9.1 Tyrande cinematic

The cinematic in it’s own is ok, yes.

In context of SL… we did not See much of Tyrande until now and I simply die not care for the Story.
Can SL be over already?

Yeah, she definitely did not have an opportunity to consider that since Cata time. What would we do without Anduin. Sylvanas, Saurfang, Tyrande, all of them.


“Wrath is my alone” - contradicts what happens further in the story.

I mean… do people there actually have some communication about the direction of the story?

Some time ago jokes about “multi-dollar company” looked like jokes. Sadly, this quality of story telling is worse than a solid part of indie games.

gl hf


The paert of Tyrande joking an undead (and no not breaking her nek lol) was really stupid though. No idea what drugs the ones responcible are on.

Undead durability has been retconned several times. For all we know, they need more air to breathe.

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One cool thing some seem to not know: Tyrandes teeth are indeed not new and were the Norm for Night Elves in WC3.

We don’t. They still don’t need Air. But yes it is rather silly how fragile the Forsaken have become with retcons.

I look at some of the complaints about this rather awesome anime level cinematic and honestly ask myself What’s the problem?

Said it once, I’ll say it again, some you guys need to chill and lower your expectations by a lot. Trust me, it’s harder to be disappointed when nothing shocks you anymore :wolf:


The animations were nice.

Tyrande attacks.
Sylvanas dodges.
Sylvanas attacks.
Tyrande dodges.
Sylvanas does the chain attack. Its useless.
Tyrande does glaive bomb attack. Its useless.

So far both sides are equal.

Both ladies fly DBZ style. And Tyrande finally gets the advantage and pins Sylvanas down.

The problems begins here.
Tyrande loses her power in yet another unknown reason.
Sylvanas pushes Tyrande’s hands effortlessly.
Tyrande loses, Ysera comes to the rescue. Sylvanas says something smug again and leaves.

Once again we have another Sylvanas fight encounter where she is smug the whole time and poofs away.
The Night Warrior power seems to have just put Tyrande at Sylvanas’ level but it has draw backs and limits hence the failure.
For people who have waited years for a Night Warrior power display this was a pretty sad showing unless fighting Sylvanas 1 on 1 and surviving is something to be grateful for.


Thats the thing so many of you are still failing to understand, we KNEW Sylvanas was going to survive this because she’s the final boss of the Chains of Domination raid.

Like, can you guys THINK for a change instead of instantly complaining? None of this should be a suprise if you been paying any sort of attention :wolf:


Consider this Micah.
What if every time that Tyrande’s glaives struck Sylvanas’s blades it made her stumble or buckle?

What if everytime Sylvanas dodged an attack she was a little slow and she got scratches on her and maybe some damage to her armor.

What if when Tyrande is about to cut Sylvanas’ head off instead of choking her undead opponent some Jailor minion interrupts the fight and Sylvanas gets away.

An exhausted Tyrande kills the intrussion but collapses from the exhaustion as she loses her powers. Ysera saves her and end scene.

Same outcome.
Completely different showing of strength and the biggest change here is a Sylvanas that isn’t smug and effortlessly poofing away for 100th time.

What do you think? Is it asking too much?


She DIDN’T give Tyrande the power. Tyrande forcefully took it.

I think the reason the Night Warrior power waned is because of how deadly it is to the wielder - we know that eventually each Night Warrior is consumed by Elune’s power and dies unless its removed. Before Tyrande flies after Sylvanas like a meteor, she says “my life for hers”, as if saying to Elune she’s okay with dying as long as Sylvanas dies too.

I think Elune withdrew the power because she didn’t want Tyrande to die - faced with a “punish the innocent to get the guilty too” or “spare the guilty to save the innocent scenario”, Elune chose the latter.


If that’s the case then they also got gills at some point. Seriously I don’t know how people play with WM on with other races. AFKing underwater is the only safe bet.

Guys, people remember now. Think about it, Sylvanas gets power from the entire cosmos, through the Jailor, every dead one strengthens her and yet it clearly showed that Elune A) neither reached her limit in power (she will absorb more later, as we know) and B)…despite this all-power that Sylvanas gets, Tyrande is neither portrayed inferior, nor is she inferior, I would even say she is superior. Sylvanas tries to run away…because she can do NOTHING ,absolutely nothing against the Nightwarrior. Elune stops Tyrande from killing her true…and this is a plotarmor, but…sylvanas feels for one moment fear…before the night warrior power vanished. And her last comment is "nothing lost forever…if that an insult…or a truth?

Later on, little Spoiler, Tyrande will so much power absorb, that even the winterqueen and the night fae and all the night warrior can do nothing to stop her and it is elune who intervene…to stop this threat.

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Why is it that Sylvanas can channel so much unlimited power with seemingly no down side but Tyrande is reaching critical mass before going nuclear?

Well, yes actually, since they want the last boss of the raid to seem like a big bad formidable opponent that you need an army of heroes plus Thrall and Jaina to even stand a chance against. If you put Sylvanas on the ropes in this cutscene then they’d need another patch or two to build her back up to being something like a threat for the raid encounter - or at least that’s how blizzard tends to handle such things.

It’s be like complaining that Jaina didn’t beat down Arthas in the Halls of Reflection right before Icecrown Citadel opened up.

Why is it that Sylvanas can channel so much unlimited power with seemingly no down side but Tyrande is reaching critical mass before going nuclear?

The difference between an Undead channeling Death energy in the Death elemental plane verses a living person burning out their life energy for a power boost in the Death elemental plane? Seems pretty straight forward to me.


Because Tyrande has much more power under her hood than Sylvanas despite all those souls and jailor powerup.

Tyrande if Elune had done nothing would have wiped out Sylvanas.

Means Sylvanas just isn’t on the same powerscale as Tyrande, advantage of that, it doesn’t kill her (though, she is actually dead).

A single Nightwarrior is more powerfull then the entire powerup of all souls in the cosmos…get this…elune channeled more power into one mortal then the whole sum of all souls of the cosmos

edith: If this has proven one thing, it is that the Jailor has not yet reached his goal and that there are still enough “divine opponents” who will be more than dangerous to him.

the night warrior works a bit differently…elune gave the power to the night warrior…and it is indeed almost unlimited power, but this raw power is too much for a body to handle…it burns down the body…because its too powerfull.

Either way, it’s the difference between someone using the power that is inherent to themselves and to the realm they are in and someone else using a power that is alien to the realm and to themselves that is burning them out.

Yeah I get the power of Elune is too much for Tyrande and that’s probably why it’s less reliable than Sylvanas’s Jailer given power boost, but acting like an undead being comfortable (and has no downsides) channeling the power of death is weird or wrong is kind of a ridiculous.

Its the raw power of elune that threatens to kill someone. Even sylvanas have limits how much power she is able to wield

Probably. Not that we have seen those limits yet. Probably will in the raid.