9.1 Tyrande cinematic

Both characters dodged each others attacks. They were pretty neck and neck the entire fight.

Sylvanas has 0 costs to her power, and they constantly allow her to keep on par with higher powered characters.
So, no, we didn’t reach a mutual conclusion.

Yeah but like, who cares though. Like why does this matter.

Also “higher powered characters” like who? Bolvar? Lol.


And on the other side exist enough examples that to break the spine would be enough or shot one

Cata- Sylvanas
Undead Arthas.

Blizzars isn’t consequent in this regard

It matters because of double standards. By the writers, and by posters.

Eternal damnation in a barren wasteland of suffering is a price to pay

Contrary to popular belief, it is not better to rule in Hell!

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Having two different characters be differently powered isn’t a double standard, it’s…normal stuff that exists in most fantasy stories. Be pretty boring if everyones powers worked the same and had the same effects.


Sylvanas used her actual powers on Tyrande and she completely shrugged them off, I don’t think hitting her would have made any difference. I feel like Elune preventing the killing blow is important, it wasn’t just the writers needing Sylvanas alive.

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Im talking about costs to said power, not the power itself

Do you really think sylvanas will end in the maw? I mean forewer really judged and send there, no mercy, no expection, dammed for all eternity? I don’t think so

Sylvanas is the pet character of the writers. If Tyrande got mud on Sylvanas’ shoes I am sure they would count it as a great epic victory lol :rofl:

Yeah but again, who cares? It’s not the same power, it’s not the same ritual, it’s not the same spell. Why does it need to function the same?

That was pretty much her approach to life.

Back in college her roommates complained about her finishing off the last of the pizza and she’d say…

“Nothing lasts”.

People got broken up about the cancellation of Twin Peaks after it’s short run and she was walking about saying…

“Nothing lasts”.

When the Silvermoon Sluggers ended their winning streak against the the Arathi Bears she was first among the fans to say…

“Nothing Lasts”.

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Non of them died because of their spine and even if, that’s not how you can break one, at all. It was clearly a chocking motion.
It’s excusing stupid writing. Nothing more, nothing less. It looked so very silly.
Chocking a undead is simply stupid, that’s what it was.

“But I am Forever”

Is it a double standard that Warlocks need to drain life to power Fel while mages don’t need to do that for Arcane?

Is it a double standard that Frostmourne stole Arthas’ soul while Apocalypse didn’t steal the PC’s soul?

Is it a double standard that the Holy Light requires faith to use but the Void does not?

Are these unfair things that need to be fixed, or are they just different things being different.


And Tyrande threw her glaives as moon bombs at Sylvanas and it didn’t even phase her.
I think its established now that if Tyrande is the Elunes Night Warrior then Sylvanas is the Jailors Maw Warrior.

And its clear Sylavanas is stronger than Tyrande in the fight. If I had to headcanon it, it would probably be because Sylvanas is fighting in the realm of death so her godlike powers dont hurt her as much.

If the duel was taking place in Life lands then the Night Warrior would win the fight against Sylvanas.

It is a double standard when people keep throwing the “costs” word around for one character but not the other.

And everything you mentioned above does have costs. They are not equal costs, but they are equivalent costs.

What’s the equivalent cost to Malfurion’s power?


There’s no real cost to Arcane or the Light, first off.

Second off, I don’t know how many times I need to explain that the Jailer’s power and the Night Warrior are entirely different things and you’ve not really given any sufficient explanation as to why they must function the same.

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