9.1 Tyrande cinematic

I’mma just say…I absolutely loved that cinematic. It was pretty badass and I loved Ysera swooping in at the end. :wolf:


M … Zandalari? Talanji, Talanji with Rastakhan, Rastakhan and Bwonsamdi, Rastakhan and Bwomsandi 2. Were there any more videos?

Well, why “satisfied”. I experienced less dissatisfaction.

I think if anything - this is my point.

When assessing the quality of an individual “beat”, it has to be taken on its own terms. A conversation about the surrounding context is important, but it’s not helpful when we’re trying to isolate the quality of individual moments.


We’ll see in a couple of weeks, it’s a question that’s deliberately left to be answered and we know when it’ll be answered.

Don’t have to wait half a year or more for another patch.

Ok so you want to take cutscenes out. That still leave Darkshore and Nathanos.

How many race got 2 cinematic that aren’t orc or human? Cutscene doesn’t count.

I mean, you say that, but I feel like you probably said the same thing 2 years ago.

Yall know you can just leave and wait til its done, right? That’s allowed.


Sylvanas and Nathanos are/ were Forsaken characters. Talanji and Baine got cinematics too. Humans got tons of cinematics. Stop moving the goalposts to cover up your lie.

The Nathanos scene was a Shadowlands prepatch. You either include it in BfA or in Shadowlands. You can’t do both


Forsaken? Sylvanas in BFA twice, Thrall’s Forsaken Assassins.

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Even Blizzard calls them cinematics.
Stop lying.


Only you can call a Legion cinematic as part of BfA when convenient, Dread.


You’re all dumb for having this argument.


Nah, I sat out bfa until 8.3. But I was excited for Shadowlands, despite bfa. Now that excitement is so dead not even the primus could ressurrect it.

Yea, it’s time to abandon this maggot infested rotten excuse for a game. Probably for good this time.


Okay see you next week.


In terms of cutscenes, ergo ones like what we see above, Tyrande has been in the Val’sharah finale, the Darkshore intro cutscene, the slaying of Nathanos, and this one. She, like Jaina, has been in zero high end cinematics, and if we’re counting the weird janky ‘cutscenes’ then there are myriad other characters who have been in those because they’re easy to make.

That’s not even close to being in the most cutscenes.

Don’t be dumb.


Weird “choke me mommy” moment aside, the cutscene’s kinda…meh, to me. It’s not that the visuals or animations aren’t good, but I’m not really feeling anything with the characters. Like, obviously it’s not supposed to be a good thing if Sylvanas wins, but I’m not exactly rooting for Tyrande either.

Maybe we’ll get a funny meme out of it later.


so I saw an interesting YouTube comment about the power drain at the end that could be a potential reason for it

Quoting it down bellow

In Torghast during the Night Fae campaign, whenever Tyrande used the Night Warrior’s power, it almost kills her until she’s healed enough to use it again. And considering that in Darnassian Tyrande said “My life for hers,” which shows she was willing to go nuclear to kill Sylvanas, Elune took the power away so Tyrande didn’t kill herself, even if Sylvanas getting away was the consequence. I think that’s why Elune took the power away.

which makes more sense imo, than Elune just abandoning Tyrande again, it was Elune caring for Tyrande and not wanting her to die due to the powers.

just another possible scenario is all.


I’m just calling out people pretending ignorance for the sake of a weirdly petty argument to be honest.

Perhaps next year, if a miracle happens. But i’ll probably stay until we know what happens at the end of the raid. After that, there’s no point in staying. That is to say, tommorow.

Love the trolling.

“Later”? Oh, honey…