9.1 Tyrande cinematic

If you break an undead spine, they die, so if you choke with too much strengh you can : - Make them unable to speak AND break their spines.


First thought about the still: Are… are those tusks? Dear god, she’s turning into a Shadowmoon Orc … no one saw this coming!!

But seriously, nice cinematic. One was playing to kill, the other, for time. I’m curious to see where things go from there. The Nathanos part was interesting too… hopefully they don’t just forget about it.


Only person in this thread that understands anything apparently.


@Ethriel , is it time for the crying song?

Jumping giant distances with controlled flight, exploding glaives, dropping chains … good. And the ability to break Sylvanas’s neck with her bare hands. No one touched her that close.

@Dreadmoore , not Tyrande. Elune.

I love this movie. Tyrande could’ve soloed the Lich King, but she decided that saving the world was beneath her.


oh look it’s hot take of the day

Yea, the cinematic is well done. But ultimately, I just feel like Blizzard is stringing me along, and has since 8.0.

I’m not even sure i’ll do the questline to unlock flying. my investment in the game’s story is just anger at how awful it is, and how extremely unsatisfying it is. That’s not how it should be. I gave Shadowlands it’s fair chance, and it has let me down every time.

6 days left of sub. After that, who knows if i’m ever returning. Seems unlikely unless the writing team grows a braincell.


There’s nothing left but to hope it all happened because Elune willed it in order to save Tyrande and grant her and all other night elves something even better in the future but who knows. We’ll have to “wait and see TM”.


Would unrionically prefer that Tyrande die killing Sylvanas than this garbage.


I actually liked this.


It’s ok visually. I guess it’s supposed to be a part of “satisfying resolution” in 9.1 that the devs mentioned.

Out of context Tyrande re-stating her strive for justice is fine. Except it does not exist in the vacuum, so the follow up make it far less impactful.

Overall, it’s ok to build up hype in the people who want such emotions. But unfortunately then there is time to tie plot lines together, it falls apart.

Extra “do not get it” moment: in 9.1 Tyrande’s abilities are coloured and overall depicted in a colour scheme of Ardenweald. At the same time, in Torghast it looked like spell effects that I saw before - from mobs in Nazmir, Bwonsamdi’s necropolis. Why change? Not sure to be honest.

TL;DR: looks fine on it’s own. When combined with the other story bit’s it feels misleading and building something that does not exist in the game (Tyrande’s focus of her pursuit of justice does not exist past this cinematic, but the player might be led to believe in something misleading).

gl hf


So, its exactly like we thought? The lack of content surrounding Tyrande’s escape from the Maw was literally this cinematic. And it arguably had one of the best (though most anime ever) fights they’ve ever put in one of these things. And Tyrande didn’t get bodied, she had Sylvanas on the defensive the whole time, and even (surprisingly) got nice little emotional kidney punch in about Nate. We also still don’t know enough about Elune.


Um … but the current level of power was enough to kill Sylvanas. Not with one blow, but still kill. Why disengage when the purpose of the ritual is almost achieved?

OH nonononono someone doesnt know the rest of the spoilers

It’s not enough.
It will never be enough.


Yes, yes, yes… Not that they were trying to please us.


I agree and even though it was a really cool cinematic we were left to bask in our failure once again. I’m justr trying to find a good meaning out of all these nonsense.
We all knew Sylvanas was untouchable or at the very least not allowed to be beaten by Night Elves. I’ll just keep playing my new favorite game FFXIV and watch this trainwreck from afar and decide later if it’s worth to resub.


I was personally shocked when Tyrande turned towards the camera and said “Sylvanas I forgive you and give up my quest for justice” just like all the posters here said was definitely for sure gonna happen.


Again, reflecting on it after watching it and calming down.

Neat how Sylvanas and Jailer are barely on-par, considering they’re both powered by equivalent beings in the cosmology. Sylvanas was getting destroyed until the power went away, which is neat and raises a ton of questions.

Neat how they didn’t forget Nathanos exists. Hopefully he’ll make a comeback, dude was great.

Tyrande saves Ardenweald as was predicted, but a bit disappointed her collapsing wasn’t due to exhaustion from being in the Maw for centuries.


But this happens later, in quests. Isn’t this data unearthed?