9.1 Tyrande cinematic

The nightwarrior is a beast in power. Its oneshot this huge beings who kills us with easy. Its almost killled sylvanas in a 1to1 and sylvanas was helpless and must ran away.

(We player need help of multiple npc’s and need 20 times more people as tyrande)

Details matter. Context matter. Assumption is a decent story as one of goals.

I can only mention that video fro Preach once again.

“Wait and see” and “lower expectations”, etc. is how we got what we have.

Up until 9.1 that was the whole point of the story - Tyrande got the power in her seek of justice for those who could not protect themselves. And she payed this price for her people: power that cost the life. And everyone who used it (with a possible wiggle room about ancient times) died.

That’s what made the story have stakes. That’s what brought the possibility of cause-effect. With those things removed, when things happen because it was convenient or someone decided that turn to be “cool”, that smashes the story and investment apart.

There will be those who find interesting story lines. There is at least 3 million people who will pay and support the game no matter what happens. There are people who only play blizz games. So, the devs will be fine for some time.

gl hf


I don’t know what else there is to say as others have pointed out. An over-the-top spectacle that appears highly choreographed and both parties doing things that don’t make any sense(Tyrande throwing her glaives away to make pointless smoke and Sylvanas not shooting her in the back when she’s turned around staring) and what we get out of it is Tyrande doesn’t control her own powers and Sylvanas hadn’t thought about Nathanos until he was mentioned. Of course, this could all be perspective.


Not sure what beast your talking about since I’ve killed those big armored louts on my own as well.

Sylvanas was not helpless and didn’t have to ‘run away’. She wasn’t there to fight Tyrande (or Ysera). Sylvanas did her job of distracting us and left.

I don’t think the implication is that she didn’t think about Nathanos, but rather she assumed he was just still alive up on Azeroth. The Jailer is hiding his death and soul from her.


I was pretty curt with it, but I think whatever she left him to do if anything(like Raselle was pointed out) or just leaving him behind, he wasn’t really at the forefront what what she’s been doing since her arrival in the Shadowlands.

Even someone that hasn’t been on your mind for years, learning they are dead can still hit you hard. We just know she hasn’t spoken to him or tried to speak to him since then, or Zovaal has been telling her, “He’s busy.” Either way, she got over it pretty quick and back to bantering with Tyrande.

Because they only needed to her to care for a brief moment before they got back to showing that they’ll never let Tyrande be powerful.

Now they have something they can point to and go “See we foreshadowed this!” when they give Sylvanas the redemption arc they’ve been leading her to this entire time.

Y’know. Cause sometimes genocide is a good thing according to Blizzard.


Sylvanas: Zovaal, how could you keep Nathanos’s death from me?!
Zovaal: He’s dead?
Camera cuts away to a ditch in the plaguelands.
Nathanos’s Head: This sucks. Someone put me out of my misery.


Considering you’re the one who keeps bringing up how people are attracted to a dead body when nobody else is, I do believe you might be projecting.

Or is the fact a horse isn’t involved enough for you to not find it attractive?


So you might wondering how I ended in this ditch with my head cut off.

Well thats a long story…

Queue the theme song
A few patches ago…


Tyrande stealing the look of the Wardens smh. They did it first with the Avatars of Vengeance in Reforged.

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The fight was so extremely anime that even Final Fantasy XIV is looking over here and thinking, “Damn that’s pretty anime.”

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As far as the factors we are discussing here are concerned, characters fall under the category of story. I’m also not sure why you would mention faction tribalism as being something exclusive from the story.

If by Story you mean “narrative”, then I could see that, but Story in a video game is a much larger concept than just what the plot is.

Getting back to the thread topic, it’s become increasingly obvious that I’m in the minority on this one at least where the rest of the Night Elf community is concerned. Looking over at some GD threads and some other sources, I’m seeing some pretty similar sentiments, and I think my error may be summed up like this.

I knew going in that Sylvanas was going to escape - because she must be there for the raid.
I knew going in that something was going to happen to Tyrande that was going to cause us to have to save her.
I knew going in that something was going to restore Ardenweald’s sigil, and reveal something about Elune.

What I didn’t know (and still don’t know completely) was how they were going to get there. In terms of the “tactical” ways that the cinematic used to get to those points, I feel that it did rather well and portrayed Tyrande as powerful.

However, the cinematic also did some things because the “strategy” - or the long term narrative goals, forced it to. Elune’s power ran out (and no, I don’t buy the idea that Elune was sparing Sylvanas or trying to save Tyrande - not when she gave Tyrande the ability to fly to bring her down in the first place) so that Sylvanas could escape for the raid - and this is what I’ve seen get criticized. To paraphrase one GD poster on the subject.

“Fight Good. Ending Ungood”

Which, okay, fair enough.

My pushback to those people is that criticizing the strategic direction of the plot is different from asking how a cinematic treats the characters given those needs - but your point is, however, well taken. We certainly should not accept that things should “just happen” because the plot demands them to, and Elune’s power running out does look a lot like that.

Some questions that I will have going forward:

  • Has Elune been restrained in some manner? And will further content resolve that?
  • What significance will the fact that Zovaal hid Nathanos’s death from Sylvanas have?
  • In the almost certainly pending Sylvanas retribution (what are those pitchforks for?) how will they get us around her inexcusable actions?
  • Tyrande allegedly keeps the Night Warrior powerup, resolving it as a threat while allowing her to keep the benefits - what does she do after that?

I could fill in the blanks with pessimism, and many already have. I sympathize with your position, and I’m very VERY far away from “all is forgiven”, but I do want to see the answers to those questions, and I see some possibilities after this cinematic that I didn’t before.

Please explain to me how Elune could come out of power if she later reveals even more power and neither the Winter Queen nor anyone else could do anything about it?

Elune had to intervene herself. I don’t think the implication was that Elune had too little power.

Tyrande didn´t die, she jumped in the sky.

Please explain to me how Elune could come out of power if she later reveals even more power and neither the Winter Queen nor anyone else could do anything about it?

Elune had to intervene herself. I don’t think the implication was that Elune had too little power.

I think this is a question that is best directed at Blizzard. I have it myself. I just don’t buy the idea that she would put her star pitcher on the mound only to yank them midway through their windup.

She saved Tyrande, right, it’s not about Sylvanas.

I don’t buy that explanation as I just described.

If she was saving Tyrande, then what was the point of honoring her life-for-life request by letting Tyrande bring Sylvanas down in the first place? That looked like the harder ask than simply finishing the job when she had Sylvanas pinned.

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Sylvanas said herself, Elune take it from her. It was a conscious decision, it was not an “Oops, no more power”.

Especially since it later shows how the Night warrior makes even an Eternal One look old, unleashing a power in pure Strength that requires Elune’s personal intervention to save all of Ardenwaeld, including the Winter Queen.

(three Night warrior, an eternal one, all of them were useless against Tyrandes Wrath in this moment)

The impression I’m still leaning toward is Elune weakening for whatever reason. It could be an intermittent issue instead of it being a gradual decline, like a flickering light bulb or something. Because it’s kinda weird that among all of the Chosen Ones who called for NW power, it’s only Tyrande that Elune apparently gets cold feet about losing and cleanses her personally later on. Sucks to suck for Thiernax, I suppose.


This doesn’t answer my question.

This I see as a more plausible explanation.