9.1 Tyrande cinematic

Until she lost. The one thing this piece of garbage powerup was supposed to do, was allow Tyrande to get her revenge on Sylvanas. At the very least she should have been allowed to single handlly force Sylvanas to flee.

But no, Sylvanas no sells it in the end. God I hope these writers gets ulcers and warts.


I am begging Night Elf posters to understand what the words “losing” and “defeat” means. We can’t keep doing this.


Choke me Mommy doesnt have the same ring though.

Moving on, this doesnt seem to bode well for the state of Elune. Also I find it fitting that the only OG female Alliance/Horde leader duke it out in their very first interaction.

This. Night elf literally got the most content and progression of any other race in shadowland, along with having the most cinematic after orc in Bfa and also being one of the most present race in legion. They now had many cinematic in a row about how awesome and how strong Tyrande is.

Yet, night elf player are going to continue saying how they are the biggest victim and how every other playable race have more content than them and also more satisfying moment than them. Even gnome, darkspear, worgen and tauren still have way more content and satisfying moment

Meanwhile the forsaken can’t even complain about Undercity because apparently, it is the forsaken player themself that destroyed it


The Superman flying was too much.

Though, interestingly, it’s a play on IRL Banshees, inasmuch Tyrande resembles what most people describe real-life banshees as (usually ghostly women or fairy/elven women dressed in white seeking vengeance or warning about death).

So Tyrande also has a “banshee” form (flying around etc)

Vaguely concerned the power waned as Sylvanas was in a chokehold.

Elune directly powered her up to Superman, and disempowered in the killing act.


Don’t forget the Primus is functionally the “father” of the Forsaken as the father of Necromancy. And yet.


I mentioned that I think I might be going a bit easier on this cinematic because I’m aware of its requirements and of some of the surrounding context but

I think the mistake that’s being made here is viewing this event as the resolution.

There’s still a lot of missing information. We don’t know why the Night Warrior ran out of gas. We don’t know everything about what Tyrande’s motivations are going to be after the ritual - and the big item that we don’t know about after this cinematic is what the significance of Nathanos is going to bring - which they don’t appear to have forgotten.

I think the big error here is that we’re evaluating this without regard to where it has been placed in the larger narrative. As a puzzle piece being fit in based on what we know already, this is more than fine, and I think it was a respectful way of going about these events given where this event fits. If we want to criticize the surrounding elements (such as the renewal comment that comes later), that’s fine, but that’s out of scope for this discussion.


Stop lying.


It looks super cool but narratively doesn’t make much sense and is kind of unsatisfying.

I guess it’s perfect since that’s exactly what WoW is these days.

I would have rather seen Sylvanas actively escape on her own instead of Elune just flipping off the light switch inexplicably and without explanation.

Also could two of the most famous archers in the franchise use their bows again? I don’t think we’ve ever had two characters who are expert marksmen fighting each other in a cinematic and it would have been neat to see.


You first.


Oh yeah. All other races have more fun. Or less dissatisfaction. We must weigh. Or are the scale of satisfaction and dissatisfaction on the same line?
And there are also scales of “pride” and “hatred” towards the faction 

How do you weigh all this?

Yeah? What did I lie about?

Not really, we’ve had a forsaken with their head ripped off talk to us about the discomfort.
‘What kills an undead’ is extremely author dependent.


People would’ve been just as upset about this, if not more so because it shows Sylvanas as an equal rather than lesser and it wouldn’t tie into the follow-up quest chain about confronting Elune.

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Darkshore cinematic, night warrior ritual cinematic, darkshore wining cinematic, Tyrande killing Nathanos cinematic
 How many other race had 4 cinematic aside of orc and maybe human?

And please don’t say something ridiculous. I am still not over that guy that said that gnome had more content than night elf over the last few expansion.


As an independent event, this Tyrande fight was fine on its own. She did better than any other character in this setting at dealing with a woman who bodied the interim-LK; and wasn’t even phazed by the same chains that locked down every single other powerhouse we’ve followed. Even if she’s tuckered herself out, Tyrande also sowed the seed of again 
 the Jailor is lying to Sylvanas, he’s playing her. So, have Z abandon Sylvie at the end of the raid (depowering her in the process), and have Jaina and Thrall make good on Thrall promise and bring Sylvanas back to Tyrande “ALIVE” for judgement. Since Tyrande doesn’t seem to be in the raid itself.


And I have exactly 0 interest in being strung along for who knows how long until such a resolution appears. Considering it took 7 months for 9.1 to release, I recon 9.2 will take about as long. Yea eff that. Blizzard had their chance with this patch, and like everything else, they blew it. It’s just buildup heaped on buildup, for a climax I already know will be underwhelming and absolutely not worth it.


Most of those aren’t cinematics. They’re cutscenes.

If you wanna compare trash-tier ingame cutscenes to full fledged cinematics, AND ignore all the Sylvanas/ Nathanos/ Jaina cinematics 
 you are lying.

“Darkshore winning cinematic” lmfao are you kidding me


lol if the Sylvanas double cross is because of H Word instead of idk anything else, big oof

People are upset about everything.

It’s also really confusing because the next time we see her after this in the covenant campaign, Elune’s power is going out of control again so is it either limited or not? Why did it expire at that exact time?

I mean we know Sylvanas has to get away, I’d rather just her do it on her own rather than just by happenstance because the writers couldn’t figure out a more clever way to do it.