9.1 Tyrande cinematic

Blizzard usually demeans anyone who goes up against Sylvanas. Sylvanas was just laughing at Tyrande the whole time and shrugged all her attacks off with ease outside of the surprise fly tackle. She wasn’t worried pretty much at all, even someone like the lich king seemed worried or frustrated at the wrathgate, Sylvanas did here though. If Blizzard wanted to show the night warrior was stronger than Sylvanas they could have easily done that, they chose not to though.

It actually totally is by definition.

No, but as I’ve said a few times, I’ve not seen any reason why she has to or why it matters that she does. She’s not the Night Warrior.

Yet, with all the complaining people been doing on social media, we still got a decent high quality cinematic. Just saying, it’s probably a good thing blizzard isn’t listening to us, if we’re judging just the story forum alone.

It most certainly is.

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We aren’t talking economics but about bodies.
If an athlete goes beyond their limit they will injure themselves. If someone consumes too much calories they will die sooner or later.
Considering Sylvanas is channeling and absorbing godlike powers that she naturally doesn’t possess must mean there is some sort of downside.
What is happening to her body as she channels so much power that Tyrande’s body who is also channeling godlike powers is breaking at the seams.

I mean if you’re really so concerned about it, this might be a good time to point out that Sylvanas’ body is canonically far more durable than a normal mortals.

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Then good. We have a canonical reason why Sylvanas is stronger than NW Tyrande.
She is a better vessel for it.

It’s not because we’re talking about power and the vessel holding it. We’re talking about tradeoffs between gains and expenses by said vessels.
You can’t shift tradeoffs to someone else like you can with money, that makes no sense.

Maybe if you removed your lust for Sylvanas, you wouldn’t be so delusional to blindly make things up to justify why she’s the strongest and best at everything.

Is this you projecting your issues on me because I said you couldn’t handle Sylvanas being shown as inconvenienced for 5 minutes in a cinematic?

Nah, I’m tired of your projecting. You keep talking about how amazing Sylvanas is and do everything in your power to sing her praises.

Post a picture of the crusty body pillow on your bed, bro. It would give context.

Durable in terms of physical resistance to disease and wounding, not magical tolerance.

Also the effects on her mind should be worse since undead start out poorly in that area.

So you are mad I called you out for your body pillow fascination of the goth edge queen haha.
“But you guys~~~!!! Sylvanas got pinned down! so she lost ok!! she was just smug… half the time!!! Sylvanas can’t lose any harder ok~~~!! Tyrande is so stronk for surviving such a legendary duelist! She was the ranger general you know! just the swrongwest!!! uwu”

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I’m just enjoying your blatant hypocrisy.

Are you the guy who keeps posting comments on Sylvanas rule 34 about how you wish you could “punish her”?

It explains much with your fascination.

Not really an in-universe distinction. When Jaina throws a magical icicle at someone it’s not killing them with special magical damage thats totally distinct from physical damage like Pokemon or something, its ripping a giant hole in their chest.

Only if you think the power must effect her mind, which again, I see no reason that it should.


Art is good, animation is nice, although the actual moves are odd. Story is a mess and has a couple contradictions with the remaining story related to the night warrior arc, which makes me think communication in the company is a mess.

So, depends on how you look at it. “Don’t think and enjoy” - yeah, it’s fine. For the narrative it’s rather meh IMO because the main goal is to keep people busy guessing things with next to no pay off as usual.

I’m not in the game dev, I have limited SW dev experience. From my angle I go in a totally different direction - regardless of how good anything is, if it does not serve (blessed be) the Purpose of the software - it has to go.

So no, customer satisfaction to me is more important that dev wishes, likes, dislikes, and so on.

Community creates out of disjointed story bits much more interesting things than what I saw in the last year in the game.

No, it is explicitly stated in game and outside, that the Purpose (be blessed) of the selfless sacrifice of Tyrande is justice for those who could not defend themselves.

Also, when you say “vengeance”, would you kindly add exact definition that you imply? tyvm

gl hf

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That’s how blizzard write Sylvanas, that is why she has been in the last three expansion cinematics and why she so easily defeated the lich king. Why Tyrande needs a power that is literally killing her just to go even with her in a fight (a little behind before sylvanas flies away because Tyrande lost her weapons).

Pointing out how much Blizzard favors a character at the expense of everything else isn’t about even liking the character, it’s pointing out the obvious favoritism in the writing team for a character.


ugh cringe bro cringe.

You know if Sylvanas struggle for 5 minutes doesn’t make your super duper awesome goth queen any less cool.

Arthas got dunked hard in Wrathgate and he was still an awesome villain to beat later. I implore you and your weeb heart. Let Sylvanas have a little more failing to her. It makes her more human… I KNOW I KNOW she is a undead elf, calm yourself its just a saying.
But give it a shot ok? It might make your edgy goth queen more interesting to a wider audience.


Her cost isn’t immediate because, we can presume, it’s in the form of a debt. The Jailer has granted her power for an explicit purpose and there are consequences far beyond Tyrande’s own for failure. Sylvanas may be a vessel better suited to contain a cosmic level of power, but it doesn’t suddenly make Tyrande weaker when they contest each other, nor does it mean there isn’t some cost associated with it. I’m sure this answer isn’t satisfactory, because at the end of the day, both of your issues don’t seem to be with their respective power or the associated costs. It just seems like a classical case of “dead lady bad.”

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You can try being ironic but it doesn’t stop the fact that the entire time you’ve spent on this thread you’ve been on your knees singing praise to Sylvanas and calling everyone who celebrated her being beat as a “Sylvanas simp”.

The fact you can’t detect irony is evident by your prior post history but I’d like for you to sit back, reflect and realize how this is probably the most basic form of irony. If you can’t comprehend that, you’re either a pathetic troll not worth acknowledging or your brain got fried due to doing nothing from cooming for years.