9.1 Tyrande cinematic

The end result would be the same, you would have broken the entire spine around the neck.

call it…crushing the spine…broke the neck…it means the same thing…the bones in this area would be broken.

Zahir. Enough. Lol

It’s an anime fight with inconsistent magic rules and incorrect physiology that is just meant to look cool.


The pressure is going to be mostly from her thumb to index fingers and she is on top of her pushing down so all the pressure will be on the front of the neck not really hitting the bone. Whereas the spine is in the back.

Choking is probably more dramatic looking, so they went with it. I’m not even sure if he knows she’s actually a ghost just haunting that body and not really her physical body.

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“Tyrande’s metacarpals have the strength of an elephant you see.” -Zahir probably


And if Tyrande acted on the body with an assumed force of 100 Joul /finger, it would simply smash into the body like a bullet thanks to pointed fingernails and thinning limbs…so yes, purely physically, if you wanted to go absolutely wild, it would be possible (and of unlimited physical capability) to accomplish this.

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Thats not my argument, the elephant was an example to show you…It is INDEED possible to break a human neck in such a position…to crush the entire spine with pure strenght easy…humans are fragile beings

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Has anyone seen those shoulder muscles? This is what Tyrande was training for her whole life to accomplish.

Decapitate sylvanas with her bare hands.


And what exactly did this accomplish. Remove Tyrande completely from this entire expansion and the only thing that changes is her appearance in this cinematic. Literally every single thing still plays out the same. How are you missing this?


If that was the case she would have done damage to sylvanas immediately, you actually need A LOT of pressure to break a spine by squeezing it, something like a car running into a brick wall at 30 mph. That’s why to break bones it’s usually a twisting motion. But Tyrande would have overpowered Sylvanas if she had that kind of crushing power, but Sylvanas took no damage from being choked by that kind of “pressure”.

Obviously he is probably just defending the decision to have her being choked, which is what was happening, but you can say the “magic” was going to break her neck, not her physical strength.

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Still more relevant to the plot than Baine and Thrall


I didn’t say it would succeed, I just said in a purely physical circumstance…yes it would be possible and yes it would require extreme forces to accomplish(No human being have such an amount of strength and pressure). And as far as we know, Tyrande only tried to break her neck that way, I never wrote anything about success.

Thrall met his mom and got a confidence boost. Thats pretty good.

If by more relevant you mean equally irrelevant; then yes. But at least they’re not even trying to pretend that Thrall and Baine are getting huge scenes when they’re not. All 3 have equally had zero consequence on the entire story of Shadowlands, but Tyrande has had zero consequence on the story as a whole since 8.1 in BFA, while they simultaneously try to sell us that she’s important and powerful with stupid flashy stuff like this, that end up being ultimately meaningless.

Think about it, remove the character entirely from the story in your mind. Does anything change? No; then why are they there in the first place? And why is Blizzard trying to convince us they’re important and that this is good story?


You would think tyrande would know how to break a bone. If she was really trying to “break her neck” she is probably dumber than we know. She should know how to fight.

turande not being in shadowlands wuld mean u wuld need 2 find sumting else 2 cri about

boo hoo hoo thrande didnt kill the patch boss IM SO SAD


I think it’s to be understood that she really has the power through Elune…to really accomplish this physical challenge and break through her neck…head on, even if it seems illogical at first.

Go to your room.


Not really, that kind of force has never been demonstrated from the night warrior and it probably wouldn’t effect her banshee form anyway, since breaking the spine Tyrande though should know how to fight and how breaking necks/bones. Also breaking the neck is also about effecting the brain. Since undead have no blood flow it doesn’t really matter if her neck is broken it doesn’t seem like it would kill her.

Sure blizzard can make up whatever rules they want, but here I think they were going for rule of cool above anything else. They likely forgot Sylvanas was a banshee haunting that body and that undead don’t need to breath or other physical functions needed to run a brain.

You’d have to rewrite at least a third of Ardenweald’s covenant story. Maybe Ysera would get axed too since she seems to only exist as a teaser for Tyrande about how she’s going to be the savior of the zone.

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