9.1 Tyrande cinematic

“And then the Night Warrior’s power fails and Sylvanas grabs Tyrande’s wrists and slowly forces them off her throat with a smug look and says something really cool and then she leans up and kisses Tyrande and-”

“Mister Danuser please… you promised to only use the PG versions of your fanfic.”

“Can Ysera still show up?”

“Only if she doesn’t do anything but roar.”


Danuser really is that teenage DM with the weeb character that for some reason always roll good enough to succeed at whatever they are doing.

my mom and dad ty for saving my life

We never loved you son.

The secret ingredient is cheating.

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It’s all good! Since you know now, we can laugh about it together which is always fun. :stuck_out_tongue: Better to share the joke, yes?

I enjoyed the cinematic. I was cheering for Tyrande the whole way.

“Yasss stab her in the feels by mentioning dead Natty-B…oh girl you didn’t know???”

“Yasss choke her out. FINISH HER.”

Too bad Sylvie has a future appointment as a loot pinata in the next raid.

Man, you use too many words to say absolutely nothing.

Tyrande Whisperwind says: The time has come to reclaim our home. Maiev, you will command our forces.

Maiev Shadowsong says: You place much faith in me, given our… history.

Tyrande Whisperwind says: We cannot dwell in the past… not with our very future at stake. Lead our people to victory as I sate the Night Warrior’s wrath.

Maiev was also the leader of the Warfront that the night elves won, so… whereas Tyrande was nowhere to be seen.

The Night Fae covenant sends you through Ysera to rescue night elf souls. Even if you weren’t doing the Tyrande scenario, you would eventually rescue them. And more importantly, again Tyrande being the NW has nothing to do with this. She can aid them the same way the other heroes do, such as how Renathal travels through the Maw, or Vol’jin.

And killing him helped her people how? He was already discarded by Sylvanas and the Jailer to sulk in the EK and was effectively useless.

Irrelevant to the fact that she can do all the things you listed even without the NW power up. As for the Maw, the player rescues souls so she can enlist the player. Right now her only link is associative, not causative, so I don’t really see in what form the souls being rescued is linked to her power-up, especially as a “pay-off”

The story shows nothing of the sort. I don’t know what you’re talking about tbh.


I think he is just coping with whatever is given as a win. Its a natural human response when faced with trauma.

I think you’re confusing ‘delegating’ with ‘not leading’ (see below). I hope that single sentence doesn’t intimidate you like paragraphs do.

You have to rescue Renathal from the Maw and Vol’jin’s power is severely limited there. Bwonsamdi even says “hold tight ta dem threads and don’t be fully manifestin’ ya spirit in dat dark place” because otherwise Vol’jin risks being condemned there. Tyrande has no obstacles like that. If you can’t see how the Night Warrior’s power affects her ability to dominate the challenges she faces in the Maw, I dunno what else to tell you, man.

Vengeance? Isn’t that what Tyrande is after?

Can she? Possibly. I’d argue that some things, like reconquering Kalimdor, can be done without the Night Warrior. Others, like surviving alone, unhindered in the Maw, are far less likely, as evident by literally every other mortal NPC being captured and abused while there. Regardless, the Night Warrior offers tangible benefits to aid Tyrande in accomplishing her goals, whether it’s on Azeroth or in the Shadowlands. I’m not sure why that’s a controversial topic, besides having a personal beef with the Night Warrior’s narrative that blinds you to objectivity.


Nope. She GAVE Tyrande those powers, Tyrande may have demanded them but she says “Make me the instrument of your vengance” and Elune gave her those powers.

Another thing if you think Tyrande forcefully took those power from Elune, which is weird, Elune could have just taken them back at any time she wanted. Your argument makes zero sense because Elune was allowing her to have those powers in the first place and allowed her to have them for as long as she did, to accomplish NOTHING.


You know the more I read complaining about the story the more I realize that nobody actually complains about the story, they complain about made up headcanon they assume happened or is going to happen


tyrande tried to break sylvanas neck…it had nothing to do with breathing.


I cant believe people needed to be even told this

I thought she was going to squeeze enough until her head popped off.

You don’t break someone’s neck by putting them in that sort of chokehold position tho, you’re only putting pressure on the blood vessels and respiratory tract.

Not to be all “Christopher Lee explaining to the LOTR team what direction blood splurts in”


It’s stuff like this I wish blizz just the extra 5 minutes of research so we could appreciate it lol


Well, that depends, it would take such extreme strength in such a …situation to break through it literally with your hands, which a human person doesn’t have at all, but it would be possible with enough strength.

? Zahir no lol

It’s like attempting to break someone’s spine by punching them in the stomach

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He maybe means crushing like her wind pipe, if you were breaking a neck you would be twisting their head. Breaking the neck refers to breaking the spine. Tyrande only had her hands around the front of Sylvana’s neck, so probably like crushing her windpipe which she doesn’t need.


You don’t understand, bones can be broken, humans cannot develop so much strength to break through the bones with bare hands in such a situation, but its not physically impossible, you would only have to have enough strength (What no human being can have. But an elephant can break your neck that way, it would have enough strength in its trunk).