9.1 Tyrande cinematic

That is what the word dodged means, yes. Good…job?

She does need to make an effort to dodge literally every other attack in the entire cinematic that you aren’t mentioning. Oh no Tyrande missed once, truly she is garbage and nothing else in the fight matters.

Message from Samariyu, who wishes to offer her sympathies to those upset by this cinematic.

“ Tbf, I understand their rage.

I, too, was filled with fury when my waifu, Maiev, didn’t elbow drop Orgrimmar from orbit.”


Yes, they are lying saying it’s a fact that Sylvanas was on the defensive. Jumping backwards is a defensive move.

Here is where you’re lying. It’s not a fact Sylvanas is on the defensive the entire time because in that clip Tyrande is on the defensive moving away from Sylvanas and dodging her arrows in addition Tyrande is now unarmed because she threw her weapons away.

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So what lasting harm has Tyrande’s attacks caused? Cause nothing visibly hurts her, even being blown out of the sky and landing with Tyrande on her.

She gets knocked back and instantly recovers. She recovers instantly to Nathanos being mentioned too lmao.

Also Tyrande did an over the top ninja backflip to dodge Sylvannas’ arrows.


Ok sorry she’s on the defensive 95% of the entire fight except for a very weak and ineffective attack. I am sorry to have spread such horrible misinformation.

Not relevant.


Explain how Sylvannas tanking every hit with no injury is not relevant.

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Because it has nothing to do with anything I said. That’s what not relevant means.

Sylvannas being unharmed by everything Tyrande does is inherently tied to your post actually. Cause Tyrande loses while avoiding being hit, Sylvannas takes hits and isn’t harmed. She’s also just trying to distract her the entire time. If Tyrande was pushing Sylvannas back, then it would have actually harmed her.


Yes, so Tyrande was on the defensive and at the end of the fight. Also the fight doesn’t last that long for that to only be “5%”, the fight is short and there are like 2 short melees before hand. Tyrande did zero damage to Sylvanas and at the end of the fight in that clip, Sylvanas chose not to shoot Tyrande, you see her put her bow down when Tyrande is unarmed after throwing her glaive.


Nelf fans: Noooooo tyrande didnt one shot sylvanas
Sylvanas fans :Noooooooooooooooo Sylvanas didnt one shot tyrande


Mind you theres multiple instances in lore of Tyrande being trained to fight unarmed, -and- being able to conjure weapons out of divine energy. But you know, Danuser prolly hasn’t read any of Tyrande’s lore LMAO.


Is your suggestion that Sylvanas actually used her incredibly ab muscles to launch herself off of Tyrande’s glaive, then, as a prank? Cause I’m gonna say no, she flew back cuz Tyrande hit her.

Wounds are not the defining factor or whether one is on the defensive or not.

This is a lot of cool semantics and “uhm ackshually”-ing that doesn’t really change the fact that no reasonable person can describe this fight as being evenly matched or being dominated by Sylvanas.


Tyrande does pretty good unarmed

I recently had a conversation in my discord on this subject, and as I was trying to thread the needle, going into the idea of the Wrathgate showing Arthas as being in a worse position after that fight. Now this analogy doesn’t completely work - but the idea here would have been that the fight should have done a better job showing that Sylvanas was damaged/rattled or set back in some way as a result of it.

The objection I received was that this would have made Sylvanas look less powerful than Tyrande, which would not have been fair to Forsaken fans - because despite that Sylvanas is no longer with them, she still has attachments. Notably this would have been an issue on the basis of Tyrande returning to the playable race, regardless of the cleansing ritual that would have taken place afterward - and on principle, no playable race should be put in a position of dominating another, which this in some way would have been.

I don’t like this explanation because that’s not a courtesy that’s extended to Night Elves, and certainly in context it hasn’t been. Entire RP communities were wiped away by Sylvanas’s actions, and so some measure of counterplay doesn’t feel out of bounds - and yet, with this matter as well as just about any other where a Night Elf win is asked for, it is considered too much.

The implication, and the concern seems to be that losing to Night Elves in something resembling an even fight is just too humiliating for the opposition to stomach - and therefore the idea that the Night Elves SHOULD ever win an engagement, of any kind is itself a special ask that will always, ALWAYS be denied. In this case because per the writing, the Night Warrior powerup gives out at the very last moment for reasons that remain unclear.

That’s not a very satisfying thing to think, as a Night Elf fan - so while I continue to think that the opposition to this cinematic ignores major points and is often over the top in its criticism, there’s a broader thematic point, and an issue that I think is going unaddressed, which itself ties back to issues with Night Elves generally.

If you can’t ever win, why play?


I can’t believe Sylvanas hacked into Night Elf players accounts and unsubscribed for them. Truly her evil knows no bounds.


I mean, your willful ignorance certainly doesn’t.


They exchanged blows and Sylvanas was ahead at the end of it. Tyrande only pushed Sylvanas back once, Sylvanas chains Tyrande, Tyrande breaks them and throws her exploding glaives that do nothing, then Tyrande is on the defensive. The fight was even with Sylvanas ahead at the end where she chooses not to shoot Tyrande when the horn blows (you see her put her bow down). That is before the surprise tackle. Tyrande wasn’t dominating Sylvanas at all, and Sylvanas didn’t even lose her composure, she just talked about how weak Tyrande was.

Yeah, but we didn’t see her do that. It would have been ideal to conjure those instead of trying to choke an undead at the end for sure.

I’m sorry, did you watch Malfurion job an entire caravan and suffocate an orc to death in mere seconds while sporting the driest pectorals ever wrought in cinema?


I wish the rp communities where wiped, why does everyone who I dont like still play?

If Sylvanas was stumbling with every parry and getting slightly cut with every dodge and being shown to be struggling to hold the parries and so on then that would been a far better indication of Sylvanas losing the fight until Tyrande runs out of juice.

If anyone wants to see this sword/glaive fight done cinematically, then watch this.
No Sylvanas shouldn’t die but she should struggle as Hector did.