9.1 Tyrande cinematic

Did you forget to type more than one sentence in your troll responses? No? Carry on.

there we go.

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How clever you are Finninbas. I bet if you keep posting single-liners and knock-off memes for another few years that eventually Warcraft’s story will go the way you want…probably…some day.

Or Blizzard will just do whatever they want to do and nothing we say here matters.


Thank you.

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You have yet to address the considerations I put down, but you are continuing to make the error.


  1. Story has been found to be a statistically significant factor. Prove it. Show me peer-reviewed articles studying this phenomenon. Show me that it is automatically as important in one game as it is in another. Different games are different with different audiences and different goals. Only one or two developers even employ professional authors or even industry-level “writers.”

  2. Mimesis effect. No one is assigned their role in WoW, it is completely self-selecting. If social and gameplay reasons cause more players to choose a particular role that is one thing. No one is assigned a role, or a race, no one. No one at all. The end.

  3. Ceteris Peribus is utterly irrevelant in a live MMO.

  4. If the theory you posit here is true…then that is something for the Blizzard Marketing department, C-Dev, and the lead devs to consider. It also is far more…faaaar more likely to be the result of gameplay related reasons than story.


Are you having a stroke? Should someone call an ambulance?


Oh gosh…I’m sorry Finninbas I cannot teach you to read. You’ll have to ask some whiney Night Elf roleplayer/forum troll to do that for you.

Here you go. htt^p://web.csulb.edu/journals/jecr/issues/20083/paper4.pdf

Your retort misses the point in a manner that looks intentional. The effect happens whether you choose your role or not was what I said.


Their marketing department is aware - that’s why the marketing hypes up the story and sells expansions on the basis of changes that are taking place in said story.

Well whatever makes you sleep comfortable at night.

A very used sylvanas body pillow

Not my first guess but maybe a third.

Kyalin…have you actually read this study?

This is like a senior thesis level of study. And story ranks just above sound in this study which is the only aspect that does not positively correlate to player enjoyment.

Story ranks just after…sound.

No, sound was not found to be statistically significant in that study. Look at Table 3.

She never read it, best part it doesnt even really fit with wow

Why is katiera and kaleanon acting like such shills all of a sudden?

Ahahaha shills, maybe you shouldnt pay 15 bucks a month to argue with a bunch of nerds about a game you hate


I’m acting like a shill because I’m sick of whiny babies (cough cough) dominating the story forums and reddit and everywhere else and ruining everyone else’s fun.

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If you are so sick of yourself why dont you do something about it?

So your opponents are everywhere?

Do you think that might be a sign of some quality issues?

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