9.1 Tyrande cinematic

I don’t blame them, have you seen this thread? The Yaaaas Goth Queen cacophony is deafening.

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You’re fooling yourself.

The majority of players do not care about the story one bit.


Oh yeah, when empowered Tyrande couldn’t fight Nathanos on her own I knew the night warrior power was pointless and only existed to give night elves black eyes because blood elves got yellow eyes in 8.0. Then they shoehorned her into SL to be a pointless side story, because she didn’t even show up to fight Sylvanas in 8.2.5.


Do you have anything of value or are you just going to be a toddler throwing a tantrum?


It’s not as much a “Yaaaas Goth Queen” cacophony as it is a “Tyrande didn’t kill Sylvanas. I’m mad. Cinematic bad and dumb >:(” cacophony.


I honestly expected a Achilles vs Hector fight.
Both strong but Sylvanas’ blade just a little slower, her body a little more sluggish.

As the fight goes on Tyrander’s power is getting more and more out of control and at the breaking point She is stopped and Sylvanas escapes bloody and bruised.

That would have been satisfying and this would get us ready for her de-buffing thats coming up.

But instead we got this… well at least the Simpvanas people are happy. Thats what is important here.

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Of course they dont. Noone on this story forum cares about the story. aside from blizzard maybe 100 people in the world actually care for the story.

That is how hard the story has driven people away from the Warcraft universe.

Why would you expect Sylvanas to die during this cenamatic?

So, I opened Youtube on my phone today, and it served up this headline:


That does not suggest to me that the average person can look at this and conclude that Sylvanas edged out Tyrande - and again, optimism is not my usual path to take, and I have serious problems with this story.

I think that headline is pretty accurate.

Now, I will admit that I’ve got “Dewey defeats Truman” in my head as well, but look at the cinematic. Sylvanas was on the defensive the whole time, and her mystical chain thing that led her to beat Bolvar was something that Tyrande just straight-up broke. Now, why did the Night Warrior run out? We don’t know yet, but the idea that this was a bad showing for Tyrande makes no sense to me.


The story hasn’t driven anyone away from the Warcraft universe, or if it did that says more about them than it does Blizzard.

This is a gameplay-first MMO, it always has been, it always will be.

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The fact that we only have to wait a few weeks to probably get answers is a positive thing, IMO. Leaving it without answers until next patch would be insane considering how next patch might not come around until next year.

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what makes you think that?

You are acting like the story and the gameplay are one and the same.

They are not.

they are barely connected bar quest text etc and the “Whys and hows and whats”

No they are not the same.

I’m saying if you were subscribed to Warcraft for the story alone…what are you doing? Why are you doing that? There are so many better story-based games and story-based MMOs (not to mention books) out there.

World of Warcraft is not a game you pay $15 a month for for the story bits you get every 6-12 months.

And everyone who says “do what I want in the story or else I’ll quit” rings hollow.

Do you really believe people subscribe or unsubscribe based on their character or race dejour? Again that says more about them than Blizzard.

Give it next week. Normal raid will be done by then.

Why expect a “one over and out” for Sylvanas? Especially considering she is one of the last major threads from Warcraft 3 left. Like it or not Sylvanas was always going to have a long path to conclusion.

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Some do, yes. Or some are pushed over the edge by bad content for them.

Not that I’d expect to teach you microeconomic theory, but it’s what I would call a factor in an equation measuring the marginal effects of changes. If said changes push someone over their personal threshold, that results in a departed customer.

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Next week is raid ending but Ardenweald campaign won’t continue until subsequent weeks.

Obviously. But what has happened with the story is that it drives people away from the Warcraft universe because it is getting worse by the patch.

How can Story being so terrible that it makes people want to ignore or feel apathy for the story not say something about the writers? How is this a problem you blame on the other half?


I was expecting the raid to basically be where she falls but you just said I didnt.

I watched an entire RP community vanish over the course of 8.0 to 8.2.5 until I eventually uninstalled retail myself. An entire slew of veteran RP Guilds just gone because your waifu and your power fantasy were deemed more important than an entire subsection of the player base.