9.1 Tyrande cinematic

I doubt flying changes anything because of the way Shadowlands is designed. The fact I’m still forced to ride flight paths to go to different zones is horrid.


I am considering moving on to ff14.

The cinematic here made it quite literally impossible to call ff14 weeby.


FF14 is fun provided you don’t pvp. As someone who pvps, it’ll only ever be a side game. WoW is unfortunately the uncontested PvP MMO.


Tyrande flies now. XD

I mean…I’m more well-educated than you get give me credit for. I like Sylvanas, that puts me at least at the top of my class.

Also if the abstract does not lead to real-world actualization than what good is it?

Most players want to be Elves but they choose to be Dwarves because of societal pressure? Ridiculous.

The only logical conclusions is that most well-adjusted “normal” people do not care.

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FF14 is weeby

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No no…FF14 is really deep… really really deep. Like you just don’t get how deep it is. It’s just so deep. Like…did you know that good guys > bad guys? Seriously. Think about it.

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You can be well educated in one thing and display a complete lack of understanding in another. Your commentary displays such a lack when it comes to discussing marginal impacts of factors on decisions to purchase.

Are you…are you actually accusing me of not taking intro-level economics classes because I am disagreeing with you on the World of Warcraft story forums?


Yes - because you’re making errors that I wouldn’t expect from someone who did.

I like that video. Blizzard did a great work on it. We need more videos like that!
As for the video it self, Blizzard did a good job by satisficing both sides. First Tyrande clearly defeats Sylvanas, but later it all turns out a plan of Sylvanas, and without Ysera Sylvanas would win.
Both girls wins this day. Go, go elf girls! :wink:

Regarding the question why did Elune took her powers in the last moment - I think its hidden in the words.
Tyrande told “It is time, my life for hers”. And Elune canceled that trade, because maybe she loves Tyrande and don’t want her to die. Or maybe she just still need her for some future plan.

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I will admit Kyalin you leave me flabbergasted. I have no idea how to respond to that. On the one hand it has been well-over-a-decade since I took intro-level econ and corporate accounting courses, so I’m sure you’re much more immediately familiar with the concepts. On the other hand I know that economics is an imprecise science and imprecisely describes human behavior so as to be useless beyond modeling and forecasting.

So I’m taken aback. Do I respond and say “Oh no you didn’t!” Or do I say “Ummm…actually”

I just don’t know how to respond.

So thank you. Truly. Thank you.

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And it was beautiful. Part of the joy in playing Vanilla was learning alongside everyone else as you went along. Glorious. An experience that can sadly never be recaptured in this life.

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Well the gameplay is more fun than wow.


Ah yeah boy, that 2 (3?) second wait between button presses is super fun! I know I love getting together with 8 strangers to skip through cut-scenes and awkwardly dodge well-telegraphed aoe attacks because otherwise I’m stuck in A Realm Reborn 2.4 for days on end because I still have hundreds of hours of pointless filler quests to do before I can move on to the expansion I bought 2 months ago or pay real life money to skip…Are we having fun YET??


Well, let me leave you with a few things to chew on then.

First, as I have discussed previously, Story has been found to be a statistically significant factor in video game enjoyment.

Second, for role-playing games in particular, a thing called the “Mimesis Effect” has been observed to exist, which is the phenomenon of peoples’ behaviors subtly molding to “role play” characters, whether they selected the role or not.

Third, as you are aware, we use the concept of ceteris paribus to isolate movement around other factors to ask what the marginal impact of movement in one factor is to something like the equilibrium price of a good.

Finally, one of the more famous “decision points” discussed in Microeconomics is the production problem - MC = MR. I’m not sure if you got into intermediate micro, but these inflection points crop up all over the place in producer and consumer decision making. For WoW, that inflection point could be read as the point when marginal satisfaction dips below the marginal cost of maintaining a subscription. Returning to the prior point - if we hold all else constant, would declines in the quality of the story cause a number of people greater than zero to trip that inflection point? Almost necessarily. Returning to #1 - is that group of people small enough to ignore? Not likely. Regarding #2 - are role play considerations important in that? Yes.

Also, what do you mean by “Corporate Accounting” - do you mean Financial Accounting or did they literally propose an entire course on nothing but 1120s, diluted EPS, and accounting for dividends?

Tell me you never made it past level 30 4 years ago without telling me you never made it past level 30 4 years ago.


“I love FF14 so much I pay Activision-Blizzard $15 a month just to whine on their forums” that’s what you tell me everytime you post.

You are adorable (no offense), I’m so happy that I’ve learned this about you. It explains so many of your OPs.


First time I’ve responded about FFXIV. Considering it came up like 5 posts ago. Keep up the dishonesty though.

Also I pay 15/month to do Classic TBC content with my guild and laugh at people who defend Blizzard cinematics because they’re physically attracted to a dead body.

Did you forget to take your meds today?

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