9.1 Tyrande cinematic

Doesn’t matter, Sylvannas immediately got back up from being launched back by the Glaives. She was not injured.

No but it’s not being dominated by Tyrande like people are saying, because Tyrande literally doesn’t harm her in the slightest.

She tried to choke an undead.

It’s not just a matter of winning. I don’t think Night Elves, even after essentially always losing in some way in WoW until some human saves them, need to not lose battles still.

They need to stop ignoring our powers or downplaying us to make us lose. If you want us to lose, don’t make it because you’ve made us weaker than our lore actually says lol. Also because Night Elves having the same tragedy but with different locations over and over since Cata with no other modern progression… Night Elves were not set up as Tolkien Elves. They were not created to be a dying / fleeing race whose time is over. Their immortality was over, but their spirits and will were still extremely strong in The Frozen Throne, -after- Nordrassil was lost.

She didnt even see that sylvanas lost her objective to destroy ardenweald
why is it like this
Sylvanas fails part of her plan= still wins
but when the tyrande/alliance fails a part of her plan=lost

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I’m referring to a player mentality and expectation.

I recommend you rewatch the cinematic cuz you’re leaving out Tyrande launching like a dozen attacks at Sylvanas that she has to block and dodge.

“But uh Sylvanas shot 3 arrows at her over a course of 0.8 seconds so Sylvanas had the upper hand” zzzzz.

You keep mentioning it but this doesn’t actually matter.

Yeah, but her being injured doesn’t matter. You’re the one insisting she has to be injured to be on the defensive. I reject this premise entirely because it’s not what words mean.

she tried to break her head off

Nah they got the sigil from Ardenweald anyways.

Why. Tyrande can conjure weapons or burn her soul with moonfire, poetically making her feel Teldrassil’s pain.

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Rewatching the cinematic again (ugh) and it still looks to me as if Tyrande’s beating Sylvanas right up until the charge on her cell phone’s battery runs out. They both dodge a bunch of stuff but Tyrande still smashes Sylvanas hard enough to send her flying back, before meteor-tackling her straight to the ground when she tries to fly away. She even gasps for breath once before Tyrande finally starts burning out, so it’s not like Sylvanas was even able to make her own opening to escape until that happened.


so? Part of her plan was to destory ardenweald

Cause its cool

In addition, it was confirmed on Twitter that Sylvanas couldn’t melt into shadow and escape until Sylvanas was able to get Tyrande off her throat.

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People conflating strategic victories with physical ones and saying that the NW is not powerful because of something that has nothing to do with actual power or combat is really annoying tbh.

So the expectation of that subset of players is flawed and rooted in a perceived bias that doesn’t exist.


No, for Sylvannas to be losing the fight (which is how your use of defensive sounds, as Sylvannas is a decoy for Anduin and still shown to be attacking during the cinematic) she would need to be injured. If she’s being defensive, then Tyrande still has the same source of energy Wardens use to Teleport empowering her, so theres no reason she doesn’t just blink the distance away and keep on Sylvannas for the entire fight. She’s not even being an effective aggressor compared to what her lore abilities should allow her to be.

That’s cool but also its a standard you just made up that has no basis in language or reality.


Yeah, Tyrande throws a couple blows that don’t land and Sylvanas is dodging or blocking. The fight is like Tyrande doing 10 swings and then Sylvanas get pushed back, Sylvanas makes fun of Tyrande and how weak the night warrior is and then chains her, Tyrande talks about killing Nathanos, then Tyrande throws her glaives that do nothing and then Tyrande is unarmed and on the defensive at the end and needing to dodge and move away from Sylvanas. Then the horn blows and Sylvanas lowers her bow and doesn’t shoot tyrande who looks away from the fight.

Also I have to bring up the arrows because you were continually saying Sylvanas was on the defensive the whole time, which was completely untrue.

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I just find it hilarious so many Sylvanas fanboys resist the idea that their queen be forced to show even a moment of inconvenience or struggle in a fight. It is hilarious to witness.

Is it so traumatizing to see Sylvanas stumbling? Or gritting her teeth or breathing hard (even though she is dead) or anything to that effect?


I’d argue so is yours lmao. Sylvannas isn’t losing the fight. Per the cinematic, shes able to fight back, and is A DECOY while Anduin gets the Sigil of Ardenweald, which we see in the quest immediately after the cinematic. This is pretty clear, as it’s equally clear Sylvannas took no lasting injuries.

I don’t think saying that the bias doesn’t exist is quite accurate. Writing team biases absolutely exist, and in many ways mirrored the ones that pervaded Cata and MOP. There are biases towards their pet characters, preferred races, etc. You can tie that back to a LOT of dissatisfaction coming from a lot of corners.

… and, I think that the notion that this outcome was rendered nonsensical due to the needs of the character to participate further in the plot (plot armor) is among them, and the question turns to where plot armor is applied to advance what stories, for what reason, and crucially, whose benefit?

That is at least, my theory as to why I appear to be in the minority on this cinematic. Looking at where it fits, I still think that it was fine for Tyrande - but most of the community that I come from disagrees - and I think a discussion on the root causes for that is certainly worthwhile.

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hey you are good at math right?

Do you mind making a spread sheet of every attack and dodge that each character makes and make a comparison?
Honestly, I am open to the idea that maybe I am not interpreting the cinematic as it is supposed to be interpreted.

Because from what I see for every attack the other character dodges. They are equal the entire fight until Sylvanas gets tackled.

This is called being on the defensive btw.

This is “Nathanos is actually stronger than Tyrande because he lost but also the Val’kyr raised a Night Elf” all over again. Sylvanas being a decoy or accomplish part of her goals actually has nothing to do with the physical power of the Night Warrior.