9.1 Tyrande cinematic

Well besides that this pretty much the conclusion of the Night Elf revenge plot against Sylvanas?

Nothing much left to say.
All thats left is the Tyrande “lets go back home” storyline.
Sylvanas starts to rebel against Jailor and redemption storyline of 9.2

But this is definitely the end of line for a Night Warrior fight scene or power display. We wont get a rematch that much is for damn sure.
There will not be a Garrosh vs Thrall fight for Tyrande.

So, these are predictions - and while I don’t want to shelve the concern over those, they a) are not yet assured, and b) are also out of scope for the conversation on this piece of material.

I’m gonna say something you’re not going to like. The entirety of the RP community is a drop in the bucket.

Again, subscribing or unsubscribing to World of Warcraft because of story decisions you do not like says more about you than it does the Blizzard devs or their story decisions.

John and Jane Everybody watching this cinematic loved it and wants more and may even resubscribe for a few weeks to play through the 9.1 storyline, heck they may even stick around for an LFR or two. Maybe they’ll be naughty and buy a 6 month with a mount.

See where I’m going here?


The seeds of a Sylvanas rebellion is already there for anyone too see.
Nathanos will be the trigger to cause her rebellion just like Baine rebelled for Jaina’s brother.

Blizzard won’t waste money on making another cinematic with another Tyrande vs Sylvanas fight. Thats redundant and a waste of money. So if anyone wanted to see a Night Elf power fantasy on display this was it.

The Tyrande/Night Elves take violent revenge plot is over.
We might get a post raid Sylvanas dying to players and Tyrande following us like Velen did but thats about it.

Maybe they should have RPed harder.


That sounds like weird timing but oh well.

Then why complain about this particular cinematic? Knowing it wont be Sylvanas’ end anyway.

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Literally almost all RP scenes died during BfA, it was worse than WOD at its peak drought.

Almost like nobody was happy with the expansion.

Because Sylvanas was grinning and dancing her way towards her win like always?

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9.1 looks so uninteresting i might not even resub. I mean raidlogging in classic aside.

I dont have much to do.

go troll someone else.

I really think this is minimizing the impact. Do recall that WoW is a Roleplaying game, that the Mimesis effect is a thing, and that story is a statistically significant factor in video game enjoyment.

I can link the sources for those statements again on request. But in summary, I think that people trying to undercount what race, class, and faction identity mean to people are missing a lot of what motivates people to play this game.


Don’t resub then?

All you do is post one-line troll comments on here. I think we’ll be okay.


Tbh, it isn’t bringing my guild back. The drought killed all interest in Shadowlands and I doubt I’ll be able to get into the raiding scene unless I find a new group of people.

I’m hoping my pvp friends come back from classic and want to give arena a shot because I doubt 9.1 content will last me more than a month.

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What’s the most popular priest race in Vanilla/Classic at level 60 Kyalin? Dwarf and Forsaken respectively. That’s not for story reasons. No one wants to play a Dwarf over a majestic Elf. No ones wants to be Gimli over Legolas. But that’s what happens because this is a gameplay-first MMO.


Yeah same thought.

But i doubt 9.1 will last me a week.

Outside of timegating.

I mean raiding in tbc with my guild is kinda fun… but that is only 2 times a week.

I’ve got increased work schedule and Canada Day coming up so this week will fly by, and I’m a completionist on my mage that tries to max all reps so that’ll be something that’ll keep me busy for a while.


Kyalin will never admit that people go for op racials and she’ll never admit that people didnt know how to play the game back in 2004

I guess. I am only looking forwards to next week because of flying anyways.

i liked the cinema, its show pretty good how huge the night warrior really is and how easy even a being like sylvanas can end in a bad situation.

And Tyrande didn´t really fly, it was a jump. like Rastakhans Jump to the tip of the Pyramide after Bwonsamdi granted him his power, Elune gave Tyrande the power to jump so huge above the sky, that she was able to take sylvanas with her, to the ground.

I still don´t think that 9.1 is the real Night elf Solution Plot, its only a shifting in the Situation, the Night warrior is partly gone, but sylvanas will soon lost her power aswell…so she will not get the souljuice anymore. In other words, she will go weaker aswell and we will see a rematch, in the future.


The error that you’re making is acting like decisions over play are driven by just one factor to the exclusion of others. I stated that I would not attempt to teach microeconomics to you so that you could get the abstract contours of this point - but I would pick up a textbook on such for further reading.

No human decision, from an everyday purchasing decision to your decision of what to eat for breakfast in the morning is driven by just one factor.