.

devs literally said that if you break tehre spines they die

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I did really like that Tyrande finally was able to break the smugness Sylvanas had, if only for a bit. She actually cracked a smile when she realized Sylvanas didn’t know about Nathanos, though it does beg the question of what exactly Sylvanas thought had happened to the guy.


He says, thinking that I implied a Legion cutscene was a BFA cutscene.

Link please, because we’ve been shown them to be more durable numerous times.

Sylvanas also had to burn through a Valkyr after Godfrey shot her.

Godfrey headshot her, and I’m pretty sure he uses magic with his shots judging by his official art.