9.1 Tyrande cinematic

Not really.
Its just inherently boring to watch a character effortlessly winning battles or other objectives over and over. Sylvanas gets more annoying because she does it in this really smug condensing way.
Once or twice fine but its become a meme at this point, over and over with the smugness and then she poofs away.

I don’t really see the point of her being presented that way so repeatedly. It wouldn’t have diminished her in anyway to show her struggling in a fight. As I said earlier Blizzard did it to Arthas in wotlk and it was great.

Alright I got bored of your weebing now boyo. If you love Sylvanas so much go write a fan fic about her killing my little gnome for daring to disrespect her coolness. Go to town, I don’t care.

Its the first one, hth

I’m aware but I’d like to give him benefit of the doubt.

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Okay this is nitpicking to some, but when the basis for Tyrande losing is ‘she ran out of time.’

Then why are you as writers forcing Tyrande to employ strategies that take too long, or do flashy moves like jumping 200 feet into the air when Sylvannas is like 5 feet in front of her. Why is Tyrande doing something slow like strangling an Undead, and not incinerating her with moonfire from her hands, attacking her from Shadowmeld (which is an elune given ability), using dead spirits or celestial weapons (both sides she has done in novels as early as October 2004).

Why is Tyrande seemingly intentionally attacking her in ineffective ways compared to what we’ve seen Tyrande has been capable of from the very beginning of Warcraft lol. And why are we making a fight scene for Tyrande and Sylvannas when they confirmed at the announcement of this patch, that Sylvannas is it’s final boss. There’s no stakes, because the ending was determined and announced. This cinematic never woulda affected the story even if Tyrande did win.

Death of the author, man. It’s a bad idea to make your character moment a ‘power up’ from 8.1 when you arent making her as powerful as she previously already was lol. I think they dont realize just what Tyrande has already done for 10,000 years prior to this 8.1 Retconned Night Warrior.


Because Tyrande had to fail to stop Sylvanas or kill her.
Which is fine. The show must go on but…

The problem with the cinematic was that someone at Blizzard refuses to allow Sylvanas to be presented in any state besides being in control of the situation, smug, and nonchalant in her effortless victories.

She did it Bolvar, Saurfang and now Tyrande. She does it half a dozen times in questing too. Sylvanas is somebody’s pet character at Blizzard and until that changes we won’t get anything else than this unfortunately.

But hey at least the Sylvanas fanboys are ecstatic at their goth queen’s latest epic victory. Right?

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I think the consensus is that it wasn’t a factor of time, but a decision by Elune to rescind some of the Night Warrior’s power before it effectively ‘overheated’ Tyrande and killed her; it was inconvenient timing, rather than an explicit race against the clock. Granted, both of those theories are purely speculative, but we may have a more concrete answer in a couple of weeks with the second cinematic.

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The question isn’t what will happen but what is the standing tradeoff

Tyrande traded her wellbeing for power

Sylvanas took eternal damnation for power (prototypical Faustian pact)

Oversleeping and turning into a furry


The worst price.

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Eh… While Night Warrior Mode was on Tyrande pretty clearly was pushing Sylvanas back. Even when Sylvanas thought she had the upper hand by pulling out the same trump card she used to wreck Bolvar Tyrande basically shrugged it off like it was mostly just annoying.

I believe Elune deliberately decided to prevent Tydande from killing herself in the name of vengeance, because she cares about her (it is already established Tyrande is especially favored and beloved by Elune), and she has a greater role to fulfill than petty vengeance.

That power Tyrande is carrying is going to be vital in restoring the lost Arednweald Sigil.


Tyrande almost dying? :sleeping:
Sylvanas damned? :sleeping:
Illidan turned into a demon?:sleeping:
Arthas turned into a zombie? :sleeping:

Malfurion oversleeping and becoming a furry? :scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream:

Then don’t make the cinematic. It’s the same issue with Sylvannas vs Malfurion even in 8.0. Night Elf lore character feats have always been the most stupid crap that blizzard is incapable of letting them ever use. Because even in the cosmic context, there is no being in existence that has Spirit that could resist something like Malfurion just sucking your life essence into a few pieces of wood and forming them into trees, like he did Xavius.

Im not advocating they do that. But it’s a bit blindly one sided to use these characters expressly capable of so many different things, and never let them do anything in their list of abilities per fear of your pre-established lore altering your plot.

See the issue is Elune’s established feats. Elune has expressly full control over her power, and could just make it non lethal. Or, counteract all harm it’s causing by healing Tyrande. Elune, through no action of Tyrande herself, previously formed impenetrable barriers around Tyrande to thwart people attempting to essentially backstab her. Elune is not necessarily just an observer giving Tyrande power… and ofc, it’s also important to mention that prior to 8.1, the Night Warrior was -not- some demon hunter personality ‘VENGEANCE’ spirit. She was a warrior aspect who honored valorous warriors with ascension into the afterlife… not the killer of warriors, in the Kaldoreis warrior culture origin of wc3.

It also implies that Elune cares more about keeping Sylvannas alive, than protecting the Kaldorei. She did nothing to save the souls of the dead in Teldrassil, despite the night warrior of WotA #2 expressly existing to ferry the souls of dead Kaldorei (and ofc, because blizzard ignored Wisp lore when saying nelves go to the Shadowlands but thats a deeper level of inconsistency.)

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As for an actual answer to it, I’d say Malfurion’s greatest weakness is that his power-source is directly tied to the Dream and any disruption to it effects him just as much as it effects the Dream.

Considering the Dream is corrupted or under attack every other expansion, his power is unreliable.

Interestingly, this isn’t necessarily true. Druids power is both the Emerald Dream and Azeroth, not just one or the other. Malfurion’s god powers, such as when he covered Azeroth in a gigantic storm to fight the Emerald Nightmare? That was both, and a lot of druidic spell like Tranquility explicitly draw on the aspect of both. But he is as much a force of the physical world as he is the dream of what the physical world could be.

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This is the problem with Blizzard’s story telling. They have to find a way to satisfy everybody and fail to do it everytime.

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Honestly, I don’t think they try to appease the Alliance players lol. Especially not the Night Elves. Ardenweald steals our lore and aesthetic to give out to other races. Vanilla took away our spine and ‘pacified’ us, moved us away from Kalimdor to give the Horde an easier time on the continent mechanically at the cost of our core wc3 identity. Our characters are borderline meme caricatures of themself now, or in Tyrande’s case, she’s now just Maeiv with Illidan’s theme of ‘dark power’ lol.

I cant tell who they’re trying to please in the Shadowlands. Dreadlord arent written with respect to pre-established lore, the afterlives themeselves arent… Kel’thuzad.

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Sylvanas is on the defensive the entire time, having no time to attack as all she can do is try to dodge and block Tyrande’s onslaught. Then Tyrande strikes her and sends her flying back. She shoots chains that are easily broken and then fires a few arrows that Tyrande effortlessly dodges (her only offensive moves the entire cinematic) then runs away. Tyrande chases her down and tackles her and pins her to the ground, whereupon Sylvanas only escapes because her NW powers leave.

Somehow human beings with presumably functioning eyes see this and think they’re evenly matched or that Sylvanas is somehow stronger/winning/effortless.


That’s not true at all:

Tyrande throws her exploding glaives and it Sylvanas doesn’t even react to it because it’s so weak. Also you see at the end Sylvanas also chooses not to shoot Tyrande when Tyrande looks away when she hears the horn.


I mean, she missed, so yeah they wouldn’t have done much. Goofy choreography sure, but that scene doesn’t change the fact that Sylvanas is on the defensive the entire fight and her only two attacks are easily repelled and dodged.


Well at this point you are just lying. You can clearly see Tyrande jumping back in that clip while Sylvanas is shooting arrows at her. Sylvanas doesn’t need to make an effort to dodge Tyrande’s exploding glaives because they do nothing, Tyrande needs to do a bunch of acrobatics away from Sylvanas to dodge some arrows. Then Sylvanas just stops shooting and Tyrande is disarmed.

Repeating saying “you’re lying” as you over-exaggerate Tyrande dodging an attack as meaning Sylvanas had an advantage after Sylvanas got knocked back, knocked out of the sky and strangled is a weird take.