9.1 Tyrande cinematic

Oh god this guy.

The problem is that Sylvanas is so godly in her strength that knocking Sylvanas down is such a great feat of power that Tyrande was about to explode like a moon nuke.

Yep. Sounds about right. Haha.

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You’re literally the one bending over to justify how her weaknesses aren’t weaknesses.

I get that you’re just the epitome of a salt but come on, you’re the one going out of your way to defend Sylvanas at every step.

You’re looking for reasons to be upset because without it, you’d have to develop an actual personality.


Sylvanas fanboys are a different breed of cringe.

“Tyrande managed to touch my queen! What more can you want!!!???” Lol

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“Sylvanas got the crap beaten out of her”

“lol look at the simp defending sylvanas”



From landing on the ground with Tyrande’s hands on her throat at 2:08 to 2:16 when Sylvanas realized Tyrande had run out of steam. 8 seconds of strangulation that seemed like a threat. 8 seconds of “Holy crap! Is she actually gonna do it?!” Just to have smug ol’ Sylvy be like, “Nah, you a loser, lolz.”

Feels great. AZURE SPHERES.

(you guys get where we’re coming from right? It is, as Smallioz has already said, pretty well understood that Sylvanas wasn’t going to die, but that some distress beyond a slight discomfort on her face for a second would have been better)

That’s… a lot of information. Is this from datamining? How much is supposition?


I 100% do not get where you’re coming from. If you believe Sylvanas is the villain of the story then her being super-powerful and not dying in a .1 questline cinematic is not at all surprising. If you do not believe Sylvanas is the villain and that she’s just going to be redeemed…then endlessly whining about a forgone conclusion is a pointless activity wherein you only make yourself and those around you miserable.

I literally do not know what the point is of whining about an awesome Blizzard cinematic except to be miserable and make everyone else miserable.

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In the interviews leading to 9.1, they constantly referenced how they’re excited to see how people will react to Sylvanas and her story moving forward after 9.1, which presumes she’ll survive.

The Tyrande quest chain was available on the PTR and fully playable.

You, Tyrande, Shandris and the Night Fae unite the former Night Warriors which perished from Elune’s power or were slain due to being corrupted by it. You meet up in Ardenweald to distribute Tyrande’s power across multiple vessels so she doesn’t go nuclear in a ritual, which from what was playable had you contain Tyrande as they siphoned her power.

In the ending of the quest, the Winter Queen appears and demands to know why her sister’s power is in her domain. It cuts away to a black screen, which is what happens as a cutscene placeholder.

After the placeholder cutscene ends, Tyrande’s power was successfully calmed down so she won’t get overwhelmed by it and the Winter Queen mentions interacting with Elune. A new Tear of Elune is created in the process.

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God these cringy Sylvanas fanboys are so damn cringe.

Anyway before I do something useful like going to sleep.
Tyrande makes some attacks. Sylvanas dodges. Sylvanas attacks. Tyrande dodges.

So far so good? Ok.

Tyrande gets distracted and Sylvanas flies away. Tyrande intercepts
The FIRST time Tyrande has some domination over Sylvanas in the fight annnnnnd Tyrande loses her powers and its GG.

Do you want to see a real losing fight?
Here. Enjoy.

This is what I kind of expected but Sylvanas to live thanks to some magic escape.

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The fact you think I’m a Sylvanas fanboy shows you haven’t paid attention to my presence throughout the years.


When it talks like a duck… walks like a duck… its a duck.
Paid attention to you over the years? Lmao who do you think you are?

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They’re jealous that Tyrande got to place her hands on that cold rotting flesh and they didn’t.

I don’t want Tyrande, or any character in WarCraft, to have Worf Syndrome. I’m not looking to make anyone miserable, just arguing with other nerdy types on which super hero is cooler/better.

Huh. That could be neat.

So Night Warrior got the NEs back Darkshore and that’s about all it accomplished? Yeesh. Thank you for the info anyways, I will go about staying off the forums for a while so I’m not tempted. :slight_smile:


Not everyone fits into your neat preconceived categories. Some of the people I’ve agreed with the most on here are anti-Sylvanas types who appreciate Blizzard’s storytelling style and how hard their teams work. I have no respect for not respecting the hard work the working devs put into this game. Just throwing around insults you read in some streamers chat or on GD.


She still has the power but it was evenly distributed across three vessels, so she’s at least 1/4 of what it was. Which is probably still demi-god status but without the drawbacks.

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She didn’t really accomplish much at Darkshore with the night warrior power. She did a lot of the work before getting the power, then she just froze a base and then was saved from the shredders by Malfurion, then she failed to stop Nathanos and needed Malfurion’s help to fight him, then he got away.

She didn’t even participate in the warfront so we have no idea if she even did anything in Darkshore after failing to stop Nathanos.


One of the most fervent anti-Sylvanas people on the forums.

I just hate her for actual reasons than your head canon or like Nelfist because she’s a woman.

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It accomplished nothing that couldn’t have been accomplished without it. And the few things it was supposed to be able to do it utterly failed at allowing Tyrande to do.

I mean they did tease that the Night Warrior power was only as strong as two valkyr ladies.

So we should have taken a hint then.


Uhuh I am sure you think you are.
So is the Sylvanas body pillow made in China or Taiwan?

Wish blizzard could get a hint that a majority of players have been tired of sylvanas since idk. sometime in bfa probably.

Was expecting a “one over and out” but it looks like its world of sylvanascraft

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