9.1 Tyrande cinematic

Well, she just lost to the Night Warrior, so probably not.


Did she? They seemed pretty even until Tyrande ran out of gas.

Sylvanas is bound to WoW Hell and is about to be defeated in a raid in a few weeks how is that not a drawback lmao

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If someone is on top of me choking me out and I seem unable to stop them or remove them, that’s called losing, yeah.

Elune’s power and the Jailer’s power are not the same magic and not the same spells, so they work different. Pretty easy to follow.


This. /10chars

Those uber chains that Tyrande countered in three and a half seconds, even before she went super saiyan. Must feel pretty bad to be Bolvar after that, tbh.


Tyrande tackled her from behind and then Sylvanas peeled Tyrande off of her as Tyrande collapsed.
Thats not a great showing of strength by something that is supposedly much stronger.


Life and as we see it, death, aren’t fair.

“The lucky ones like Pharaohs get to go in pyramids. The rest of us travel steerage” - Rhorshack, Watchmen

Doesn’t matter that Tyrande countered them because Tyrande does have costs to her power.

Sylvanas still is very powerful with no costs. She just isn’t as powerful as a NW who is at full strength.

You know when Sylvanas said “Nothing lasts” about tyrande’s power… all I could think was " except your own powers for some reason"… should’nt that logic also apply to her?

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To me it comes across as less of a life lesson than a edgy DM suspiciously always rolling a nat 20 for their pet character

Thats not really a drawback. She will be overhelmed and defeated because the player + bolvar + jaina + thrall defeated her. A drawback would be a price to pay for this power she use and wield.

And bound to wow hell if the boss of wow hell your alli…means literally nothing

“Sylvanas beat the Night Warrior because when Tyrande wasn’t the Night Warrior she lost, after winning as the Night Warrior.”

Stunning logic.


Indeed as Sylvanas and Tyrande were pretty equal until Tyrande ran out of gas but Sylvanas’ superior god powers did not giving her the win in the encounter.

Its just logic, nothing stunning about it.

So Tyrande is more powerful and she has a higher cost associated with that power. Glad we could come to that conclusion mutually.


Yeah, almost like Elune removed her powers so she wouldn’t die, while the Jailer did not do that. Kind of a key thing.

Again, this is what happens when you look at everything as just “who numbers bigger!!!”


but not enough to win the fight so really she was weaker.

It’s like people are willfully ignoring that Tyrande shrugged off everything Sylvanas threw at her. Sylvanas didn’t win she just avoided getting brutally murdered.


We see a nw is more powerfull then sylvanas, but sylvanas with all the souls is more powerfull then…normal tyrande. Deal?

So I guess Sylvanas was so strong that the normal Night warrior power could not defeat her so Tyrande had to blow herself up like a nuke to kill her? Not a good showing for a superior power.

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The copium is real. It’s a silly excuse. You don’t break a neck while you are choking someone and you don’t kill a Forsaken with that. You know the spine is looking out of their back already and they can live as they are decapitated (Traveler).