9.1 Tyrande cinematic

Relatively more plausible, maybe, but one way or another, Elune let all of the others die and unless an explanation is offered, I feel like the default stance would have to be neglect if she was strong enough to intervene afterward and chose not to, especially since Thiernax’s thing was specifically about trying to stop old gods, instead of pursuing revenge. If someone had to make a value judgment of which one had to live and die, I’d have thought he’d be a better pick.

It’s probably not meant to be something you think too hard about, but that’s kinda the purpose of this forum, lol.

But she isn’t cleansed personally, you’re distributing the power among 3 other vessels. You’re recreating the ritual Thiernax started but with three former Night Warriors, instead of one single non-Night Warrior.

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The current cinema, which you can already see, shows that they fail and Tyrande still starts to go nuclear…that’s why Elune intervenes.

At the moment, with the information we have, I think the below are the most likely scenarios:

  1. The pact Tyrande made is almost out of fuel by way of natural progression (per Sylvanas’ ‘dying embers’ comment), though this would contradict assumptions about the Night Warrior’s power inevitably consuming the host.

  2. Elune’s power is being stretched thin or tempered somehow (as Sarm suggested), though if this is the case, I don’t expect much further clarification on it until well after 9.1 and that is unfortunate.

  3. Elune took Tyrande’s comment of “my life for hers” simply as a sign of conviction, not a contractual obligation. Perhaps Elune thought Tyrande could handle the burst of power and was willing to let her try, but when Tyrande’s moon-o-meter hit the red zone, Elune hit the ‘Abort Misssion’ button.


I would say it begins with Tyrande flying away. Why not simply use star fall and hit Sylanas back to the ground or annihilate her? But sure, why not, still… ok-ish, even if over the top for my taste.

Sorry what? The avatar of vengeance had always the look of a wardens. It is a dark image of a warden. Yes even in the original WC3. No Tyrande is not wearing anything resembling warden armor. She is finally closer to her WC3 look and not the awful dress she always used in WoW.

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In Reforged, they’re purple with astral-looking highlight.

I know and? How does this change anything?
Or is it really about the purple highlights and not the armors look? Well then… what ever I guess.

This thread turned into even more of a crapshow than usual.
It’s cleaned up by now but what was up with everything like 100 posts ago

Thiernax already saved his people when the NW consumed him. Tyrande’s case has 2 differences:

  • she didn’t really do anything for her people with the NW power, and they already suffered a genocide
  • Elune’s sister herself intervenes when Tyrande is saved, which could’ve something to do with it.

And the funny thing is, she is closer to Illidan in this cinematic, in her expressions, dialogue, fighting style and tattoos.
I swear they copied several things from the Gul’dan kill cinematic. I’m just glad they gave her some of her dark blue hair back.

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She led the reconquest of northwest Kalimdor, killed Sylvanas’ chief lieutenant, and plunged solo into (basically) Hell where she aided in the freeing of her people’s souls from eternal damnation. Seems like a pretty big pay off.


No no, you misunderstand. In reforged, they were all starry. I’m making a joke about her starry makeup.

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No. Maiev did.

Nathanos in the EK has nothing to do with her people, he was already discarded.

And the player rescued the souls, not her. She didn’t have a way to get them out.

And most importantly, she didn’t need the NW power for any of this. You don’t need power to lead an army. So no, it isn’t “a pretty big payoff”.


Or simply shoot an arrow with Elune magic .


Most frustratingly lame story telling from Blizz ever.

Why even show any of this if you’re just going to let Sylvanas get away with everything, Blizz?

And oh, you’re about to kill our Mary Sue, sorry your power just ran out at the last second. LMAO so lame.

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They needed Tyrande to tackle her and for her power to fail so that Sylvanas can peel tyrande’s hands off of her in the most overpowering gesture possible.

I see! My mistake. I was Way off, now I see what you meant.^^

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I’m sorry, what do you think Tyrande was doing in BfA? Anduin says she didn’t response to any of the missives he sent to Darkshore because she was pretty preoccupied. If you’re simply interpreting Maiev’s role as the warfront leader as indicative of Tyrande having some lesser role or being absent in the actual reconquest, then lol, I guess?

She aids the player in slaying the soul amalgamation and then instructs them to be the bearer of those souls out of the Maw. Her presence in the Maw has a direct impact on the fate of the souls of her people, including their acquisition by the PC. Given that Jaina, Thrall, Baine and Anduin all fell prey to the Maw’s dangers, but Tyrande was able to survive alone, we can presume that it’s at least in part as a result of her empowerment-–pretty self-evident given the literal path of slaughter she cut through the place.

Nathanos was an active instrument in the genocide of her people. He fits pretty neatly into her obsession with vengeance, in no small part influenced by their conflict in Darkshore during the War of the Thorns.

Considering the Night Warrior’s power was historically used by the night elves as a tool of conquest, I’d argue that it certainly paid off to have a Night Warrior while they were retaking their homeland. Likewise, as I pointed out above, Tyrande’s the only faction leader to have survived (and arguably thrived) in the Maw’s conditions. It’s self-evident that the Night Warrior’s power is at least partially responsible for her success there.

Arguing that the Night Warrior’s power meant nothing is laughable when the story continuously illustrates that being the Night Warrior has contributed to the accomplishment of most of the goals she has striven for. Sylvanas’ death is, at this point, merely the last on the list yet to be checked off.


wehn i was 15 i was diagnoced wiht a rare form of diabetes

dokter said 2 me dat i had 3 months to live

mom cri and dad cri but they give up on me and i beg to dokter

is tehre anything i can do to prolapse my life

n he said u need to suround urself wiht angry crying neck beards

tihs was back in 2018 b4 bfa

thanks to bfa and blizz i found the sf i get to live long

mom and dad ty al

If we don’t see it, it doesn’t matter.

So was the Horde but they got a pass.
Besides is imagining what Tyrande was doing really the finale we need for this story’s conclusion?