9.1 Tyrande cinematic

He has to constantly train and practice a druidic way of life. The Emerald Dream was a big cost towards achieving his druidic success.

And Malfurion does get captured a bunch of times, wounded, sick and other maladies.

Sylvanas has the console cheat codes! Nothing affects her lol.

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Time, many many many centurys of time. Such an amount of time that tyrande don’t expect to have another child.

Thats the price malfurions power take.

Yeah, I forgot about it. The Nightmare is also a big cost to his power, as it affects him easily being a druid.

Wait is that why Tyrande doesn’t have a kid? Malfurion is infertile?

I’m not sure the night warrior is more powerful than Sylvanas. They were even when fighting before Sylvanas flies away and then gets surprised tackled. Maybe that was another boost to the night warriors power, but when they were fighting Sylvanas had the upper hand at the end because Tyrande threw her weapons away and was just dodging arrows. It seemed more that Sylvanas didn’t expect her to be able to fly and then got surprised and pinned down. The night warrior didn’t demonstrate any really impressive powers beyond that and they were even when fighting on the ground.

Malfurion was almost 8000 years nonstop in the dream.

After the war of the sartyrs he started sleeping and after this he is barely mentiod until the third war

Still leaves 2000 years to snu snu the amazon lady.

I’m sure if Tyrande sacrificed a few billion souls to a death god she’d be pretty stronk too. Should get on that.

Why do you keep idolizing Sylvanas so much that you do everything to demean everyone that goes against her and uplift her above everyone?

For someone who loves to call others simps for defending Sylvanas, you do everyone’s work for them.


So did you change your mind that Sylvanas is canonically stronger than the Night Warrior?
Makes sense she is playing in the home field.

I am just stating what I see lol. I don’t need to make up facts to make myself feel better lol.
Sylvanas and Tyrande were equal in the fight until Tyrande ran out of juice. Thats what we saw lol.

You know, malfurion was only awakened in dire situations, there was no time for snu snu it seems

Nope, but you guys are the ones whining about how Sylvanas power has no cost, but that’s a pretty hefty one right there.

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Thanks for providing that answer. That leads me to my point: when we talk about cost, it can be an explicit cost or an imputed cost. Since you’re defining cost in time investment terms, consider the presumed cost of Sylvanas’ power: eternal damnation–she made a literal deal with the devil. And if their plan doesn’t go accordingly, that’s probably not good for Sylvanas (disregarding any deus ex machina’s we can predict to get her out of it). Cost is not limited merely to immediate payment, but can be incurred through debt as well. Sylvanas’ cost may therefore be presume to be a debt owed. Tyrande is not endanger of spending an eternity in a parallel of Hell should she burn herself out on the Night Warrior’s power; Sylvanas, however, is quite literally on the edge of night.


Aparantly she never thought of Selene’s approach to the problem.


For others to pay, sylvanas must only kill them ^^

Cost to herself though? Any indications that she is struggling to control the power just as Tyrande struggles?

Killing others is not a cost to your power. Might be a cost on your conscience, perhaps.

Costs are often paid through others. Exchange of debt is a basic principle of economics.

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This isn’t economics.